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Ask an Advisor Questions

Question Core Competency التاريخ
I need help with my organizational structure. My organization has been around for five years, has a 501c3, and things just don't seem to be going right. Can your organization help me with this issue?
ثلاثاء, 09/27/2016
How do I get a watchdog group started in reno,nv. to watch over the police agencies and hold them accountable for their actions?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships سبت, 09/24/2016
Hallo Advisor,

My name is Johan Hurter and I am the house father at a shelter for abused woman and children as well as destitute homeless people of all races and denominations..
Our organisation is called the SAVF South African Womans Federation. The SAVF is a NPO dependent on private donors, governmental grants and the national lottery to maintain its vast network of shelters and old age homes.
Our economy is suffering tremendously (various reasons - drought etc) and thus private donors tend to close their wallets.

I attended a top management meeting on sustainable financial development for the SAVF. I was tasked to seek and establish international resources (similar welfare npo's) to seek unilateral relations and financial support.

Please be so kind as to lead me in the correct direction to establish above mentioned relations and perhaps financial institutions that might want to become permanent donors.

Thank you kindly,


Email: jg_hurter@yahoo.com
Cellno: 0024 716881712
Improving Organizational Management and Development خميس, 09/22/2016
I receive gift certificates as a volunteer em from a non profit company. Can I get in trouble for this?
خميس, 09/22/2016
Your website has valuable information for my research. How would you recommend citing it (APA) for use in a term paper?
ثلاثاء, 09/13/2016
Hi I would like to know if you can help us or give us an example draft of a sponshorhip letter we would like to organize a fund raising project to help our community. Thank you guys and God bless!

جمعة, 09/09/2016
Hello, My friend sent me to your site. I have been volunteering in a small rural town in South Africa, less that 2 hours from Cape Town, for over 10 years. I do camps for teens and have gotten to know the people in the community very well. I see that health challenges abound, access to healthier foods is scarce and things do not improve year after year. I am not sure where to begin to see if your project might be of support in some way. I am interested in what types of intervention you have used in South Africa. I am known to the local clinic and care-workers but am also aware that there is a great deal of red tape to initiate a health related project there. There is massive alcohol addiction, drugs, obesity, diabetes and hypertension above and beyond HIV AIDS and TB. Any assistance would be so welcome!
Robin Goff
The Light Center, Baldwin City, KS 66006
أربعاء, 09/07/2016
We at KJB Creative Arts are forming our policies and procedures for an all inclusive dance and diversity company. Could you advise us on how to best form our organisation and direct us toward the required documentation?

Kind regards

Kay Browning

Improving Organizational Management and Development أحد, 08/28/2016
What have you found to be the most effective behavioral change models for weight loss educational counseling on an individual/intra-personal level. Are there resources or tools you have found useful in this setting?
Thank you
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
أحد, 08/28/2016
Aloha, my name is Ginger Otto, I am a Preschool teacher at a Catholic School here on the Island of Kauai , Hawaii . I am a passionate gardener as well and we have the space to utilize just not the funding for a educational outdoor addition to our Preschool grounds. My dream is to build a walk in Chicken coup with nesting boxes along both sides so our preschoolers could daily get the eggs and they in turn would supply our cafeteria with the eggs needed for cooking in both the breakfast and lunch meals we provide for our school. It will be a very educational and enriching experience for them as well as contributing to the sustainability of our school. I have never applied for a grant and am a little intimidated about the thought but passionate enough about this goal I am willing to try to see what I can do. I guess my question is does this sound like something that may quailify for funding through Community Toolbox?? If so what are the steps I should take or where do I begin? Mahalo for your time. Aloha, Ginger
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
سبت, 08/27/2016
please i need help with writing a proposal to an international donor to fund my project of offering free early childhood education which is also inclusive to help vulnerable children in my country.Ghana.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
جمعة, 08/26/2016
Hi there,

My name is George, I used to be President of a community here in Republic of Nauru. However, I am still engage with my community but in a lesser capacity.

We didn't accomplish much during my tenure for two reasons: 1. Executives members do not turn up for meetings and seemed dis interested in community matters. 2. We could not get the general community to attend community meetings to discuss anything or contemplate projects.

My question is how can I generate interest from both executive and community to take interest in meetings and to discuss community issues?

