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Question: Hi, Thank you for all the helpful information on the website. I am a student at Athabasca University. I am using Chapter 4 Section 2 in a paper. Do you know how I should cite the url below in APA 7th edition format? Thank you

  Thank you for writing to us. A suggested format for citing Community Tool Box materials in this case would be:

  Community Tool Box  (n.d.). Chapter 4, Section 2,  Communicating information about community health and development issues.  Retrieved from , [insert date of your retrieval] 

  (FYI, the “n.d.” above indicates that no date of publication was cited in the original source..)

  Additional style format guidance is given in the APA Publication Manual, as well as in other online sources you may find through a simple search engine query.

  Best wishes as your studies continue.

Question Date: Sun, 02/27/2022