Ask an Advisor Answers

Question: Through my employment I recently came upon a young man who ambulates via a wheelchair. He is living in an apartment complex on the 20th floor in a non accessible apartment downtown. He has no way to open his door other than to call on neighbors. Is this a violation of ADA?

Hi Kathy,

It might be a violation of the ADA, but you will have to ask either a lawyer with a practice focused upon disability issues, or your local government's antidiscrimination officials.

Even if it is a violation, it seems, probable that the gentleman will have to move because the landlord may not be able to provide reasonable accommodation.  That building clearly is not an appropriate place for the gentleman to reside.  Again, city officials and housing authority officials may be able to help find and arrange other housing, or pressure the landlord to find another place among the landlord's properties that is handicap accessible.

I am pleased that you have discovered this unfortunate situation and are willing to advocate on his behalf.  Thank you!


Question Date: Tue, 09/30/2014
Question: I am going to be 62 in November, married. My husband and I are on disability. We have a house payment of $90.000. A car payment of $19,000. Also charge cad dept of around $4,000. I always need to use my card for car insurance.If I would not had to have bake surgery, we would not be behind like this. Can I get some kind of grant to at least pay off my car?

Dear Mrs. Everitt,

I am so sorry to hear of your difficulties. Unfortunately, your request is not something the Community Toolbox can help you with. We do not handle individual inquiries nor do we help with assisting with finding grants for personal needs.

I would suggest that you find out if there are community-based or faith-based organizations in your communities that provide financial assistance. Since I do not know where you are located I cannot provide any guidance as to where you might look. If you have a local United Way or Community Council they may have information and referral resources.

I am sorry we cannot be of more help and I wish you luck in finding the assistance that you need.

Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Sat, 10/04/2014
Question: Good Day! I am a student and want to help my community. I would to ask how I am going to help my community if I do not have enough money and time?

Hello Mr. Montenegro,

It is really great that you want to serve your community, and there are ways to do so that wouldn't take much time or any money.

One avenue I suggest that you explore is possible short-term volunteer opportunities. Sometimes community-based organizations and non-profits need volunteers to help with a single event. It would require a small time investment, but give you an opportunity to perhaps make a significant contribution.  For example, find out if a local organization is hosting a 5K race or walk and see if they need people to help with registration or set-up on the day of the event.

Check with local faith-based organizations as well. They may know of some community needs that require a small time investment. Perhaps with the holidays coming up you could help the church to deliver meal packages, or help them to connect with resources for donations for Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holiday meals and gifts.

You might see if there are opportunities to help unpack boxes for a couple of hours a week at a local food bank. Sometimes you can find regular volunteer opportunities that do not take a lot of time. You might serve breakfast on Sunday morning at a local soup kitchen, or volunteer on a Habitat for Humanity team and spend a Saturday helping to build a home. Contact your local volunteer center if there is one.

If you have a special skill or talent that might be useful (computer web design, data entry skills) you could offer them to a small, non-profit with a small budget. If there is a specific organization or issue you are interested in, you might even just go there and talk to them and see if there is some way you could offer some help. Sometimes, just bringing in a group to paint some rooms or clean carpets in a local organization can be very uplifting to staff and the people served by the organization. You could organize a group of students to spend one day on a project. You also might think about organizing a group to do a one-day neighborhood clean-up and just go around cleaning up trash. You might hold a coat drive and donate coats and other warm items to a local charity.

Finally, find out if your school offers any type of credit for community service, community service opportunities, or internships for course credits. These will all provide opportunities to contribute to the community while furthering your educational goals.

Question Date: Sun, 10/05/2014
Question: I'm going through the community tool box online: Chapter 27, Section 2. It is very well done and engaging. I'm not sure what the difference is between culture and identity in completing the "what is your culture?" exercise. I think identity is less strong than culture or less of an influence but are there resources that you have to help me understand the difference more clearly? Any assistance would be wonderful as I am trying to make sure I have this correct before attempting to present it to other staff or recommend that they complete the tool box themselves.
Thank you,

Hello Howard,

This is a great question, and not necessarily an easy one to answer.

In regard to this exercise, when they mention culture it refers to the groups you belong to that have likely influenced your life, behaviors, values, and beliefs. They are the beliefs, customs, artifacts that are shared by a group. When people talk about culture, they are most often referring to an individual's race, ethnicity, or nationality. However, your culture may also include your religion, socioeconomic status, or even where you live in the U.S.

Identity refers to those groups with whom you identify. They may or may not share beliefs and customs. For example, someone may identify as a parent, but have really different beliefs and practices than other parents in the neighborhood. Some aspects of your identity may incorporate your culture, and others may be affected by your culture.  This is not to say that there are differences in beliefs and customs within various cultural groups as well.

