You understand the purpose and benefits of a Time Dollars program: ___To empower people with a sense of self worth. Time Dollars help people understand that whatever circumstances they are in, they can still give, and not just receive ___To strengthen the communities in which we live ___To make sure that all of the members of our communities, including those who are very proud, receive the help that they need You understand the requirements for implementing a Time Dollars program: ___You have a committed group of people that is ready to work and serve each other ___You have developed a core group of people who will be working on the program ___You have gathered the resources you program will need A coordinator or director (preferably full-time, either paid or unpaid) Office space Clerical help (to answer phones, keep track of hours worked, and so on) A phone, desk, and office supplies Copying equipment (for brochures, fliers, forms, notices) Volunteer insurance or workmen's compensation (usually necessary for existing organizations) A computer (optional, depending on the size of the program) A place to meet, train, and socialize ___You have decided how much money to spend on the program, considering the following: If your staff is paid or volunteer If the paid staff is full- or part-time If you are required to pay volunteer insurance If you need to rent office or meeting space ___You have developed the tracking materials you need to follow volunteers and their efforts, with these capabilities: It can produce personalized bank statements for each member It can supply the information to ensure that no volunteer goes too long without a new assignment It can help you to monitor performance systematically and follow-up on assignments It can also become a tool in planning new initiatives that can help strengthen your community and target resources to meet special needs ___You have checked the legal requirement of your work: Liability Taxation ___You have developed a way to evaluate your work ___You have recruited members and started your program ___You celebrate your successes ___You evaluate your work to keep improving it