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Question Core Competency التاريخ
how to create a watchdog group over a state liciense process
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Building Leadership
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
سبت, 07/29/2017
I heard about a conflict resolution technique that I want to learn more about. It is when opposing parties agree to role play the other's position and present the opposing position to the satisfaction of the opposing party. This helps build empathy for each other viewpoint.
What is the name of this technique and where can I read more about it?
Developing an Intervention خميس, 07/27/2017

I work for a global leadership consulting firm called Droste Group, and our goal for next year is to help college students become better leaders before entering the workforce.

To help college students, we are going to create some sort of online resource.

Do you think it would be better to have an online assessment or just a general guide on how to improve your leadership skills in college?

Let me know what you think!

Thanks and have a great day!

Developing Strategic and Action Plans أربعاء, 07/26/2017
Hi. I am doing Advocating for Change and what to know if this is accredited at the end of the course.
Advocating for Change أربعاء, 07/26/2017
Dear community health and development workgroup

I am Sara, I am a Belgian medicine student ( a year before finishing my undergraduate), currently doing a 2 month internship in India. extremely interested in community medicine and broader actually adresaing communities.

I read about you in a research project of a friend of mine (studying pedagogy). And I visited your site, saw the movie, read everything briefly...
And was inspired to do something.
Yet what?

I didn't know why I send you this. Even though I don't have a very specific aim, I want to know more and have learned that sometimes in life you just have to dare to jump.
But I wanted to let you know I am super interested.
So could you recommend some readings? Or actions I can undertake?
Doing a mentorship from very far -learning me more about it- ( if there's one thing that I learned so far, is that I learn the most by doing it myself or by personal interaction/stories)

Thanks for not neglecting my questions

Lookimg forward to any answer

Sara Pillen
University of Ghent, Belgium
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Evaluating the Initiative
ثلاثاء, 07/18/2017

In the next couple of weeks I will begin working as a CDL driver wellness coach for a company that has about 200 hundred drivers and 200 office workers who all have optional access to me as a health resource. It will be up to me to engage with drivers out in common areas and deliver presentations to office workers quarterly. I will take baseline health measures, utilize motivational interviewing techniques, follow up and problem solve with clients in order to help them improve their health and lifestyles.

It is up to me to raise participation rates in one-on-one wellness coaching and I was wondering if you could offer me any advice or resources that are aimed at working with a population such as CDL truck drivers and sedentary office workers?

I would also greatly appreciate help locating resources with information to disseminate that is timely and effective at quarterly presentations.

Thank you!
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
ثلاثاء, 07/18/2017
when i learn this book up to end am i doing a degreen program or what Building Leadership أحد, 07/16/2017
We are in a small rural town less than 13,000 market research shows an alarming number youth and young adults most with kids, minimum wage jobs or unemployed. I've been told by non locals to quit trying to start a nonprofit just go volunteer. However, my action plan should I be successful will give the youth to adults job skills in graphic arts and illustrations. Upon completion test to certify able to work freelance, businesses, or hopefully a stepping stone to college. The abilities to create logos, stationary, business cards, websites, web development the possibilities are endless.I want to provide fine arts programming and creative arts, many of those that will come to the community art center, will miss that college experience of fine arts. I am training myself in many mediums. As well as the different open source Graphic Arts Design and illustration comparing them to Adobe. Cost efficiency is at forefront. I paid for the business name and tax number now I am in a quandary. I am working on pieces of art to either put on my website, ebay ect. to raise my federal tax exemption fee would that be wrong? I am in dire need board members who want to actually do not just want to be on it for status. So many seem on multiple boards but I need those who will fundraise, get down and it takes so much work to create a program like this The only hiccup is there is mental health group that does art work but how would I approach them please tell I became totally disabled back in 2003, I have lost touch and many have passed on that would know the right people to pull of a fundraiser. I need guidance. I worked a helping field worked as lead volunteer service provider, I posted on my facebook for family grandmas, posted to the public on social media for any one wanting to improve lives providing developing skills, creating a small number of jobs. Adding to our community. Help, encourage and tell me how to get a working board. I have done so much too much myself for over a year and still am it is 5 am I started working at 3 am, Send prayers and help my way this will raise so many of all races above and beyond the poverty level. Plans to keep it afloat include art shows, art auctions different ways to put supplies back in and raise the creative side and let it expand their hearts and minds to see new ways in the world. Through many new windows. What tool kit would you recommend me.I do have a computer degree, training in substance abuse education and 3 classes short of my social work degree. My last head injury makes where that will be hard My plan is to get it set on course where I (within my education and professional work history) has been worked and planned where The Artist in Me could possibly survive longer than the possible 5. I will get a good board once we are going then step down to do my life's work and be right there with those learning to help guide and encourage allowing me to work around my disabilities which no local jobs will do. I am helper Always have and am trying to get back to it beyond a soup kitchen with this they can soar like they mean it. Soon to have business email.
Developing Strategic and Action Plans أربعاء, 07/05/2017

