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It is said that self efficacy increases the participation of physical activity in individuals. My particular community is the workplace and to decrease obesity. What are some strategies I can implement to increase self-efficacy in this population?

Hi Tara,
Thank you for your question. One way to increase self-efficacy is through "small wins". This could be as simple as implementing workplace challenges, i.e. water consumption challenges, Walk-at-Work, Biggest Loser challenges. Sometimes you can get health coalitions or insurance companies to donate money or resources to help with these challenges. Coupled with motivation and awareness of other resources may help them become more aware of their options.
You may want to consider a measure of self-efficacy to see where people are currently. This will give you a better idea of how successful they feel they could be at weight loss. You may also give them nutrition information or provide classes to help build their knowledge base of weight management, and stressing that it is about small life changes instead of drastic ones.
Please let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you.

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 04/01/2014