Chapter 2. | Section 10.

Section 10. The Strategic Prevention Framework

Tool #1: Supports for the Strategic Prevention Framework


Toolkit 2: Assessing Community Needs and Resources

Toolkit 3: Analyzing Problems and Goals

Assessing Community Needs and Resources

Analyzing Community Problems and Solutions

An Introduction to the Problem-Solving Process 

Thinking Critically

Defining and Analyzing the Problem

Analying Root Causes of Problems: The "But Why?" Techinique

Information Gathering and Synthesis

Capacity Building

Toolkit 1: Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships

Toolkit 6: Building Leadership

Toolkit 8: Increasing Participation and Membership

Toolkit 15: Improving Organizational Management and Development

Our Model of Practice: Building Capacity for Community and System Change

Using Internet-Based Tools to Promote Community Health and Development

Getting Issues on the Public Agenda, especially:

Choosing Strategies to Promote Community Health and Development

Communications to Promote Interest

Encouraging Involvement in Community Work, especially:

Developing an Organizational Structure for the Initiative

Hiring and Training Key Staff of Community Organizations

Recruiting and Training Volunteers

Providing Training and Technical Assistance

Orienting Ideas in Leadership, especially:

Core Functions in Leadership

Becoming an Effective Manager

Group Facilitation and Problem Solving

Working Together for Racial Justice and Inclusion, especially:


Toolkit 4: Developing a Framework or Model of Change

Toolkit 5: Developing Strategic and Action Plans

Toolkit 7: Developing an Intervention

Toolkit 8: Increasing Participation and Membership

Toolkit 10: Advocating for Change

Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change

Developing a Strategic Plan

Generating and Choosing Solutions

Putting Your Solution into Practice

Deciding Where to Start

Choosing and Adapting Community Interventions, especially

Providing Information and Enhancing Skills, especially:

Enhancing Support, Incentives, and Resources, especially:

Youth Mentoring Programs

Modifying Access, Barriers, and Opportunities, especially:

Improving Services, especially:

Chapter 25: Changing Policies, especially:

Building Culturally Competent Organizations

Conducting a Direct Action Campaign

Media Advocacy

Responding to Counterattacks

Toolkit 12: Evaluating the Initiative

Our Evaluation Model: Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives

Participatory Evaluation

Introduction to Evaluation

Some Operations in Evaluating Community Intervention

Some Methods for Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives

Using Evaluation to Understand and Improve the Initiative

Maintaining Quality Performance

Rewarding Accomplishments

Sustainability and Cultural Competence

Toolkit 7: Developing an Intervention

Toolkit 9: Enhancing Cultural Competence

Toolkit 16: Sustaining the Work or Initiative

Promoting Participation Among Diverse Groups

Adapting Community Interventions for Different Cultures and Communities

Working Together for Racial Justice and Inclusion

Social Marketing of Successful Components of the Initiative

Planning for Long-Term Institutionalization

Tool #2: CSAP’s Principles of Substance Use Prevention

The principles are divided into six domains: Individual, Family, Peer, School, Community, and Society/Environmental.

Individual Domain

1. Build social and personal skills.

2. Design culturally-sensitive interventions.

3. Cite immediate consequences.

4. Combine information dissemination and media campaigns with other interventions.

5. Provide positive alternatives to help youth in high-risk environments develop personal and social skills in a natural and effective way.

6. Recognize that relationships exist between substance use and a variety of other adolescent health problems.

7. Incorporate problem identification and referral into prevention programs.

8. Provide transportation to prevention programs.

Family Domain

1. Target the entire family.

2. Help develop bonds among parents in programs; provide meals, transportation, and small gifts; sponsor family outings; and ensure cultural sensitivity.

3. Help minority families respond to cultural and racial issues.

4. Develop parenting skills.

5. Emphasize family bonding.

6. Offer sessions where parents and youth learn and practice skills.

7. Train parents to both listen and interact.

8. Train parents to use positive and consistent discipline techniques.

9. Promote new skills in family communication through interactive techniques.

10. Employ strategies to overcome parental resistance to family-based programs.

11. Improve parenting skills and child behavior with intensive support.

12. Improve family functioning through family therapy when indicated.

13. Explore alternative community sponsors and sites for schools.

14. Videotape training and education.

Peer Domain

1. Structure alternative activities and supervise alternative events.

2. Incorporate social and personal skills-building opportunities.

3. Design intensive alternative programs that include a variety of approaches and substantial time commitment.

4. Communicate peer norms against use of alcohol and illicit drugs.

5. Involve youth in the development of alternative programs.

6. Involve youth in peer-led interventions or interventions with peer-led components.

7. Counter the effects of deviant norms and behaviors by creating an environment for youth with behavior problems to interact with other nonproblematic youth.

School Domain

1. Avoid relying solely on knowledge-oriented interventions designed to supply information about negative consequences.

2. Correct misconceptions about the prevalence of use in conjunction with other education approaches.

3. Involve youth in peer-led interventions or interventions with peer-led components.

4. Give students opportunities to practice newly acquired skills through interactive approaches.

5. Help youth retain skills through booster sessions.

6. Involve parents in school-based approaches.

7. Communicate a commitment to substance use prevention in school policies.

Community Domain

1. Develop integrated, comprehensive prevention strategies rather than one-time community-based events.

2. Control the environment around schools and other areas where youth gather.

3. Provide structured time with adults through mentoring.

4. Increase positive attitudes through community service.

5. Achieve greater results with highly involved mentors.

6. Emphasize the costs to employers of workers’ substance use and abuse.

7. Communicate a clear company policy on substance use.

8. Include representatives from every organization that plays a role in fulfilling coalition objectives.

9. Retain active coalition members by providing meaningful rewards.

10. Define specific goals and assign specific responsibility for their achievement to subcommittees and task forces.

11. Ensure planning and clear understanding for coalition effectiveness.

12. Set outcome-based objectives.

13. Support a large number of prevention activities.

14. Organize at the neighborhood level.

15. Assess progress from an outcome-based perspective and make adjustments to the plan of action to meet goals.

16. Involve paid coalition staff as resource providers and facilitators rather than as direct community organizers.

Society/Environmental Domain

1. Develop community awareness and media efforts.

2. Use mass media appropriately.

3. Provide structured time with adults through mentoring.

4. Avoid the use of authority figures.

5. Broadcast messages frequently over an extended period of time.

6. Broadcast messages through multiple channels when the target audience is likely to be viewing or listening.

7. Disseminate information about the hazards of a product or industry that promotes it.

8. Promote replacement of more conspicuous labels.

9. Promote restrictions on tobacco use in public places and private workplaces.

10. Promote clean indoor air laws.

11. Combine beverage server training with law enforcement.

12. Combine beverage servers’ legal liability.

13. Increase the price of alcohol and tobacco through excise taxes.

14. Increase minimum purchase age for alcohol to 21.

15. Limit the location and density of retail alcohol outlets.

16. Employ neighborhood antidrug strategies.

17. Enforce minimum purchase age laws using undercover buying operations.

18. Use community groups to provide positive and negative feedback to merchants.

19. Employ more frequent enforcement operations.

20. Implement “use and lose” laws.

21. Enact deterrence laws and policies for impaired driving.

22. Enforce impaired-driving laws.

23. Combine sobriety checkpoints with positive passive breath sensors.

24. Revoke licenses for impaired driving.

25. Immobilize or impound the vehicles of those convicted of impaired driving.

26. Target underage drivers.