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i work for a Center for Independent Living in ND and we would like to utilize a few of the Modules to work with people with disabilities on developing there leadership skills. How do I purchase a copy and what are the fees?

              Thank you, Beth, for writing to us at Ask an Advisor. We applaud your work with people with disabilities, and especially your interest in training them in leadership skills.
              As to the specifics of your question, we do not sell printed modules of our materials.  On the other hand, under certain conditions (e.g., for workshops) you can download whatever modules you want and duplicate them for local use, without charge.
              We have a “Use Policy” on our website that gives the details of how this  works, at http://ctb.ku.edu/en/use-policy. We suggest you read it, determine how it relates to your situation, and proceed accordingly.  If you have more particular questions, please let us know.
              We hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you. Thanks very much again for being in touch, and all best wishes for continued success in your work. 

Question Date: پ., 01/04/2018