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Ask an Advisor Questions
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Analyzing Problems and Goals
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Building Leadership
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Increasing Participation and Membership
Developing an Intervention
Influencing Policy Development
Advocating for Change
Enhancing Cultural Competence
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Evaluating the Initiative
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Core Competency
We bought a brand new van,diesel & cash no worries in MA a utility vehicle which has a franchise with terminal and my husband drives it. Sometimes we also used it for hire in any occasions. He drives it 4 x a wk. He earns a max.of P2,200-2,500 and min.of P1,200-1.500/day there's no classes. Which do we more prefer choosing the regular earnings or make it for hire that rates P3,000 per transaction almost 90km, overnight fuel inclusive, tolls are charged to the customer. I'm confused if we be benefit on that. Can you help me with this.If possible asap because there inquiries, and was taken for granted of the benefit if there is. Thanks
Mon, 04/18/2016
1. If you were a barangay chairman, how will you address the issue of the people working in the informal economy?
2. Do you agree with the informal economy, even though it may be unfair to those who pay the right taxes? Why or why not?
3. As a leader of a community, how will you alleviate poverty? What steps or actions would you take? Explain.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Developing an Intervention
Increasing Participation and Membership
Advocating for Change
Influencing Policy Development
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Fri, 04/15/2016
Dear Advisor of Community Tool Box,
A small "public library" committee is trying to start action to that goal in Byron, MN, a rich, professional suburb of Rochester Minnesota with the Mayo Clinic. Our community started as a small 600 pop. rural farm community and has grown over the years to a bedroom community of Mayo Clinic professionals, senior citizens, and a superb flourishing elite school system. We would like to have a small library. We have received funding support of the Byron Community Foundation to develop an information sheet for distribution to Byron organizations for a later community support survey. I have read your helps and they're great, but wonder if you might have any specific info for our situation. appreciate your wonderful website.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Developing an Intervention
Increasing Participation and Membership
Enhancing Cultural Competence
Advocating for Change
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Thu, 04/14/2016
Would you please guide me in how my organization can help a Latino community from a vulnerable community in East Bay, Parents are apathetic in getting involve in they children education. The majority of parents don't participate in school meetings, school district board meetings, educational class etc.
How we can turn around the parents indifferent behavior to increase parents participation?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Developing an Intervention
Increasing Participation and Membership
Enhancing Cultural Competence
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Thu, 04/14/2016
I am trying to find copies of successful applications of Assets of Community Value (so we don't have to 're-invent the wheel'. Where can I find some please?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Wed, 04/13/2016
Does one of your chapters address the reluctance staff may feel to encourage wide participation because someone may say or do something that's off message or reflects poorly on the organization? Along the same line, how about staff reluctance to involve people because there can be blow-back if staff ends up negotiating a resolution that some campaign activists don't like.
Increasing Participation and Membership
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Wed, 04/13/2016
How would one evaluate an education oriented project, Can you list steps?
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Wed, 04/13/2016
Good afternoon. I am looking for a (short) Mission Statement for: 1. An Insurance Sub-Committee tasked with both evaluating an HOA's insurance needs and interviewing and recommending insurance firms to the BOG and 2. An Audit Sub-Committee tasked with both evaluating an HOA's accounting needs and interviewing and recommending auditing firms to the BOG
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Mon, 04/11/2016
Can you give me your advice on our mission statement.
Bound By Dog Tags Foundation
Mission Statement
Promoting camaraderie and emotional support to Veterans in need, from others that answered the call of service for country.
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Increasing Participation and Membership
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Fri, 04/08/2016
Hello, I am a consultant writing a strategic plan for a non-profit. One deliverable from the RFP is to "create assessment tools/methods for evaluating outcomes, goals, strategies and programs." I am confused about what form this should take--is this a one page series of assessment questions that will evaluate all of these, or a multi-page document with questions about each? Do you know of any samples that I could refer to? I know what an assessment tool is generally but I'm not clear on what it means in this case. Thank you!
Evaluating the Initiative
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Fri, 04/08/2016
Hi, i have lean a lot from you so now i want to reference about you , what can i say?
Thu, 04/07/2016
What are the steps in the following: write "an assessment of the direct and indirect financial consequences for your proposed initiative".
Thank you,
Tracey K. Carr
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Wed, 04/06/2016
Hi, I just had joined your organization. I like to learn more about leadership programs, I am a supervisor and property manager. Any ideas you have in mind would be greatly appreciated.
Tue, 04/05/2016
Are you aware of any survey or a bank of questions I can use in a survey I could develop with my staff, parents and students to assess our level of cultural competence, implicit biases and institutionally racist practices?