In regards to this exercise there are both cultures and identities mixed in. In some cases, items may be both. Each individual might look at the list and determine which represent culture (groups with shared beliefs, customs and artifacts), which are merely identities (e.g., female, parent), and which may be both a culture and a part of one's identity.

If this answer is not clear, or still leaves you wondering, please feel free to write again and I will reach out to more of the advisors and see if we can come up with something clearer.


Question Date: Thu, 10/09/2014
Question: To Whom it May Concern,
My name is Ruth and I am an undergraduate student at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. I am currently conducting a rapid literature review and dissemination on community engagement for a low-income community in Hamilton. I am considering using the Community Toolbox as a resource but was uncertain as to whether or not the Toolbox is based on scholarly research. If it is in fact evidence-based, I would be interested in having a citation list that I could take a look at for research purposes. Please do get back to me as soon as you can, as I am expected to report back to the community within the next two weeks.
Thank you,

Dear Ruth,
Each of the chapters and sections in the Toolbox were written collaboratively by experts in the field. Each of these experts drew upon years of research and practice experience when writing the chapter/section. If you look at the end of each section there are references for resources. The authors drew on these resources and others when preparing each chapter. Because of the multitude of topics covered, there is no one citation list, but you might explore the references at the end of each section of interest to you. Also, promising approaches and best practices in community health and development have been incorporated into each section.

In summary, yes. The Toolbox is based on scholarly research. Whether it is "evidence-based" would depend on how you are defining "evidence-based."  If you mean was the guidance for each section tested via a random controlled trial or other methodologically sound research project, in totality, no they weren't. Did random controlled trials and other empirically sound research influence the development of each chapter -- yes it did.

The Community Toolbox has been used nationally and internationally by individuals and highly respected organizations for training and technical assistance. It is frequently updated to incorporate the latest evidence and knowledge.


Question Date: Fri, 10/10/2014
Question: May the Tool Box be used to develop and implement programs using subjects and topics from the various sections and chapters?

Dear Minister Murphy,

Yes!  The Community ToolBox team would be delighted if the various sections and chapters were useful for you to use for program development and implementation.  We hope you find the guidance to be helpful.  Please let us know if you have any difficulties with applying the information.

Thank you for using the Community ToolBox and contacting us with your question.

CTB Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 10/20/2014
Question: Is it possible to purchase certain chapters? Your information on Board training is fabulous and I would like to use some of the information

Dear Ms. Berry,

We are so glad you have found the Community Tool Box to be helpful. In summary, our site is Creative Commons "share and share alike" licensed, which means you are free to link to and use Community Tool Box resources for non-commercial purposes. (The site's Use Policy can be found here: /en/use-policy). If you would like to extract materials from the Community Tool Box to include in another publication or on a website, or if you have any questions, please contact us directly at

CTB Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 10/20/2014
Question: hallo!
Iam Irene, recently i started up an non- profit making organisation to support the vulnerable in Kibera slums in kenya. i am the CEO of the organisation am requesting if i can get someone who can help me to come up with policies of the organisation iam reallyvery new in this and i don't have any advisor. help where you can

Dear Ms. Kasandi,

The Community Toolbox includes a section on Developing a Strategic Plan and Organizational Structure (see Chapters 8 through 12). You may find Chapter 9 to be especially useful.  Each chapter includes tools, examples, and other helpful assistance for creating a new organization. I suggest that you browse through all of those materials and tools as a starting point. There are links to tools from other organizations which may also be useful to you.

Another strategy that might be helpful is to identify successful NGOs in your area or within Kenya and ask if they will provide guidance or share some of their policies or other documents that you can use for guidance. You might check with a local university to see if there are faculty who might want to help you, or provide a student intern who has this skill.

I wish you luck with your project and with developing your organization.

CTB Advisor


Question Date: Tue, 10/21/2014
Question: I was curious if it was too late to like withdraw from a class at KU. I don't really know what I need to do but I'm curious because my parents suggested that I withdraw from Chem. Also what exactly does it mean by withdraw? Will this penalize me at all? Thanks!

Dear Austin,

This is not a question that the Community Toolbox can answer.  You need to see your academic advisor about class withdrawals or talk to someone in the Registrar's office who can explain this.

CBT Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 10/22/2014
Question: Hello, I am looking for studies and charts that weigh the effect of each of the risk and protective factors on:
1. Positive youth mental health development and
2. Youth substance abuse
Do you have any resources or data that talks about the odds ratios of each of the risk and protective factors on behaviors?

Dear Ms. Laws,

The Community Toolbox does not gather data or studies and charts, so I'm afraid we won't be able to provide you with any of those resources or data.

You might visit the following web sites which may have some of the information you are seeking:

I hope these help to get you started.

Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 10/22/2014
Question: How teachers in a primary school can deal with increasing stress levels as the working hours are longer and high expectations with greater responsibility?

What guidelines can be given to the students of the primary school to improve their behaviour and manage anger to become responsible citizens in the future?