I am new to Powerpoint. I've notice I can't create a PPT presentation with step-by-step builds on an individual slide, and then convert the presentation to an MP4 video (the video loses all the audio sequence?)

Is that accurate or am I missing a step??

Thanks for your help and guidance

Joe Kubicek.

جمعة, 06/30/2017

I'm Anja from FirstSiteGuide and I wrote to you last week at this email address toolbox@ku.edu but I never received a reply... I’m trying to get in contact with the person who is in charge of listing the information on advocacy principles on your site here http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/advocacy/direct-action/electronic-advocacy/main.

Am I on the right track? If not, I would really appreciate if you could be kind to point me in the right direction... :)

Hope to hear from you soon!
خميس, 06/29/2017
I attended a conference in MN and an agency presented on the curriculum Promoting Community Health and Development on Module 6 Building Leadership and module 10 Advocating for Change. How can I purchase the module and leader guide? I am also interested in other module but this is our primary interest at this time
  • Building Leadership
  • Advocating for Change
ثلاثاء, 06/27/2017
We are a grassroot organization fighting against displacement in our neighborhood.

Can you connect us with organizations that have the experience working for housing for low-income and specially for those who are undocumented. We are ready to pay a community organizer; however, we lacked of the strategy and tactics to start our job.

To find the right organization who already has the best practice and send the organizer for a training will be our main goal.

اثنين, 06/26/2017
Does the city of dc regulate or have regulations on how, what, and where petitions collect signatures.
Increasing Participation and Membership أحد, 06/25/2017
Good day I have been the victim of a Human Rights Violation of Article 8 and 6 with a serious element of Torture..IIED. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress over a long period of 9+ years. I was involved in a family custody dispute with my sons father..whom I never married. He was a revengeful man who made it his mission to hurt me whatever way he could!! It has been a nightmare for me to live through. I was just reading an article that was written here on this side on Internalising Oppression...but having your human rights violated in such a severe way by having your child removed from your care without any reasonable cause other than his fathers false allegation...and having him win that fight in court was heart wrenching for me. I watched my son struggling to adjust to this situation so much so he ended up in a mental institution at 10 years old threatening to kill himself! and the judges still wouldn't listen to his cries or mines! It was heinous and outrages the hell we were going through...I have watched my son being broken and my heart has been broken into a gazillion pieces but the worst part is that there has been no justice served in this situation at all.. we have all been so traumatised and he was also blocked many times from being able to talk to me..even though I had joint custody !! My GOD I CANT EVEN BELIEVE THAT SUCH COULD HAPPEN EVEN THOUGH I HAD A PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORT TO PROVE HOW SERIOUS I WAS TO SHOW THE COURT THAT THEY ARE MISTAKEN...AND WHAT IS MORE CONFUSING IS THEY LEFT MY DAUGHTER IN MY CARE (as she was not from same father) and I have raised her all the way to her graduating with her Bachelors Degree with honours...and I barely know my son at all because of all the years of separation and brainwashing they have done not to mention the trauma and damage to him and my family on the whole...what can I do to bring justice and to heal my family and most of all my son! PLEASE I BEG YOU TO HELP US. - IF YOU CAN PLEASE...I FEEL LIKE I NEED TO BRING THIS TO SUPREME COURT AND HOPEFULLY BEFORE THE HUMAN RIGHTS COURTS TO FINALLY BRING JUSTICE AND AN END TO THIS NIGHTMARE AND HORRIFIC PAIN I AM LIVING IN...IM TIRED OF CARRYING THIS BURDEN AND THIS CURSE THEY HAVE PLACED OVER MY LIFE AND MY INNOCENT PRECIOUS SONS LIFE...I IMPLORE ANYONE TO PLEASE HELP ME TO GAIN JUSTICE SO WE CAN LIVE AS A HAPPY FAMILY THAT WE ONCE WERE!
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
أحد, 06/18/2017
Hi, I am working on a guide that includes a portion on how to disseminate data (e.g. on health conditions, health equity, etc.) from research/surveys back to the community, so that community organizations can use this data. Are there tools in the toolkit aimed at how to share this data?
جمعة, 06/09/2017
Adult son isolates himself depressed will not communicate what can we do to help him?
Developing an Intervention أربعاء, 06/07/2017
Our non-profit organization owns a building it housed in, but has hard time paying for its maintenances and taxes. What is the best way to decide whether we should sell the property, maintain the property, or sell and buy the new one, etc.?
Developing Strategic and Action Plans أربعاء, 05/31/2017
I am trying to find a company/individual that conducts Cultural Competence Trainings. I work for a non-profit organization which is becoming more and more diverse and I believe this training would help our organization. Especially with understanding the cross-cultural contexts in which people with differing beliefs, values, and perspectives must collaborate to learn and work. Is there a company you can recommend.
Enhancing Cultural Competence أربعاء, 05/31/2017