Enhancing Cultural Competence
Wed, 03/30/2016
I live in a small town in central CA but I grew up in.... Kansas!!!!! So I had to write to you. My dad was a prof at KSU. No kidding. Kansas was a wonderful place to grow up. Wouldn't trade it for anything!
Here's my question: I haven't spent a lot of time reading everything on your site; there is SO much to read! I'm hoping you can point me in the best direction. I am a parent of two school aged children. Our town is about 40% White, 55% Latino, 5% Punjabi. 70% of the kids in our schools qualify for free/reduced meals, so money is an issue for most folks. Many of the Latinos and Punjabi adults do not speak English. Our schools are in pretty poor shape, both in terms of academics and facilities. In Nov. '18, some people (of which I am one) would like to pass a school bond or a tax so that we can raise money to fix the schools and haev better programs. However, we all agree that the community is not unified and there is a lack of trust between different groups. In addition, our largest voting majority are elderly or "empty nesters", so they no longer have a child in school.
I believe that we need to figure out how to build trust between the groups and unite the community, so that we can pass a bond or a tax for the schools.
HOW can we build community and trust between such a wide variety of people, who are different in age, culture/ethnicity, socioeconomics, and language, and who have very different goals?
Thank you very much!
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Increasing Participation and Membership
Enhancing Cultural Competence
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Sat, 03/26/2016
How do I cite this as a source? Who are the authors?
Thank you.
Mon, 03/07/2016
Can you provide the names of the author(s) who wrote Section 8. Ethical Leadership? I would like to use it in an essay.
Wed, 02/10/2016
I run a non profit organization that promotes healthy living in San Diego, Ca. The biggest problem I have is getting help with projects. How would you suggest motivating others to work for free and how to find them?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Building Leadership
Increasing Participation and Membership
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Wed, 02/10/2016
We are looking to start a youth peer group for 14-24 year olds living with a mental illness. I would like to have a contract for the youth to sign when they first join stating they will be respectful and no aggression. Is there anything I could use as a guideline. While I want this to be their group I feel there needs to be some guidelines and responsibilities for the participants.
Building Leadership
Increasing Participation and Membership
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Wed, 02/10/2016
Hi there, I'm looking to cite information from your articles for an academic assignment and I'm looking for specific authors in chapter 13. Can you help direct me to the location where authors are listed? Thank you!
Sat, 02/06/2016
How can I obtain all of the power point presentation you have to offer on how to start Support Groups. I am the Social Worker for Lititz Hematology and Oncology Care in Lititz, PA. We are going to build and start several support groups that address the needs of our particular population (cancer patients, cancer survivors, their families, etc) we are going to develop groups that address such things as How Cancer Impacts Everything and Everyone, How to continue to work fulltime or part time with Cancer, How do I explain this to my kids, and many others.
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Wed, 02/03/2016
I would like to propose a way to deter the youth of America from using tobacco products; however, I am usure how I would go about doing this.
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Building Leadership
Advocating for Change
Sat, 01/30/2016
Hi, I'm a MSW intern and I want to do a community-based participatory action research. I need some examples of things I can. I am in a community organizing class. I want to work with fathers who were involved with child welfare system, and how to build a support system for them in the community.
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Tue, 01/26/2016
I am on a committee that would like to use Photovoice concepts to explore one particular zip code in Reno, Nevada. We want to use 'at-risk' youth, all of them have smart phones. We were thinking of having them upload images directly to a shared site or platform. Does anyone have any experience with this versus digital/traditional cameras??
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Building Leadership
Increasing Participation and Membership
Mon, 01/25/2016
How do we develop a structure a for a community based organization whose strategic plan has expired and has no constitution?
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Fri, 01/22/2016
what types of questions should be asked when calling a foundation for grants?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Wed, 01/20/2016
It is permissible for us to use these examples in a training session we are conducting for community service organizations in Howard County, Maryland?
Tue, 01/19/2016
I need to make a logic model for my class and I really need help with it I am very confused. I chose to do it on cost/affordability on medication.
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Sun, 01/17/2016
I am looking to develop an assessment of baseline health information for a group of people in a different country that has asked for a health clinic to be built with the help of another outreach group. The outreach group needs to find a way to establish why the community wants the health clinic and what it will be used for, along with a baseline assessment. My degree is in public health so I have been asked to help with this. It has been so long since I have created something like this and was looking for a place to start as there are a number of obstacles to overcome with this assessment (like language, culture/societal norms etc). Any guidance would be appreciated.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Tue, 12/29/2015
when does a gathering become a community?
