Chapter 16. | Section 1.

Section 1. Conducting Effective Meetings

Meeting Checklist:

___There is a written agenda which everyone had received a copy of in advance

___Copies of the agenda available for everyone or there is a large piece of newsprint in the front of the room with the agenda written on it

___People feel welcome and valued. Remember to not open the meeting by saying "Where is everybody?" but instead, thank those who did give up their time to participate

___The routine reports are kept brief. Remember to have them written up and sent to members before the meeting

___Prime time is given to planning further action on important issues and/or projects

___You have made time for announcements, special requests, etc., for the end of the meeting

___The meeting is focused on real problems rather than being a gripe session

___The meeting begins and end on time (so members with family and other responsibilities can plan their time)

___Each member of the group is treated with respect, despite differences in viewpoint, age, experience, sex, race, income and formal education

___You have assigned responsibilities for each decision made

___You have set plans and a tentative agenda for the next meeting

___You have gotten feedback about the meeting

___People stay around and talk after the meeting

Writing Minutes of the Meeting:

___Include when the meeting took place (Date & Time)

___Include the participants' names and titles

___Discuss each agenda topic covered briefly

___State the issues brought up

___What ideas were offered and who offered them?

___What solutions were agreed upon?

___What assignments were made and to whom?

___What deadlines were stated?

___What follow-up actions will be taken after the meeting? Who is responsible?

Evalute the Meeting (Leaders):

___Prepare thoroughly

___State the purpose and goals of the meeting

___Circulate an agenda in advance of the meeting

___Invite the people needed to accomplish the goals

___Did you use pre-meeting discussions to ensure participants were prepared?

___Confront the issues

___Lead the group through the issues

___Take a stand on tough issues

___Seek definition of the solution

___Bring the meeting to the point of decision

___Ensure that assignments are made and deadlines set

___Perform the way you wanted to

___Establish and adhere to participation guidelines

___Be firm and assertive, yet, at the same time, fair to all participants

___Encourage others to speak out and state their new ideas

___ You are open minded to the possibilities when new ideas are expressed

___Adhere to the start and stop times

___Follow-up your leadership

___Confirm assignments and deadlines by memo

___Confirm assignments with the individuals supervisor if the individual is outside your reporting chain

___Distribute minutes of the meeting within 48 hours

___Acknowledge help and significant contributions by others

___Identify ways to improve your leadership next time

Evaluate the Meeting (Participants):

___Prepare thoroughly

___Know the purpose and goals of the meeting

___Obtain an agenda in advance of the meeting

___Determine what is applicable to your position and department

___Formulate a position on each agenda topic

___Develop a rationale for your position, addressing the pros and cons

___Develop a compromise

___Confront the issues

___Speak out and state your position when the opportunity presents itself

___Support your position with facts

___Employ tact

___Include the input of others when warranted

___Perform the way you want to

___Help the leader achieve the meeting's purpose

___Be an active listener and speaker

___Volunteer for assignments

___Speak briefly when making your points

___Contribute your ideas in response to presentations of others

___Clarify the assignments & deadlines for which you are responsible

___Follow-up your participation

___Begin immediately on your assigned task

___Meet with other participants to follow-up discussions as needed

___Acknowledge help provided by others

___Identify ways to help improve your participation next time