Unfortunately the questions you ask are outside of the scope of the Community Toolbox. I would suggest going to the Internet and finding credible web sites (e.g., foundations, government) that specifically serve educators. You might also contact a professional association or other resource for educational professionals. 

I am sorry we cannot be more help to you.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 10/22/2014
Question: We have a preventative maintenance program. How many objectives should be developed in relationship to a Mission statement? Do you focus on the main key points of the vison or mission statement or will objectives still qualify if one or two are not tied to the key words

Dear Ms. Suber,

These are very good questions. In regard to how many objectives to develop, there is no set number. You should prepare a realistic number keeping in mind that these objectives are driving the work you do. Each objective should be tied to specific activities you will undertake. If you have too many then you will overload your capacity. The objectives should be closely tied to your mission and vision, but they do not have to specifically include key words. For example, if your mission is to improve the health of your community, one objective may be to reduce the rate of obesity by 5% by a certain date. This does not include the specific key words, but is directly tied to the mission.

Chapter 8 of the Community Toolbox, Sections 1 through 3 provide guidance for developing mission, vision and objectives. I hope you find them helpful.

Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Fri, 10/24/2014
Question: citizen from USA I resite in Vista,CA 32 years been with a issue for many years wish it never was taking care losmy carree over 29 apartment and 15 vehicle work on anf off but never withheld a interest job I got disable wish is not enough the damages they try to incapasitate me but being a battle no compliance with any thing had affected me suffering losses body damages emosionally am very hurt saying I don't have anything not wanting to help or anybody to help me with a mandated have effected me really is a way of stilling people social and indent from the hole fam

Dear Ms. Rodriguez,

I am sorry to tell you that your question is not something the Community Toolbox can help with. I am sorry you have experienced so many difficulties. You might try contacting your local State of California Social Services office or another social service agency and ask them if they can refer you to an organization that can provide you with the support you need.

Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Fri, 10/24/2014
Question: Hello!

I run a young adult peer support group and am looking to find out whether there are existing national, regional, or local groups my group can be involved with. I am based in Lexington, MA, about 10 mi north of Boston. Can you point me in the direction of other young adult peer support groups or national groups? This is for mental health.

Thank you!


Dear Erin,

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) has information and linkages with peer support groups.  I suggest you check out this web page, which includes a link to State organizations and NAMI Affiliates.

There is also the National Mental Health Consumer's Self-Help Clearinghouse at:

I hope these two resources are helpful.

The Community Toolbox Advisor


Question Date: Fri, 10/24/2014
Question: Good Evening ,

My name is Mohamed and I am a new hire as a supervisor in new company and i need to open a new department or unit in the contact center of the company but i didn't how to start ?!

could you please send me your recommendation.

awaiting for your advice.


Dear Mohamed,

This question is not within the scope of services the Community Toolbox provides. I suggest you contact the School of Management at a local university or other business development resource. I am sorry we cannot be more helpful to you.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 10/27/2014
Question: Hi, I'm a junior at Tripoli High School and I'm taking a government class where we're studying local problems and how citizens can participate in their government. We're basically working toward promoting community service and volunteerism in our town to help improve our community; We're wondering how your organization could help us out! We've thought about creating a "volunteering club." Do you have any other suggestions on how to promote community service or how we can make our idea become successful?

Hello Hannah,
It's great to hear about your plans to promote citizen participation in government.  The Community Toolbox has several resources that you might find helpful.  Here are a couple of Community Toolbox resources that you might find especially helpful:

  • Recruiting people to participate in change efforts can be more successful if there are clearly defined, specific tasks that they can take on.  This requires careful planning, a clear mission and vision, and an action plan with specific goals and objectives.  A great resource for developing such a framework can be found by going to the Toolbox home page and clicking on "A Model for Getting Started."  Then click on the Toolkit for "Developing a Framework or Model of Change."  This provides a clear outline of steps to take and links to more useful resources.
  • Under that same "Model for Getting Started" is a link to "Increasing Participation and Membership."  This provides a framework for how to determine who you need, and how to engage them. There are many links to other resources there too.

We wish you luck with your project. If specific questions come up as you work on it, please feel free to contact us again.
The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 10/29/2014
Question: where are you begin when you are developing a program especially a youth cup development ? that is the first?question .
and second question haw you can create project and what are the steps that you need to take ,and give me a sample showed me step by step defining the creation of project?

Project creation begins with having a clear plan and developing the framework or model for change.  For this I recommend you go to the Community Toolbox's Toolkit for Developing a Framework or Model of Change.  It tells how to determine your mission, vision and objectives and to develop the logic model that will guide the steps for planning and implementing your program. 

Once you have this clear plan in place, go to the Community Toolbox's Toolkit for Developing an Intervention. Each step includes tools and a checklist to follow that details the planning and implementation processes. You might also go to the Learn a Skill area and browse the chapters to find additional more detailed information and examples.