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Sun, 12/27/2015
I will be installed as the 2016 President of the Ruritan National Foundation (RNF) Board in January 2016 in Jacksonville, FL. Ruritan National has about 1,000 clubs and 28,000 members primarily located in the small towns and rural communities of the eastern U.S. Our RN clubs focus on community service, fellowship, and goodwill. Most of our clubs offer educational scholarships and provide a variety of community service projects.
RNF has a corpus of about $4 million and annual earnings of about $200,000 are used to encourage local RN clubs to provide scholarships to community students.
The RNF Board would like to double our corpus in the next five years (2016-20) to over $8 million. The persons in line to serve at RNF Presidents over the next five years have agreed to develop a strategic plan to raise the $4 million and to work diligently to achieve $8 million and use it to more than double our current impact.
Can your Advisiors help lead us thru a strategic planning process beginning in January 2016?
Your suggestions and assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Fred Payne, 2016 RNF President, 864-884-8899 or
Sun, 12/13/2015
I am working on a project that is trying to connect multiple groups, across professional sectors as well as community members, in an effort to reduce recidivism/enhance community stability for individuals and families after incarceration. One of the things we are trying to do is create a resource guide/reference guide type document for people to reference about what services exist, and basic information on how they are structured. For example, a mental health professional could reference it to get a basic idea of how community corrections works, what services they provide, how the funding works, and a general contact number/site for more information. Or a case manager in a correctional facility could reference it to see how a person quaifies for Medicaid, or how substance abuse treatment is paid for in Iowa and how the waitlists work. I've done a lot of looking around to try and find some guidance or even an example of what I am trying to do- basically a source of information to better connect people to services that already exist to try and reduce duplication, identify gaps, and reduce the "silo" effect. Not a directory, but it would have important contacts in it. Is this something you have any resources you could point me towards? Or language to describe it even? If not no worries, I might be making it more complicated than it actually is.
Your site is amazing, and I am sure I will visit it frequently now that I have discovered it, thanks!
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Wed, 12/09/2015
Hello! Do any of you provide (a 90-minute) presentations/discussions to not-for-profits on your toolbox--a summary of the modules, how it works, its efficacy in communities, etc.? I'm with a hospital assn., and our members are all NFPs. We are putting on a conference in March (16-18, in Bozeman), and want to provide some conceptual education (that gets into the how-tos) about building coalitions to improve the health of their communities. Many of them are small, rural/frontier, and this is fairly new for them. I'd like to start at the beginning with them to show how it can be done, no matter their size or location. Thank you.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Mon, 12/07/2015
I have two questions:
1. Do you know of any online course about Mental Health in the community? if so, could you give me the names and so on, if not, could you guide and coach me in setting up such a course?
2. I have started studying ecology related topics and problems. What impresses me most is the number of organisations which deal with it, both nationally and globally. In my opinion the disadvantages of this are bigger than the advantages. Are there also organisations which streamline and coordinate all these or some of these organisations? If so, which? (Tellus, not, do you think it would be a good idea to organize such thing?
Mon, 12/07/2015
Please help me my assignment wants me to write a planning session with the community and design a project to be done at the community
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Sun, 12/06/2015
I am looking for guidelines or a policy around youth workers (staff), using their personal money to buy personal items for youth. some of our youth are in high need and staff sometimes want to or feel obligated to buy them coats and such. do you have any materials that can address these issues?
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Thu, 12/03/2015
where is there good training available to learn about a speaking career
Enhancing Cultural Competence
Advocating for Change
Wed, 12/02/2015
Dear Toolbox Advisor,
I am in the final stages of writing a modified version of my current book, Starting and Sustaining Groups that Thrive: Therapist’s Workbook and Planning Guide. This edition, Groups That Thrive: Workbook and Planning Guide, is for a wider audience of non-therapists, such as leaders of self-help and support groups, writer’s groups, work groups, community and networking groups.
I am writing to ask your assistance in finding recent statistics.
I have been unable to find statistics about the number of self help or support groups in the US that are more recent than the last 10 years. Your implement/enhancing-support/peer-support-groups/main page cites 500,000 support groups in the US.
