What do we mean by setbacks and adversity? ___A setback is a single event or specific series of events that impedes your forward progress as an organization ___Adversity, rather than a distinct occurrence, is more likely to be an ongoing unfavorable condition ___Setbacks and adversity each make different demands on a leader Why is it important to focus on overcoming setbacks and adversity? ___To keep the organization moving forward ___To avoid discouragement and despair ___To keep staff/volunteer morale high ___To maintain standing in the community ___To add to your and the organization’s store of knowledge ___To enhance your development as a person and as a leader ___To maintain the organization’s faith in its leadership ___To keep the focus on your mission, and continue to serve or work for those at whom the effort is aimed When should you work to overcome setbacks and adversity? ___In the case of a setback, action should usually be immediate, and geared specifically to reversing the situation, whatever it is ___In adversity, you have to move forward steadily, both to get the organization through difficulties and in order to overcome them How do you, as a leader, overcome setbacks and adversity? ___Stay calm ___Communicate ___Take action ___Determine what went wrong, and use your analysis to fix the problem, if it’s within your control, or to get around or cope with it, if it’s not ___Develop a strategic plan for coping with the situation ___Involve everyone in the organization in planning your coping strategy ___Ask for help from outside the organization if you need it . . . and sometimes even if you don’t ___Emphasize moving the organization forward ___Accentuate the positive ___As a leader, share the hardships of the situation with the rest of the organization ___Use the situation to build solidarity within the organization ___Make sure everyone in the organization, including you, gets the emotional and other support he needs ___Don’t be too serious ___Point out the learning that came out of the situation ___Always keep the big picture in mind ___Don’t let up