1. Have we figured out what problems we are trying to address? Toolkit: Assessing Community Needs and Resources Toolkit: Analyzing Problems and Goals Collecting Information About the Problem Analyzing Community Problems Defining and Analyzing the Problem Participatory Approaches to Planning Community Interventions 2. Have we figured out how to address those problems? Toolkit: Developing Strategic and Action Plans Deciding Where to Start Choosing and Adapting Community Interventions Strategies for Community Change and Improvement: An Overview Generating and Choosing Solutions Putting Your Solution Into Practice 3. Do the proposed changes fit what the community needs? Developing a Plan for Identifying Local Needs and Resources Conducting Concerns Surveys Developing Successful Strategies: Planning to Win Obtaining Feedback from Constituents: What Changes are Important and Feasible Gathering Information: Monitoring Your Progress Rating Community Goals 4. Did we have a targeted or focused mission and goals? An Overview of Strategic Planning or “VMOSA” (Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Action Plans) Proclaiming Your Dream: Developing Vision and Mission Statements Creating Objectives 5. Did we have a clear, agreed upon action plan in place? An Overview of Strategic Planning or “VMOSA” (Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Action Plans) Developing Successful Strategies: Planning to Win Developing an Action Plan Identifying Action Steps in Bringing About Community and System Change 6. Is the organization structured for success? Toolkit: Improving Organization Management and Development Developing an Organizational Structure for the Initiative 7. Is there an active leadership team in place? Toolkit: Building Leadership Core Functions in Leadership 8. Is there regular (i.e., at least quarterly) feedback on the rate of community change? Gathering Information: Monitoring Your Progress Providing Feedback to Improve the Initiative 9. Are there enough well-trained people working to make the change? Recruiting and Training Volunteers Core Functions in Leadership Becoming an Effective Manager 10. Are the strategies and tactics used (e.g., providing information, modifying access) strong enough to change behavior? Choosing and Adapting Community Interventions Analyzing Community Problems Developing Successful Strategies: Planning to Win Defining and Analyzing the Problem 11. Are the strategies and tactics used appropriate to the people and context? Adapting Community Interventions for Different Cultures and Communities 12. Are the changes reaching the right people, and are they reaching enough of those people? Toolkit: Implementing a Social Marketing Effort Social Marketing of Successful Components of the Initiative Identifying Targets and Agents of Change: Who Can Benefit and Who Can Help Writing Letters to the Editor Gathering Information: Monitoring Your Progress Segmenting the Market to Reach the Targeted Population 13. Do we have adequate funding and resources to achieve our goals? Toolkit: Applying for Grants Toolkit: Sustaining the Work or Initiative Getting Grants and Financial Resources Writing a Grant Managing Finances Managing Your Money Planning for Long-term Institutionalization Strategies for Sustaining the Initiative Marketing the Initiative to Secure Financial Support 14. Are we accountable for bringing about positive community change (e.g., does grant renewal depend on a pattern of accomplishment?)? Rewarding Accomplishments Achieving and Maintaining Quality Performance