i want to build a college awareness campaign in my country Malawi. most high school students do not know what careers to pursue that fit their interests or set of skills resulting into a normative choice of career paths.

i would require guidance as to how i can structure my campaign .
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort اثنين, 05/29/2017
We are implementing a slum dweller livelihoods improvement program in Kampala Uganda. We find the information here very good and important in the implementation of the program. Can we integrate this information into our program?
ثلاثاء, 05/23/2017
Dear All Advisors
I have some questions about community readiness model.
Is it a scientific theory or not?
My research topic is related to chronic kidney disease prevention
This model attracts me for developing a theoretical framework for CKD prevention at the community level.
for your view, is it fit or not.
Thank you for your kindness and sharing fruitful website.
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
أحد, 05/21/2017
We would like to develop a model for a new program, "Build Healthier" at our non-profit organization, IT'S TIME TEXAS. The program currently consists of providing communities/coalitions statewide with toolkits, resources and training to help them create and sustain School Health Advisory Councils and Mayor's Health and Fitness Councils in their local cities/regions. I have been tasked with finding 3-4 evidence-based models, including case studies we could use to help guide our efforts in working with communities, as their support/intervention organization. I have found several models that are geared more for the communities doing the actual footwork (e.g. collective impact model), but haven't found models that appear to be a good fit for the support and intervention organizations, such as ours, who help the communities develop their initiatives. I would be so appreciative if you could provide me direction. What evidence-based models would you recommend for our Build Healthier (BH) program? Again, BH encompasses both programs below:
Mayor's Health and Fitness Councils https://itstimetexas.org/mhfc/
School Health Advisory Councils https://itstimetexas.org/shac/
I greatly appreciate your advice! Please call/email if you have questions. 520-331-5380
Beatrice Watson
جمعة, 05/19/2017
I a a volunteer for a small rural health department that is doing a community health assessment and plan/ Can you recommend any examples of surveys for this purpose? The county is about 5,000 people and rural between Denver and Boulder Colorado up in the mountains with very few services available locally to residents
خميس, 05/11/2017
I work at TriHealth in the same department with the CEO. I am the Executive Director for a newly formed nonprofit organization called Health Works here in Cincinnati. We are having the hardest time getting our program off the ground. I told the CEO of TriHealth about our organization and would like to see if we could partner with them some sort of way. He is open to having a meeting with me but I have no idea how to present this idea to him to make him be interested. Our organization is helping to low income people with health and wellness through a series of outreach programs and seminars as well as workshops. We are also starting a new chapter here in Cincinnati for Circles USA which helps people get out of poverty. That part we haven't begun yet. Since TriHealth is nonprofit hospital we are thinking they could benefit with partnering up with us in some way. How should I go about presenting this to the CEO?
ثلاثاء, 05/09/2017
Dear all advisers
This website is great.
Lots of rich information here.
But I have some questions and need your suggestion.
1. What are the differences between community capacity and coalition capacity?
2. What are the concept and measurement of community awareness?
Thank you so much for your help.
Best regard
اثنين, 05/08/2017
I'm planning on conducting a community needs assessment for my Master's of Nursing program assignment, and I was wondering about properly citing the toolbox. I'm unable to find specific authors or publish dates for Chapter 3, section 1 of the toolbox content.
Thank you!
سبت, 05/06/2017
I am a certified peer support specialist at a mental health facility. I have never done any work like this before and would like some guidance setting up a plan on how to facilitate a group. What is the best ice breaker to use when first starting?
خميس, 04/27/2017