Each of these Toolkits should give you the step-by-step detailed instructions you need to plan and implement your program. 

Question Date: Thu, 10/30/2014

Dear Ms. Garcia,

Thank you for contacting the Community Toolbox.  Whether something is set up for school work for teenage inmates would depend on where the teenagers are.  Because this answer might be different for all the different places where teenage inmates are, it is not something we can answer here.  I am sorry I could not be more helpful. You might contact the facility where the inmates are and ask them.

Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Sat, 11/01/2014

Dear Ms. Garcia,

Your interest in helping children is wonderful.  I would suggest you start by contacting the local school district, volunteer center, or other organizations that help children to ask if there is something that you and your children could help with. With the holidays coming up, many non-profit organizations need people to help. You and your 15-year-olds might consider working with an organization to collect hats or coats, gifts, or food for families.

Good luck in your efforts,

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Sat, 11/01/2014
Question: what are the problems and differences that people may face when they travel to another country?

Dear Amira,

This is a very broad question and not one with a specific answer. More important than learning about problems and differences in other countries is developing cultural competence so that you are able to work across many cultures.  I suggest you first look at Chapter 27 on "Cultural Competence in a Multicultural World" in the Toolbox, and the related Toolkit #9 "Enhancing Cultural Competence."

More specifically, the differences and problems depend on which country you are traveling from, and which country you go to. If you are concerned about problems or differences, I suggest that you research the country you are traveling to as much as possible to learn all about it, identify any potential differences or problems, and prepare for them. Most important is to find out about customs and beliefs that are different so that you can be sure not to offend people there (which can definitely cause problems). Also, if you have any limitations on the kind of food you eat, making sure the country you are visiting will accommodate them. Learning about things like clothing, religious beliefs, and gender roles can be very useful as well.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 11/03/2014
Question: Hello,
I am a part of a grassroot project called Thriving Places project, which is in collaboration with Virginia Tech located in Blacksburg Va. We are a website that has the same goal as your project and was wondering if we could get some input into improving our own. We are trying to gain readership/awareness locally as well as contributors to the project. You can check out our website at and any help would be appreciated.

Thank You,



I checked out your website and it's very nice. I plan to bookmark it as a resource myself! The Community Toolbox (CTB) has been around since 1994, and it has taken years for this tool to become as widely known as it is, and to develop its format. Your website is relatively new and very well developed for the short time it has been in existence.

If you haven't already, you might want to review Chapters 45 (Social Marketing) and 46 (Planning for Long-Term Institutionalization) along with Toolkit #13 (Implementing a Social Marketing Effort) and #16 (Sustaining the Work or Initiative). 

Much of the CTB was developed by the faculty at the university along with community practitioners who volunteered their time. For additional input, you might work to identify people with the expertise you need, or who are doing work that you would like to feature and asking if they would be willing to contribute. Let them know that they will be publicly credited for providing the information. You might consider a small, inexpensive but special incentive that notes that they are a contributor.

You might also contact the CTB group directly to ask if they have information they can share.

~Work Group for Community Health and Development
4082 Dole Human Development Center
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045-7555 (U.S.A.)

Telephone: (785) 864-0533

Good luck with your efforts. It looks like you are well on your way to providing a very useful web site.

The Community Toolbox Advisor



Question Date: Tue, 11/04/2014
Question: Some donors are asking for "a recent letter confirming 501 c 3 status".
How do I request this and what is correct wording?

Dear Mr. Locklear,

Thank you for contacting The Community Toolbox.

If your organization has 501 c 3 status, a copy of the letter should be in the files. If not, that is something obtained from the Internal Revenue Service.

More information about 501 c 3 status can be found in Chapter 43 of the Community Toolbox.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Thu, 11/06/2014
Question: Participatory Approach to development


I am afraid I will need more of a description and question to provide you an answer.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Fri, 11/07/2014
Question: Hey! I am a fresher working for a digital marketing company. I have a background in business administration. I am asked to create a hr policy for my company from scratch. can someone help how i should go about it?


You question is outside of the scope of the Community Toolbox. I would suggest you contact a business school or ask similar businesses if they would be willing to share their HR policies with you to use as a model.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Sat, 11/08/2014
Question: Sir

Please help me with example how to do the analysis and document Focused Group Discussion(FGD) on water Borne Disease

There are different way to analyze and document focus group discussions. One simple way is to gather two or more people and go through the responses to identify themes and summarize what was said. Then share your notes and interpretation of the findings with two or three individuals who participated and/or two or three others from the community from which they were selected to ensure you have captured what was important to them and to make sure you have accurately captured their voice.

