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I have been researching and formulating MCOTS Modular Community Owned Transit Systems for a good while. In community Toolbox it is like having someone with a masters in community organizing. Would it be possible to work with an Advisor that can help me become We?

to get the pilot phase of capital investments done and paid off in 4-8 months with each community of 5,000 having $25,000,000 equity and [most/all] workers in the community can save $10,000 a year in commuting and not be landlocked to employment opportunities. these MCOTS cover a 60 mile radius.

Thank you for your submission. You have obviously done your homework to this point. We recommend that the your next step might begin with reading the strategic planning information at http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/vmos... on the community toolbox. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Ask an Advisor.

Question Date: جمعة, 03/07/2014