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I am looking for is a possible template how do decisions get made in a collaborative setting. So if two people are trying to decide about an issue an both voices have equal "power" but their ideas are not in alignment would you know of a process you can use to work through that.

I am envisioning that it could be a set of questions like:
What is best for the organization? Is it covered in the budget? Does it match the the organization's mandate? Is it ethical?
But not sure - was wondering if you have something on this

Hello Ann,
Thank you for your question.
Our Community Toolkits are often helpful for people who are facing issues similar to yours. We would suggest that you look through Chapter 1 and the resources listed there. You could also refer to Chapter 15 , as it also has some helpful tools.
You may also consider bringing in a neutral party (either someone in your organization who is not involved in the current discussion/coalition or a professional facilitator) who can help bring perspective to both sides of the issue.
If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Question Date: اثنين, 03/10/2014