If you feel unsure about you or your team's ability to do this correctly, it may be helpful to contact a researcher or evaluator from a local university or other individual with experience and training in qualitative research methods. You might also consult a book on qualitative research that includes a good chapter on how to analyze and report the findings. You may also want to check out resources offered by the American Evaluation Association's public elibrary of resources at


Question Date: Tue, 11/11/2014
Question: If I'm trying to bring awareness into my community about the doctrine of discovery and how it's impacted native American's. The biggest point is to highlight a new awakening with the Christian people and how they are denouncing this doctrine and working in the direction of change reaching healing and unity for all people. There are many articles claiming change and the Nuns are asking the Pope for help and there are several other churches in motion to seek change.

Hello Laura,

I would suggest you start by reviewing Chapter 6 of the Community Toolbox: Promoting Interest in Community Issues. It has a number of sections detailing different ways to spread information.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 11/12/2014
Question: Faye is a counselor and recreation specialist working in an after-school recreation facility. one of her favorite teenageers has in confidence that she is pregnant. should she keep this information confidential.

Dear Mr. Ford,

There are too many unknown factors here to be able to give you a definitive answer, and this is outside of the scope of the Community Toolbox's realm. This is something that Faye should discuss with her supervisor.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 11/12/2014
Question: Hi i just came across the community tools box and i love it!I have been working with communities since 2009 and i have to professional qualification but would love to improve how i can work with the community and see better results. one problem though,the online courses .Do i qualify for this free online course?the thing is i am from Zambia, Africa.

Dear Rodrick,

We welcome you to the Community Toolbox and are happy to hear that you are so happy with it. All of the resources that are advertised as "free" are available to anyone in the world who would like to use them. You definitely qualify to take the free online course and we encourage you to do so. Please feel free to share this resource with others and encourage them to take advanage of the courses as well.  Thank you for contacting us.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Thu, 11/13/2014
Question: how do i plan an health promotion intervention on menace of drug addiction in my community?


I would suggest you get started by going to the Community Toolbox main page and clicking on "Help Taking Action", the select "A Model for Getting Started."  This page will provide you with general guidance and links to toolkits and other resources to develop this plan.  Thank you for contacting us.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Fri, 11/14/2014
Question: what is the best leadership stlye in community transformation within the urban informal settlemnt

Dear Antony,

It is impossible to determine the best leadership style for any situation without being there. Chapter 13 of The Community Toolbox has information on Leadership. I suggest reviewing Section 3: Styles of Leadership. It includes information on how to determine the appropriate style. There are also links to numerous leadership resources that you might find helpful.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Sat, 11/15/2014
Question: Is working in a multicultural environment a good thing or bad? and why?

Hello Asmita,

There are many good aspects to multicultural work environments. People from different cultures often look at things differently. When there is a problem or a need for innovation, having more perspectives is a strength because there is a greater chance that there will be more options, a a wider variety. If everyone is the same, they will all share perspective and there is greater chance they will all see things only one way.

However, multicultural work environments also require that people are culturally competent. The Community Toolbox Chapters 27 through 29 and Toolkit #9 are great resources to help to build such competence.

Thank you for writing!

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 11/17/2014
Question: Dear advisor from CTB,

First off, this is an amazing service and I briefly went over the suggested resources to read up on community engagement.

My question is about multiple-communities and engaging/starting communities online. I am a recent graduate from a business school in Canada, with start-ups and projects under my belt, as well as coding experiences. I was raised without a mother or father figure, had support getting over depression and was kicked out (but talked myself back in) from University twice. I want to help make depression and other mental illnesses easier to cope with. I want to bring together communities of people struggling through various illnesses, or bring together communities of caregivers to patients, the elderly and family/friends that are suffering through depression.

Ultimately, I would like to create an online platform that allows people to communicate with each other about their problems and also seek low-cost therapy (through online chat and video). In differentiation from other services I would like to add a layer that works to defeat the stigma of depression. The biggest problem people with depression suffer through is the blame they put on themselves for not being "normal". Even if online therapy exists, it is often hard for someone to accept that they are struggling and to get help. This is why I would like to add a layer of self-assessment quizes and short weekly email reminders or guides, developed with the help of psychologists, to help people first accept their state of well being and drive them to accept help and to talk to others more freely.

It is very very easy for someone that has depression to lock themselves in. Their only way out at times is the internet. I remember myself going through articles of "how to cure depression". The wait times to see a therapist at my University were 3 - 4 months long between appointments (and this is in Canada, I can only imagine the wait time in the states). A psychologists costs $300 an hour. Very fast I ran out of options very quickly and hope to come up with a comprehensive online program that lets someone get back up on their feet slowly.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can get involved in the mental health community in the states, which contacts I should reach out to first and how I can validate this idea before spending time developing the websites and recruiting help?

I would love any mentorship and guidance on how I can get started to chat with peer support groups and psychologists - to bring them on board and to also find out their needs.