Do you know the source and date of that statistic? Re: “Did you know that there are over 500,000 support groups in the United States? Because they are both inexpensive and effective ways to offer assistance to people dealing with a variety of concerns, support groups have become a common method of serving the needs of people who are experiencing problems in their lives.” [From: /en/table-of-contents/implement/enhancing-support/peer-support-groups/main ]
Thank you in advance for considering these requests,
Ann Steiner, Ph.D., MFT Certified Group Psychotherapist
Psychotherapist/ Author /Trainer/ Professional Speaker
Recently Released: How to Create and Sustain Groups that Thrive: Therapist's Workbook and Planning Guide
To be Released: How to Create and Sustain Groups that Thrive: Therapist's Workbook and Planning Guide
Board Member, American Group Psychotherapy Association
Lafayette, CA
(925) 962-0060
Mon, 11/30/2015
Hi I would like to take the course to get my real estate license and the class is close to 500 dollars. I'm going through s divorce and my husband left me with negative 16 bucks in the bank. I just got a new job but it won't be possible to use that money to take my exam cause I have three kids plus bills. Any advice on how to get a grant for the real estate exam? I just really want to get myself into a position that I will be financially ok for the future and for my kids. Thanks.
Mon, 11/23/2015
How do I reference this website if I am using information it has provided?
Sat, 11/21/2015
I wanna open a group for young girls who live in difficult situation and having bad relationship. how can i start it. i want it to be known world wide.
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Evaluating the Initiative
Fri, 11/20/2015
Hello, I am searching for a training around community organizing. Our organization uses your Community Toolbox and we are currently looking at ways to expand our offerings around community organizing.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Advocating for Change
Wed, 11/18/2015
Hi is it possible to purchase all 16 modules of the community toolbox as a facilitator kit package? Can you please let me know the difference between the participant guides and the facilitator packages?
Pete Howard
Buller Community Development Facilitator
Sat, 11/14/2015
I am trying to decide between a phd and masters in Community Psychology. I am pretty certain I do not want to be an educator or conduct research in an academic setting. Would a masters degree be a better choice for me? Recently I have graduated with an MA in marriage and family therapy but I found I wanted to do more than just therapy and think Community Psychology will help me better integrate my interests ( human rights, policy, advocacy etc). Could you tell me what I can do with a phd that I wouldn't be able to do with just a masters?
Fri, 11/13/2015
I like your tool box
Is there any way it can be downloaded as a zip file?
thank you,
David Casey
Thu, 11/12/2015
Hello! I would like to start by thanking you for this wonderful resource. My trouble is that there is SO much information that I'm having a hard time filtering through the pages to figure out what is really most important. I'm wondering if you have any advice: I am going to teach a group of physical therapy students about doing a community needs assessment. I have 3, 1 hour lecture times and a final project. I'm wondering if you have any ideas on how to make these 3 lectures get "the most bang for the buck". Any suggestions on where to start or how to simplify the information? Thank you in advance!
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Tue, 10/27/2015
I am looking forward to so advice from your Advisors. A team of teachers at my school attended the IEL Family and Community Engagement Conference. I ended up with a little flyer from your organization... I just logged into your website and I am excited about all the tools you have available. I work at a diverse urban school district in CT. One of our focus areas are Family and Community engagement. We are honestly floating... our family engagement coordinator is knowledge and working hard but she is one of many people responsible for the interactions with our families and students. We do have a diverse staff population and as it become more diverse, I believe we as educators become more adept at effectively readjusting to situations based on our feedback from adult communication. However, we need to change our parent teacher conferences. When I think about building powerful PARTNERSHIPS with families, I do not see a teacher on one side of a table and family members on the other. Teachers reading information many parents don't understand, then strengths and concerns shared that may not be the same values as the families. We could get really into this!!! But our principal has given us 30 minutes on Dec. 1st for a group of use to support teachers in changing their conferencing practices, building cultural competence, and planning for their next weeks parent communication. PLEASE if you could offer any materials, resources, information that could support us, it would effective the lives of 523 students and a community of 4 times that. I thank you in advance for any advise, direction and "tools" that you can recommend.
Thank you,
Kara Levenduski
-Also wanted to mention we do have a book club of about 13 teachers reading Beyond the Bake Sale. - We are working on things... we need to continue to take relevant steps to improve our school culture.
Tue, 10/27/2015
Seek advise on developing Civic Leadership and Civic Education tool box.What tips and/or assistance that you can provide to deliver this committment.
Sat, 10/24/2015
How do I get my African American / Black allies to open up in my multi-cultural group? Thank you! Any advice is honored. if this is an appropriate question for this venue, i misunderstood. my apologies and thank you.
Mon, 10/19/2015
Would any of your staff be willing to facilitate a presentation virtually on sustainability planning for community-wide initiatives? If so, what is the cost for this? This would be a session lasting 1 hour to 1.5 hours.
Fri, 10/16/2015
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