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I have begun researching community collaboration. Yet I believe communities participate informally in community collaboration whether it is shared planning in community events e.g., health fairs, wellness conferences to name a few, or informal meetings or formalized meetings, yet these community collaboration processes or categories/types of community collaborations are not identified. Can you point me to awesome resources?
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Building Leadership
jeu, 01/08/2015
I am traveling to Tanzania with my college to go into the schools (primary and secondary) to teach about water education. I am stuck on what kind of lesson plans I should implement while I am there. I was thinking about a handwashing activity or personal hygiene of some kind. My purpose of my project is to begin the elimination of the cultural bias towards boiling water as a means of sanitation. This project will develop effective and age-appropriate lesson plans that will be taught in the classroom. There will also be a presentation given during the women's conference that will include strategies for improving children's learning at home.

I am open to any suggestions! Thanks :)
Developing Strategic and Action Plans jeu, 01/08/2015
This is a test question. mer, 12/31/2014
Word of mouth is the best way to get out information in our community. What is the best way to build word of mouth networks? I am looking for concrete steps to take. It would be great if you could recommend some resources on how to do this as well.

I work with a community coalition that has a variety of initiatves. I would like to spread the word on what we are doing and also get information into the community about available initiatives and resources.

Thank you.
mar, 12/30/2014
Internet access price ,I will like to organize a petition or better boycotting the higher cost ,that we cannot afford it anymore ,
We the USA tax payer's support the advance technology ,why we do not have access to it to a reasonable price??
Who controls the price ?? ,,,

mar, 12/30/2014
Can you please help me on how to write citation from your document. dim, 12/28/2014
I am looking to start a non profit within the next three years, but at the moment, I am currently working on a viral campaign to build our brand until we have the tools to start our work. Do you think this move is advisable or should the focus be exclusively on getting things ready for the start in the coming years?
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
sam, 12/27/2014
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort jeu, 12/25/2014
How can I get a max credit hour waiver? There is a class that I am wanting to add to my schedule but it would exceed my term maximum.
sam, 12/20/2014
why always do projects fail?
mer, 12/17/2014
what does it mean the quote "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail" mar, 12/16/2014
1. List the Basic Steps in planning and identify the type of action plan to be taken for employee turnover problems
mar, 12/16/2014
Title: The GAP Analysis of Customer Satisfaction vs Service Quality in education industry.
How the research questions can be formed to reflect the current environment and modern ways of learning and exceeding customer expectations.
mar, 12/16/2014
what is the relationship between objectives and planning? Building Leadership lun, 12/15/2014
I'm a postdoctoral research fellow at City of Hope (a cancer center in Los Angeles) in the Center of Community Alliance for Research and Education (CCARE). We are planning a conference where we are going to invite members of the various community organizations, with whom we have a collaborative relationship, to present their work on our campus. We want to provide training for participating organizations to assist and guide them in developing their conference abstracts and their research posters. Our hope is that this can be the foundation for an ongoing collaboration regarding engagement in a dialogue about community-based research, as well as provide them with practical skills in developing research presentations (abstracts, posters, grants, manuscripts). Any advice on how to approach this or where we can obtain resources to teach to our community partners as they develop their abstracts and posters? Thank you!
lun, 12/15/2014
Good morning,

I have a small group of members who are developing a newsletter to assess social problems in county in PUERTO RICO. We intend on utilizing your training method to learn how to assess a community. We all live in the United States and would like to know where to start?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources jeu, 12/11/2014
If you receive an imcomplete in a class - how long is this able to stay an incomplete without failing? For instance, is there a campus policy or is it up to the discretion of the instructor?

jeu, 12/11/2014
I have been brainstorming about a better way to sign attendees in and out of sessions that they need documentation of attendence (at the beginning and end) for CEU credits. Having several people at stations has been our best attempt but it is still cumbersome, time consuming, and we still seem to be missing some folks. We have considered a code word for attendees to write in at the beginning and a different word for at the end (e.g. apple, or a similar arbitrary word to use), but that would be easy to get from someone else at any time before the end of the conference. We don't have the funds to invest in an electronic system (barcodes or cards, etc). Any other suggestions? Thanks!
mer, 12/10/2014
Do you have data on approximately how many back end hours I should budget per workshop hour? The curriculum is already developed and just needs to be modified for each workshop. Partners are helping us out with food & registration logistics, so we only have to worry about supplies, MOUs, partner communication, curriculum modification, and facilitation, etc. Thank you!
jeu, 12/04/2014
how would you start a peer education club at a school and how should a peer education club constitution be structured like together with the executive
Building Leadership mar, 12/02/2014
hello !
I want to get some notes on "What are the types of Community Health support programs?" or "what are the varieties of community health support programs?"
lun, 12/01/2014
We have a group of ladies and another group is trying to take us over.We have buy laws but they are making their our rules. What or who can we talk to work this out.thanks
Sustaining the Work or Initiative lun, 12/01/2014
are all individuals or companies are obliged to prepare form 2307? ven, 11/28/2014
Hi I would like to start an organization to empower HIV positive girls in my country through and would like advice on how to do it and also secure funding.
mer, 11/26/2014
What would be the best audience for an individual who has attended 13 schools (k-12)? They went through issues in life as a result of not having an education. They eventually ended up getting an AS, BS, MA and are a year away from having a Doctorate.
lun, 11/24/2014
This is a follow-up to the question previously from Isaac Jones.
The same individual who went to those 13 schools also has written a book. Who should his target audience be?

lun, 11/24/2014
List five different situations which may crop up during a Business English training session. select any three from list and write to handle as a trainer the situation?
dim, 11/23/2014
I am working on a community project for increasing awareness of lung cancer. My objectives are to increase awareness of lung cancer facts to encourage early intervention and to identify available resources in the community available to the poor and uninsured.

