___Your organization wants to register voters because:
- It helps to build a strong democracy
- It increases the power of your organization to influence policies
- It increases your involvement
- It helps people to realize that they can have an impact
- It can be educational and self-esteem-building
___You have found out if you need to be deputized before you can resister voters by contacting your Election Commissioner or County Clerk.
___If you are not allowed to register voters, you have considered other things to do:
- Encourage people to vote
- Help people obtain and fill out the forms
- Participate in get-out-the-vote campaigns
___Your organization has decided to register voters.
___You have appointed someone to coordinate the activities.
___You have set voter registration goals
___You know what the local registration rules are.
___You have plenty of forms for clients to fill out
___You know how to use the forms
___You have publicized the fact that you are registering voters
___You were clear that your registration policies are nonpartisan
___You have extended your help to those who needed it
___You have kept a record of the names and phone numbers of people who you registered .
___You have decided to run a voter registration drive
___You have chosen a day or days to hold the registration drive
___You have decided where and how to reach your audience
___You have recruited volunteers to help who understand that the effort is nonpartisan
___You want to persuade people to vote by employing some of the following strategies :
- Making it easy for people to register and vote
- Finding out why people aren't registered
- Find a way to respond to reasons for not voting
- Offer incentives to people who register
___You have thanked the people you have talked to.
___You have considered the possible ways to get people who have registered to actually vote.