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The San Diego Immunization Coalition (SDIC) is an established (since 1992) local immunization coalition serving the County of San Diego. San Diego County is one of the largest counties in the nation, with a population of 3.8 million and over 4,300 square miles. While founded as an infant immunization coalition, SDIC (formerly called I-3) converted to a lifespan focus in 1997. As a mature coalition, and faced with a variety of "new" issues including the recently introduced spectrum of adolescent vaccines, the increased focus on adult immunization issues, and the "green vaccine" and anti-vaccine movement, SDIB has a strong need to do some intensive strategic planning and possible restructuring. Due to California's across-the-board budget cuts, which include major budget reductions to immunization programs, we are in need of assistance in finding resources to support this strategic planning effort, including support for an expert facilitator. Please contact me at the above email address or kwgustafson@san.rr.com, or call me at 619-405-0028 (mobile) or 619-692-5760 (work) to talk about any ideas or resources that IZTA or AED might have for helping us in our effort to keep our coalition successful. Thank you for your attention, Kathe Gustafson

Hey, thanks for the question. Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you. Look through the resources in part D of the toolbox - specifically Chapter8. The CTB is not really able to assist with finding resources. Good luck!. ~Scot

Question Date: أربعاء, 07/02/2008