How would I assess the knowledge of lung cancer facts and available resources among citizens in a particular community?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources dim, 11/23/2014
How can I promote peace and unity among youth in my community through programmed?
dim, 11/23/2014
We are ready with the course plan for conducting two days workshop on Embedded Systems in an Engineering Institute. So could you please suggest the best Institute who can sponsor and provide the certification for the participants.?
dim, 11/23/2014
I am a sixteen-year-old high school student from Los Angeles. In my community there is small park that is not in very good conditions. As I walk by it every afternoon, I cannot ignore the tagging and the broken sign that has destroyed our park. In addition, the park is not securely locked in the evening making it very dangerous. I came across The Community Tool Box while reading Section 6: Improving Parks and Other Community Facilities which inspired me to change the conditions of our park and revitalize it. I would like to know who I could contact and what steps I could take to make our park beautiful again. Thank you for time.
Advocating for Change mer, 11/19/2014
Is working in a multicultural environment a good thing or bad? and why? Enhancing Cultural Competence lun, 11/17/2014
Dear advisor from CTB,

First off, this is an amazing service and I briefly went over the suggested resources to read up on community engagement.

My question is about multiple-communities and engaging/starting communities online. I am a recent graduate from a business school in Canada, with start-ups and projects under my belt, as well as coding experiences. I was raised without a mother or father figure, had support getting over depression and was kicked out (but talked myself back in) from University twice. I want to help make depression and other mental illnesses easier to cope with. I want to bring together communities of people struggling through various illnesses, or bring together communities of caregivers to patients, the elderly and family/friends that are suffering through depression.

Ultimately, I would like to create an online platform that allows people to communicate with each other about their problems and also seek low-cost therapy (through online chat and video). In differentiation from other services I would like to add a layer that works to defeat the stigma of depression. The biggest problem people with depression suffer through is the blame they put on themselves for not being "normal". Even if online therapy exists, it is often hard for someone to accept that they are struggling and to get help. This is why I would like to add a layer of self-assessment quizes and short weekly email reminders or guides, developed with the help of psychologists, to help people first accept their state of well being and drive them to accept help and to talk to others more freely.

It is very very easy for someone that has depression to lock themselves in. Their only way out at times is the internet. I remember myself going through articles of "how to cure depression". The wait times to see a therapist at my University were 3 - 4 months long between appointments (and this is in Canada, I can only imagine the wait time in the states). A psychologists costs $300 an hour. Very fast I ran out of options very quickly and hope to come up with a comprehensive online program that lets someone get back up on their feet slowly.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can get involved in the mental health community in the states, which contacts I should reach out to first and how I can validate this idea before spending time developing the websites and recruiting help?

I would love any mentorship and guidance on how I can get started to chat with peer support groups and psychologists - to bring them on board and to also find out their needs.

Thank you so much for your help. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Increasing Participation and Membership lun, 11/17/2014
what is the best leadership stlye in community transformation within the urban informal settlemnt
Building Leadership sam, 11/15/2014
how do i plan an health promotion intervention on menace of drug addiction in my community?
ven, 11/14/2014
Hi i just came across the community tools box and i love it!I have been working with communities since 2009 and i have to professional qualification but would love to improve how i can work with the community and see better results. one problem though,the online courses .Do i qualify for this free online course?the thing is i am from Zambia, Africa.
jeu, 11/13/2014
If I'm trying to bring awareness into my community about the doctrine of discovery and how it's impacted native American's. The biggest point is to highlight a new awakening with the Christian people and how they are denouncing this doctrine and working in the direction of change reaching healing and unity for all people. There are many articles claiming change and the Nuns are asking the Pope for help and there are several other churches in motion to seek change.
Increasing Participation and Membership mer, 11/12/2014
Faye is a counselor and recreation specialist working in an after-school recreation facility. one of her favorite teenageers has in confidence that she is pregnant. should she keep this information confidential.
mer, 11/12/2014

Please help me with example how to do the analysis and document Focused Group Discussion(FGD) on water Borne Disease
Assessing Community Needs and Resources mar, 11/11/2014
Hey! I am a fresher working for a digital marketing company. I have a background in business administration. I am asked to create a hr policy for my company from scratch. can someone help how i should go about it?
sam, 11/08/2014
Participatory Approach to development ven, 11/07/2014
Some donors are asking for "a recent letter confirming 501 c 3 status".
How do I request this and what is correct wording?
jeu, 11/06/2014
I am a part of a grassroot project called Thriving Places project, which is in collaboration with Virginia Tech located in Blacksburg Va. We are a website that has the same goal as your project and was wondering if we could get some input into improving our own. We are trying to gain readership/awareness locally as well as contributors to the project. You can check out our website at and any help would be appreciated.

Thank You,

Writing a Grant Application for Funding mar, 11/04/2014
what are the problems and differences that people may face when they travel to another country?
Advocating for Change lun, 11/03/2014
sam, 11/01/2014
sam, 11/01/2014
