Example 1: American Society of Civil Engineers On a national level, the American Society of Civil Engineers produces a report card on America’s infrastructure to promote action, involvement and policy development. This guide to the condition of roads, bridges, drinking water, aviation, etc., is intended to help people around the U.S. identify ways to encourage maintenance and repair of the infrastructure by helping them “recognize the critical need to invest in the design of new systems” where they live. Example 2: Report Cards on Education The report card is a common (and logical) reporting format for educational groups in the U.S. The Nation’s Report Card is a national assessment of reading, writing, mathematics and science achievement in which large samples of 9-, 13- and 17- year olds are tested every four years. The results are made available to all citizens through extremely detailed charts and graphs, as in the Nation's Report Card: Reading 2005. Individual school districts and entire states issue report cards on the performance of their schools in accordance with the goals set by the Educate America Act, which resulted from a national education summit in 1989. For example, the State of Ohio publishes report cards by district and for the state. Example 3: Oxfam Global The Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium publishes a report card on the progress of compulsory education through the 9th grade in Afghanistan. Example 4: Rating Communities Using Scorecards “Everyone loves a little healthy competition, and nothing works better than a scorecard to see how one community stacks up against another. The British Columbia Council for International Cooperation and the Global Empowerment Coalition of the Central Okanagan initiated a SDG Scorecards project to show how communities in the province are progressing toward SDG targets. The Scorecards provide a snapshot of progress, helping communities and citizens identify areas where they excel and where improvement is needed. The comparison with other local municipalities also allows communities and groups to share knowledge with each other about how to achieve results. The ratings are also a way to encourage participation by governments, local residents and organizations.” Source: http://www.iisd.org/blog/four-ways-cities-are-localizing-sdgs