I am working on a macro analysis project for a course in my social work program. There is a huge problem of firearms kept in the home unlocked and loaded in an area of the city I live in. My topic is unrestricted access to firearms and related violence (accidental deaths, theft of firearms, criminal misuse). I want to implement a public awareness campaign to educate members of the community on firearm safety and how to properly store their firearms. I want my intervention to be primarily based on education through mass media, but I also think starting a petition and drafting a new bill that requires firearm owners to safely store their firearms is important. I'm not sure that this component can be added into my awareness campaign though. Is it too much to plan and carry out? Should I just focus on public education and not creating systematic change?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships أحد, 04/23/2017
The organization I work at offers a gang and violence prevention program which provides lessons to members in bullying prevention, as well as an emphasis on resiliency training to give members, ages 10 -14, the skills they need to grow up confident, caring and responsible. I'm having trouble planning out several one-hour long programming activities for this age-range and with that background in mind. Any ideas to get the ball rolling in my head would be much appreciated!
Assessing Community Needs and Resources جمعة, 04/21/2017
We are planning a shared school/community playground and are at the stages of presenting to the public. We have a buzz around our community of the idea of a new space. The space that exists is a early 70's play equipment so many are excited to see new equipment. If we change the space to three elevations we can actually gain more usable space. That is where the project is at this point. The vision is there, but to portray it to the public it is in the drawing or design to SHOW the public that has us stopped in our tracks. The biual is the key to our support from donors. Because it is a playground during school hours and a community playground after, we want to show a visual as a park atmosphere with playground equipment. The design for the public will be the crucial part of selling it to donors. Playground companies are limited and showcase their equipment and landscape designers can create the park vision. Im looking for leads we turn combine their talents for our vision.
أربعاء, 04/19/2017
I think there is a need for support groups in my community but I keep bumping up against a series of walls. I have put out feelers to see if there is any interest but just informally . I am not a professional counselor or social worker and don't know how to connect with them .In the past , I was very roughly treated by the very people whose assistance I need .In fact it was extreme sabotage. Any ideas ?
ثلاثاء, 04/11/2017
Hi; I am creating a web site and have a non-profit 501C3 with a mission of helping senior citizens to a "good" life.

I am Professor Emeritus California State University with limited skills on the internet social marketing to build a senior benefit community. Any ideas of how to start and grow a senior community? My PhD fields are Marketing, Finance and Educational Psychology.

George Morris
Increasing Participation and Membership خميس, 04/06/2017
what is the cost of all 40 plus toolkits أربعاء, 03/29/2017
I am planning to work thru muy foundation down here in El Salvador, Central America in Community Development. Are there any advices or suggestions that you can provide me, please?
أربعاء, 03/29/2017
Could you let me know what is the certification for completing the community tool box courses.

I am interested in doing these courses and getting the certification.
أحد, 03/26/2017
How long is your program? Will those that recoeve your help be able to stay in contact with family?
جمعة, 03/24/2017
What strategies to establish and to proactively initiate relationship with professional networking with community organisations?
سبت, 03/18/2017
I am a Life Coach and Wedding Officiant
I have three wonderful people who are willing to support me to turn my company into a nonprofit. Our mission is to be a charitable online service to provide free services to those who cannot afford payment but at the same time develop a fee for service policy for those who can.
Allowing us the opportunity to serve people who live here in Michigan properly.

Please help me out. I need someone to talk me through the steps and answer my questions. Can you recommend someone who will take the time to mentor me through this process?

I read information on your platforms but have a difficult time understanding how it applies to what we seek to accomplish...
جمعة, 03/17/2017
