Dear Tom,
Excellent question. We are glad you wriote the Tool Box.
See Chapter 16
Section 1. Conducting Effective Meetings
Chapter 16 Sections
These will be good starting points. Good luck with your meetings.
Dear Jay,
Thank you for writing to the Tool Box. Your story is very tragic and it is a wodnerful idea to create a Foundation. As far we know the rules and laws for setting up a Foundation vary from counrty to country so we would have to suggest that you search the web for the rules in your country.
Best of luckl with this important venture.
Dear Ana,
Thanks so much for writing to the Tool Box. How wodnerful that you are forming a Youth Organization.
Many Youth Organizations are just informal community organizations that do not have a formal structure or registration with the state.
On the other hand you may wish to become a recongnized non-profit organziation which involves a good deal of paper work.
In the beginning it is rarely needed to become that formal.
You can check with your local bank as to how to set up a bank acciount for such an informal organization.
One way that often works is to affiliate with an existiong non-profit organization who can become your "fiscal conducit" - meaning they manage your money.
See Section Four in the Tool Box: Section 4. Understanding Nonprofit Status and Tax Exemption
Hope this is helpful
Hi Marissa, Great question. The Tool Box has a start for you see:
See Section 4. Developing Training Programs for Volunteers/en/table-of-contents/structure/volunteers/training-pro...
Chapter 11 Sections
Section 1. Developing a Plan for Involving Volunteers Section 2. Recruiting Volunteers Section 3. Developing Volunteer Orientation Programs Section 4. Developing Training Programs for Volunteers
Main Section Checklist Examples Tools PowerPoint
Why should your organization have training programs for volunteers? Who should train new volunteers? How do you develop training programs for volunteers? Principles of adult learning
Hope that this helps
Hi Betsy,
Great question and indeed the Tool Box does have such resources:
See Chapter 2:
Section 10. The Strategic Prevention Framework
Chapter 2 Sections
Hope that this helpful
Dear Mahawa,
We are so glad that you wrote to us at the Tool Box with your question.
The Tool Box has many resources on beginning a program. Maybe the most useful would be the Tool Kit on Dveeloping a Framework
Here is a summary of this Tool Kit:
Tool Kit
Developing a Framework
Example 1 - Work Group for Community Health and Development Logic Model
Example 2 - A Framework for Promoting Child Well-Being
Example 3 - Community Health Partnership Program Logic Model (Insurance and Service)
Example 4 - Community Health Improvement Process
Example 5 - Conceptual Model of Family Support
Example 6 - Overview of Logic Model and Strategies for the Kansas City-Chronic Disease Coalition to Reduce Health Disparities
Example 7 - Calhoun County Health Improvement Program Logic Model
Example 8 - Preventing Infant Mortality: State-level, State-systems level, Safe sleep, and Access to Health Care and Social Supports Logic Models
Example 9 - Latino Health for All Logic Model/ Framework
Example 10: A framework for promoting gender equality in education in Kenya
Example 11 - A Strategic Framework for Improving Racial/Ethnic Minority Health and Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities
The Community Tool Box is a service of the Work Group for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas.
Best of luck with your project.
Thanks for your question, Valerie,
It raises a couple of related issues:
1. Is the survey response a valid sample? No. Surveys of this type generally tend to draw stronger response rates from those opposed to the issue or situation, and that appears to have been the case here. We have no idea what those who chose not to respond might be concerned or satisfied about.
2. Did the landlord have unexpressed concerns before hearing the complaints? If so, it would be a good idea to ask about those and to honor them by offering to collaborate in finding workable and mutually acceptable solutions.
Take a look at our section headed Learn A Skill, Item 2 and its related toolkit will give you a number of suggestions about both survey construction and procedures. You may find it necessary to attempt a resurvey, in collaboration with the landlord, that includes a brief description of tye survey's purpose and the importance of hearing from the wider neighborhood. Hand delivery to a person in each household may generate a higher response rate. Also, add space for comments by respondents, and guarantee that results will be made public without identifing any individual.
Hi Lisa; Thanks for your question. Check out our Chapter 15 section 4, if you have not already done so. That has general information about strategic communication and plans. However, I drew a blank when trying to identify a school or business that might serve as a model for your assignment. My best advice isa go to whatever departments at your own university teach business administration and strategic communication. Ask them for references to good examples of strategic communication plans (including those they may teach or use within their own departments), and also for contact persons within any company to which they refer you.
Hi Saroj,
This Advisor does not fully understand your question and requests that you resubmit it with more information about what learning you need to facilitate and assess. CTB has some general information about facilitation of learning, and you can access that by entering "learning facilitation" (WITHOUT the quotation marks) into the search box at the upper right of our page. However, I am not certain whether it really addresses your question.
Are you needing iinformation about learning facilitation models or about how to evaluate the results generated by two different models? If the latter, take a look at Evaluating the Results of the Intevention in the table of contents under Learn A Skill. Also take a look at the Toolkit enntitled Evaluating the Initiative found under the Learn A Skill heading.
Hi Alexandra,
Thanks for your quesion. First, try entering "staff Burnout" (WITHOUT the quotaton marks) into the search box at the upper right of our main page. that will generate a number of "hits" that may be directly relevant to your question. Regarding Benchmarking, we suggest that you look at Evaluating the Initiaive for possibly useful information. Finally, you might try a search through "Connect With Others" for relevant information.