Thank you so much for your help. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Hello Angelina,

Thanks for contacting the Community Toolbox. In addition to Community Toolbox information on engaging community, you might find the sections on Analyzing Community Problems and Designing and Adapting Community Interventions (Chapters 17 through 19 and Toolkits #3 and #7) and Implementing Promising Community Interventions (Chapters 20 through 26 and Toolkits #7 and #11) of use.

There are two other resources for mental health peer support that may provide valuable information.  The first is the National Alliance on Mental Illness (  This grassroots organization works to raise awareness and provides advocacy and support group programs.  The second resource is the National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse. It's a peer-run national technical assistance center. You can find more information at

We hope this is helpful.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 11/17/2014
Question: I am a sixteen-year-old high school student from Los Angeles. In my community there is small park that is not in very good conditions. As I walk by it every afternoon, I cannot ignore the tagging and the broken sign that has destroyed our park. In addition, the park is not securely locked in the evening making it very dangerous. I came across The Community Tool Box while reading Section 6: Improving Parks and Other Community Facilities which inspired me to change the conditions of our park and revitalize it. I would like to know who I could contact and what steps I could take to make our park beautiful again. Thank you for time.

Dear Quetzally,

We are so excited and impressed that someone your age is interested in providing such a valuable service to your community!  It sounds like you will need to engage in some advocacy.  First, I would suggest reading the Toolbox chapters on Organizing for Effective Advicacy -- Chapters 30 through 35 and Toolkit #10.

You will also need to engage some adults in your efforts. You might start with your City Council representative or other elected official representing the area where the park is located. If this is a City park, it is something the city will need to address, so find out who to contact there as well (for example, in the Parks Department). You might also check to see if there is a teacher at your school who would be interested in helping -- for example, someone who teaches government classes.

Good luck with this effort, and please write again if you have more questions.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 11/19/2014
Question: List five different situations which may crop up during a Business English training session. select any three from list and write to handle as a trainer the situation?


The Community Toolbox was developed to provide people and organizations with tools to bring about social change. This question does not really fit with the purpose of the Toolbox.

Thank you for contacting us.

The Community Toolbox Advisor


Question Date: Sun, 11/23/2014
Question: I am working on a community project for increasing awareness of lung cancer. My objectives are to increase awareness of lung cancer facts to encourage early intervention and to identify available resources in the community available to the poor and uninsured.

How would I assess the knowledge of lung cancer facts and available resources among citizens in a particular community?

Dear Ms. Young,

Assessing the community knowledge and resources is basically doing a needs and resources assessment. Your question suggests you are trying to assess the community's need for knowledge of lung cancer facts and then assess the resources that are already available. Chapter 3 in The Community Tool Box and Toolkit #2 provide guidance for conducting such an assessment. The toolkit provides numerous resources for deciding the best way to collect your information taking into account the amount of money, time and other resources available to you.

I hope that you find these resources to be useful.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Sun, 11/23/2014
Question: How can I promote peace and unity among youth in my community through programmed?


There are many different approaches you might use to promote peace and unity among youth in your community. You may wish to begin with a community assessment to learn more about why there is a need. Learn more about what is causing the lack of peace and unity and develop a strategy to intervene. The Community Tool Box has guidance for this in Chapter 3, Assessing Community Needs and Resources with Toolkit #2, and then Chapter 5, Choosing Strategies to Promot Community Health and Development. 

You may wish to encourage the youth to come together to work on behalf of community issues. If you take this approach I recommend Chapter 6, Promoting Interest in Community Issues and Chapter 7, Encouraging Involvement in Community Work. Give the youth in your community a common purpose, a chance to work together toward something positive that would change their current focus.

Another approach might be to analyze the problems and design or adapt community interventions. If you take this approach is would suggest the Community Tool Box Chapters 17 through 19, and Toolkits #3 an #7Chapters 20 through 26 and Toolkits #7 and #11 provide guidelines for implementing promising community interventions. 

As you see, there are different approaches you might try, and they depend on the resources you have available and what would work best in your particular community. For each of these, the Community Tool Box provides guidance and toolkits to assist with the work.

The Community Toolbox Advisor

Question Date: Sun, 11/23/2014
Question: We are ready with the course plan for conducting two days workshop on Embedded Systems in an Engineering Institute. So could you please suggest the best Institute who can sponsor and provide the certification for the participants.?


The Community Tool Box provides resources for individuals and groups working to create change in their communities. Your question regarding institutes to provide certification on embedded systems for an engineering institute falls outside of the scope of this resource.

I am sorry we cannot be of help.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Sun, 11/23/2014
Question: What would be the best audience for an individual who has attended 13 schools (k-12)? They went through issues in life as a result of not having an education. They eventually ended up getting an AS, BS, MA and are a year away from having a Doctorate.

Dear Mr. Jones,

It sounds as though there may be many audiences that would be informed and inspired by such a success story. I would start by contacting local schools, especially alternative schools and those attended by youth who are confronted with many adverse life conditions. Another good place to start might be non-profit organizations serving troubled youth or juvenile justice officials. It would seem that any organization working with youth and young adults who need such inspiration and an example that tells them that it is possible would benefit. If you are referring to yourself, congratulations on your amazing success!

