Partner Task Community Parnership Support Organizations Funders Tool: Working Together - Roles and Responsibilities in Community Work Develop the vision, mission and objectives Develop a vision Select broad purpose and goals Frame their objectives; identify community-level indicators Help applicants find appropriate funders Offer long term support Offer less categorical, and most holistic investments Develop an action plan Identify specific changes Develop an inclusive planning process Organize committees for each objective Suggest action steps Make partnerships aware of "promising practices" Support early stages of action planning Help community groups get in touch with others in the field Assist in bringing about broader changes Develop and support leadership Enhance and support leadership Develop new leaders Skill training using personal assistance, support groups and resources Acquire resources for leadership development Document and feedback Gather information on changes Obtain other information Review data Establish and maintain a system of documentation focused on tracking intermediate outcomes related to the mission Request information on progress made Work with other grantmakers to accept the same data Document their own contributions Secure and provide technical assistance Look for help from organizations with specialized knowledge Develop their own technical assistance capacity Provide assistance in implementing and documenting their work Provide training materials and/or workshops Fund support organizations Foster relationships between support organizations and community partnerships Secure and provide financial resources Provide quantitative and qualitative information on community investments Assist documenters in analyzing, interpreting and communicating the data Request long-term, comprehensive proposals Broker connections with other funders Make outcomes matter Submit to an annual status report Assist documenters in analyzing, interpreting, and communicating data Renewal based on evidence of progress Bonus grants Outcome dividends Contributor Stephen B.Fawcett Vincent T.Francisco Adrienne Paine-Andrews Jerry Schultz