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I need to create a volunteer orientation program that is interactive and can be accessed online. Are there free software programs or websites that you know of that would allow me to design such a thing?

Hi Marissa,
Great question.
The Tool Box has a start for you see:
See Section 4. Developing Training Programs for Volunteershttp://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/volunteers/training-pro...
Chapter 11 Sections
    Section 1. Developing a Plan for Involving Volunteers
    Section 2. Recruiting Volunteers
    Section 3. Developing Volunteer Orientation Programs
    Section 4. Developing Training Programs for Volunteers
    Main Section
    Why should your organization have training programs for volunteers?
    Who should train new volunteers?
    How do you develop training programs for volunteers?
    Principles of adult learning
Hope that this helps

Question Date: أربعاء, 06/25/2014