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 11/24/2014
Question: This is a follow-up to the question previously from Isaac Jones.
The same individual who went to those 13 schools also has written a book. Who should his target audience be?


Hello Again Mr. Jones,

I would suggest the target audience be adolescents and young adults. A secondary audience might be older people, such as teachers and social workers who might benefit from seeing the possibilities residing in those they are working with.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 11/24/2014
Question: Hi I would like to start an organization to empower HIV positive girls in my country through and would like advice on how to do it and also secure funding.


The Community Tool Box has many chapters that will be helpful for starting such an organization.  I suggest the following:

To begin, starting an organization means having a plan and a structure. Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 and Toolkits #5 and #15 will be useful for this.

Having well-developed leadership and management are important for sustaining the organization.  I suggest Chaptes 13, 14, and 15 and Toolkit #6.

If you are planning an intervention then I suggest Toolkit #7 on Developing and Intervention. Chapters 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 might also be useful for implementing interventions.

Regarding funding, we cannot recommend any specific resources. I suggest you look at other organizations in your country and see how they have been funded. Perhaps meet with some of their leaders to learn more about how they formed their organizations and funded them. Since the local environment (policies and customs) has much to do with how successful your organization will be, see if there is anyone locally who has been successful in starting and funding an organization and see if they would be willing to share what they have learned. You can also look at the Community Tool Box's Chapters 42 and 43 to learn more about getting grants and financial resources.

Good luck to you. This is a wonderful endeavor and we wish you success with it.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 11/26/2014
Question: are all individuals or companies are obliged to prepare form 2307?


The purpose of the Community Tool Box is to provide resources for individuals and groups working to create change in their communities. Your question is outside of the scope of our expertise I am afraid.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Fri, 11/28/2014
Question: hello !
I want to get some notes on "What are the types of Community Health support programs?" or "what are the varieties of community health support programs?"


Thank you for contacting The Community Tool Box. Your question is quite broad, and I'm afraid the answer is probably just as broad. The structure and functions of community health programs is very broad. They may be general or targeting specific health problems.  For example, there may be programs targeting obesity that would range from obesity prevention via education, advocacy, or another means. The program might be targeting general good health and target a specific population, such as youth or the elderly. While some programs focus on education and awareness, others engage in direct intervention via home visiting or specialized groups.

Such programs can be "typed" by whether they are primary, secondary or tertiary prevention programs; the form the intervention takes; or by specific content or a health issue. So, as you can see, there really is no simple answer to this question. You might want to browse through the Community Tool Box pages and look at the examples that are provided. Many are community health programs, and can give you some idea of the range.  I am sorry I could not be more helpful.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 12/01/2014
Question: We have a group of ladies and another group is trying to take us over.We have buy laws but they are making their our rules. What or who can we talk to work this out.thanks

Dear Ms. Tausch,

I would suggest you may want to pull out those by-laws and have the group review them as a starting point. Ask group members to reaffirm that they are in agreement and willing to follow them. If that doesn't work, I suggest you read Chapter 16 in the Community Tool Box on Conducting Effective Meetings. There is a section on handling difficult members, and you may find some ideas in there. Really, the only people you can talk to is your group members. I wish you luck with this.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 12/01/2014
Question: how would you start a peer education club at a school and how should a peer education club constitution be structured like together with the executive

Dear Alex,

Thank you for contacting The Community Tool Box. We have tools for developing organizational structure. You might start with Chapter 9, Section 7 which provides guidance for Writing Bylaws. The entire chapter -- Sections 1 through 9 will likely be helpful for forming your organization. You might also look through Toolkit #15 to see if there is also useful information in there. Good luck with this initiative.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Tue, 12/02/2014
Question: Hello,
Do you have data on approximately how many back end hours I should budget per workshop hour? The curriculum is already developed and just needs to be modified for each workshop. Partners are helping us out with food & registration logistics, so we only have to worry about supplies, MOUs, partner communication, curriculum modification, and facilitation, etc. Thank you!

Dear Kelsey,

We do not have data on the number of back end hours to budget per workshop hour. Workshop preparation time can vary so widely across professionals and workshops. You will basically need to look at the scope of work and estimate how long each task associated with the modifications will take based on past experience or the experience of others who have worked with the specific workshop. I am sorry I cannot be more helpful.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Thu, 12/04/2014
Question: I have been brainstorming about a better way to sign attendees in and out of sessions that they need documentation of attendence (at the beginning and end) for CEU credits. Having several people at stations has been our best attempt but it is still cumbersome, time consuming, and we still seem to be missing some folks. We have considered a code word for attendees to write in at the beginning and a different word for at the end (e.g. apple, or a similar arbitrary word to use), but that would be easy to get from someone else at any time before the end of the conference. We don't have the funds to invest in an electronic system (barcodes or cards, etc). Any other suggestions? Thanks!


