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Question: Hello

Thank you for your modules on communication planning. Do you have any suggestions on how to practice writing a Communication plan so you feel ready and confident about preparing plans?
Where can I find startups looking for someone to help them write their (simple) communication plan to start with.
Finally, At what part of communication planning should the company use facilitation services?

Thank you for your help and suggestions

   Thank you for writing to us with your question. Our basic recommendation is very simple: The best way to practice writing communication plans is to practice! As with so many other things in life, we get better with practice -- and that is surely encouraging to know.

  In real life, since we are not aware of any centralized listing of start-ups, we think there’s value in starting locally. See if you can identify some local groups or organizations whose goals and values you share.  Perhaps you can then find a person or persons there to provide feedback on a sample plan you might write. If you have more time, you could volunteer to help them on their planning; or if you have more time still, you could apprentice yourself to them for a while, and learn how plans take shape in real time in the community.  

   You can find further details by reviewing the sections on planning in the Community Tool Box, especially those in Chapter 8. (See the Tool Box table of contents.)   But basic planning concepts are not complicated. As we see it, they boil down to identifying what needs to happen, who will do it, and by when?  Or, in shorter form, “Who will do what by when?”  The other key ingredient is making sure that those concerned buy into the plan, so that they will implement it properly ad abide by the results.

   Regarding facilitation services: Two key junctures in plan formation are when you begin to create the actual plan, and when your plan is ready to be tested in the real world. Facilitation will be especially helpful at those times, but outside facilitation services may not be necessary, as inside resources may suffice.

   We hope this much may be helpful to you. Thanks again for writing, and all best wishes as your investigations continue.

Question Date: Thu, 05/05/2022