Chapter 17. | Section 7.

Section 7. Putting Your Solution into Practice

Tool #1: Action planning sheet

Use the following table to list each of your action steps in the first row, and answer the following questions for each.

  Action Step 1 Action Step 2: Action Step 3:
How much, or to what extent, will this action occur?      
Who will do it?      
When will it take place?      
What resources do we need? Where will we get them?      
What is the backup plan?      
In what order will these steps occur? Does it matter?      

Tool #2: Feedback form

At the end of the meeting, the facilitator and recorder can pass out the following sheets to be filled in anonymously by meeting participants.

Participant Feedback Form

Date of meeting:

Overall, how useful did you find the meeting?

What did you like best about the meeting?

What did you like least about the meeting?

Was the proper amount of time spent on each subject?

If not, which subjects took too long?

Which weren't given enough time?

What should be different about future meetings?

Additional comments:

We appreciate your help and feedback at and about today's meeting. The facilitator will address concerns brought up on these feedback sheets and send a letter to all participants in the next two weeks.