Thanks for contacting The Community Tool Box.  There are a couple of things you can do to make sure people sign in and out for CEUs, but if they do not work, then the responsibility lies with the attendees. First, you can have someone at the entrance asking each person to sign in before they enter the room. Then, when the session begins, allocate time for people to go sign in if they have not already. Also, announce to them that they will not get their credits if they do not sign in AND out. At the end, have only one exit and leave specific time for people to sign out and then leave. You might even end just a little early so you can usher them out one table at a time.And remind them again that if they do not sign out they will not receive their credits. 

Good luck with this!

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 12/10/2014
Question: Good morning,

I have a small group of members who are developing a newsletter to assess social problems in county in PUERTO RICO. We intend on utilizing your training method to learn how to assess a community. We all live in the United States and would like to know where to start?

Hello Peter,

Thank you for contacting The Community Tool Box. I guess the first place you can start is with Chapter 3 in The Community Toolbox: Assessing Community Needs and Resources.  After reading through this chapter and utilizing the training, the next step will be to get to know the area you plan to assess.  Look up existing data such as reports available through Federal web sites, such as the CDC, SAMSHA, Department of Justice, other Health and Human Services Sites, the U.S. Census, and any other sites that may have reports and data broken down by State and Territory. Next, find out what local organizations, such as the health department or police department are in the area and what types of reports they produce. Look at local education institutions (universities, school districts), hospitals, non-profit organizations and other types of organizations.  You should also find out who the local officials and formal and informal leaders are in the communities of interest.  Then, work with them to find out the best way to move forward with implementing your project.

If you have more questions, please write again.

The Community Tool Box Advisor


Question Date: Thu, 12/11/2014
Question: If you receive an imcomplete in a class - how long is this able to stay an incomplete without failing? For instance, is there a campus policy or is it up to the discretion of the instructor?


Dear Megan,

This is not a question that the Community Tool Box can answer. You will need to contact the Registrar's Office at your school.

The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Thu, 12/11/2014
Question: what is the relationship between objectives and planning?


Thank you for contacting The Community Tool Box. Planning is the overall process whereby you set your goals and objectives and then decide everything you need to acquire and do in order to reach them. Objectives are part of the planning process. They are the basis for what you hope to achieve as an outcome from the plans. The objectives should guide your plan, and then will determine whether your planning and the implementation of your plan was successful if you reach them.

The Community Tool Box

Question Date: Mon, 12/15/2014
Question: I'm a postdoctoral research fellow at City of Hope (a cancer center in Los Angeles) in the Center of Community Alliance for Research and Education (CCARE). We are planning a conference where we are going to invite members of the various community organizations, with whom we have a collaborative relationship, to present their work on our campus. We want to provide training for participating organizations to assist and guide them in developing their conference abstracts and their research posters. Our hope is that this can be the foundation for an ongoing collaboration regarding engagement in a dialogue about community-based research, as well as provide them with practical skills in developing research presentations (abstracts, posters, grants, manuscripts). Any advice on how to approach this or where we can obtain resources to teach to our community partners as they develop their abstracts and posters? Thank you!

Dear Dr. Chavez,

Thanks for contacting The Community Tool Box. Your initiative sounds exciting.

In regard to how to approach the project, the first step you take might be to assess the current capacity of the participating organizations to prepare such presentations. That will accomplish two things: (1) it will give you an idea of how much and what type of capacity building assistance they will need; (2) it might help you to identify some existing assets or resources to facilitate the project.  It will also be an opportunity to introduce the idea to them. You can do it quickly and most easily by having a couple of undergraduate or graduate students conduct telephone interviews with key individuals at each organization.  You can also gauge the interest level and willingness to engage in such a collaboration at the same time. One incentive might be to provide them with the finished poster ready to hang. You might begin the process with one large group meeting to kick off the initiative, and then offer some training in a group format, supplemented by individual, hands on assistance for those who need it.

If it is monetary resources you need, perhaps you can find a local foundation or business that would be willing to provide some funding. You might solicit small donations (that can add up) from local medical centers or other institutions that perhaps give small amounts of money. If it is expertise you are in need of, tap into local graduate schools for doctoral students who may need to do some type of internship in the community (such as a school of public health) or who would be interested in getting the community experience. ~~Once you finish building the capacity of the first cohort of organizations, you may find some that are interested in sharing their new expertise with other organizations and can utilize a "Train the Trainer" model.As far as finding materials to faciliate the capacity building, Chapter 42 has information about getting grants and preparing funding proposals. For materials on how to prepare a poster, here are some links to helpful sites below, and there are many more out there.

We hope this is helpful to get you started. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us again.

The Community Tool Box Advisor


Question Date: Mon, 12/15/2014