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Dear Advisor,
This is Dr. Manal Bamousa , a female forensic doctor from Saudi Arabia.
Recently,I got a proposal of making ideal building under name of: family protection centre.
I need to work on that Golden project by writing every thing related to this project from A-Z.
I would appreciate your help and suggestions.
Thank you very much and looking forward to hearing from you.


Dear Dr Bamousa,
Thank you so much for writing to us. What a wonderful opportunity and what a wonderful challenge you have before you. The Tool Box is designed to assist in all the steps of such a planning process. The best resources are the Tool Kits that give go a step by step A to Z approach to planning:.
Also you can check out the specific Sections on Participatory Planning:
What is a participatory approach to planning?
What are the advantages of a participatory planning approach?
What are the disadvantages of a participatory planning approach?
What are the levels of participatory planning?
When is participatory planning appropriate?
When is participatory planning not appropriate?
Who should be involved in a participatory planning process?
What do you have to do to get a participatory planning process up and running?
Two important aspects to keep in mind:
Engage the community in your planning and together set the goals.
Once you have the goals always keep them in the forefront so that you do not get distracted.
Best wishes.
Stay in touch

Question Date: أحد, 04/20/2014