Note: Community executives are volunteers and we do not have funding but depend on our local MPs for funding. But no funding can be released unless the projects are agreed to by executives the same ones who do not show up to meetings.
  • Building Leadership
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
خميس, 08/25/2016
This is my first time planning to start an empowerment girls meet with no experience with running a group but I definitely have the desire to the job. My question is do I need to go to school in order to start my own empowerment group? Do I need any kind of psychology degree?
Building Leadership ثلاثاء, 08/23/2016
leadership in schools the effective styles Building Leadership ثلاثاء, 08/16/2016
how do i connect to a group called (to live again) to form a group in my community?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources اثنين, 08/15/2016
Dear Sir or Madam,
I found your website searching information of the position connected with cross-cultural competencies. I was dealing for years with international trade, have contacts with people from Asia, Far East, South America, Caribbean. Also worked in India. Had relations with represents of many religions - muslims, sighs, jains.
I do believe my experience could be just in a nice job. Unfortunatelly, as I like far from Warsaw (in Silesia), but there is not such an opening here.
Could you give me any suggestion, please?
With kind regards from Poland,
Grazyna Kowolik
Enhancing Cultural Competence أحد, 08/07/2016
What if a volunteer and boss have disagreement and boss fires volunteer with no reason
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Advocating for Change
ثلاثاء, 08/02/2016
Good Afternoon,
I am a faculty member in an undergraduate social work program and I need an instrument/assessment tool, etc. to measure the multicultural competencies of undergraduate students. Are you aware of a multicultural assessment tool?
Thank you.
Enhancing Cultural Competence ثلاثاء, 07/26/2016
Hello! My name is Amanda Winters and I work with the Illinois Board of Higher Education. We are getting ready to launch some regional work to more fully connect education and workforce pipelines. We are planning on utilizing elements of collective impact within our approach. I am very interested to see if you have a list of speakers that we could draw from to support our efforts. Folks who have done this work in diverse communities and can help our partners with some nitty gritty assessment and planning. We have some limited funds to support technical assistance, so we would really like to hone in on some targeted expertise. Just let me know and thanks!
Improving Organizational Management and Development اثنين, 07/25/2016
I find this to be very very educative , i am in Kenya and doing conservation work, if we can be helped to organised our program to receive funding
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
أحد, 07/24/2016

Paul said this would be a good place to submit my question for an Advisor to answer: I am the new Project Evaluation Associate at CHASS Center in Detroit, MI. I saw information on your toolbox when searching for more information on group facilitation. I was wondering if you have any cost/benefit analysis information available that I would be able to give my supervisor and our executive board meetings here at CHASS?
Developing Strategic and Action Plans أربعاء, 07/20/2016
Hello Advisor,
My name is Frank Wieman and I live in Lorain, Ohio.
I am in the process of starting a non profit foundation with as main objective "share the power of sports for underprivileged children!". Because I believe sport can help children to improve themselves both physical as mental. They can learn life long skills. That's why I am very enthusiastic about this. I am new to the non profit sector and encountered the Community Toolbox. This looks very sophisticated and well maintained! At the other hand I have difficulties about where to start, it looks overwhelming to me. Here does my question appear.
Please can you tell me how I can use the Community Toolbox or where to start? Do I need everything? If not, what do I need? If you would like to have an idea what our foundation is about please visit www.spsuc.org .
Thank you very much for your time!
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
اثنين, 07/18/2016
I was wondering the steps process in changing one of my classes? أحد, 07/17/2016
My name is Maria, and I work for a national general contractor as a project manager. My husband also works for the same general contractor as a union carpenter. My husband suffers from addiction and we have found the work environment to be very dangerous for him. It also seems to be recognized nationally that many people who work in the construction industry, from workers to management, suffer from addiction. However with this knowledge I have not been able to find resources at the Union in which my husband is a member that help support his recovery during his return to work, and I know no resources are offered from the employers. How can I help those that I work with in their recovery journey? How can we get information to those suffering that help is available? What resources and information is available that I can bring to either my employer or the Unions to help initiate programs to help their employees and members?
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Advocating for Change
سبت, 07/16/2016
What happens to data once it is analyzed Evaluating the Initiative جمعة, 07/15/2016
I run a non-profit in Nepal that provides educational and social services to orphans in Nepal through an after-school program. In addition to academic support, we do health checkups and nutrition, mental health therapy, etc. I’m currently searching for a database that we can track our program and evaluation outcomes. Something that would help me see their grades, health records, behavioral evaluations over time, etc. I’m having a hard time finding something that would cover all the bases, so I can see a snapshot of each child but also how our program is doing over time (e.g. an entire class’ grades over the year, behavioral changes over time, etc.). Do any of you know of any kind of software that might work for this? Right now I’ve got everything in spreadsheets and I’m realizing quickly, that it’s not a good long-term solution.
Thank you so much for your help,
Evaluating the Initiative ثلاثاء, 07/05/2016
how to conduct community organization meeting?
what are the ways of establishing a good relationship with the community?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships جمعة, 07/01/2016
I am looking for Focus Group Moderator training preferably offered by a university or non-profit. I am aware of the training offered by RIVA and the Burke Institute but these two options are cost prohibitive. Thank you,
خميس, 06/30/2016
If I am interested in purchasing community resource data. What is the best way to approach a helpline organization (i.e. 311, 211), and how? Thank you.
خميس, 06/30/2016

I'm interested in making this my career--to create shared value by using the community toolbox to decide on a community solution and then apply it through a community partnership or buying a small business and applying that solution strategy to the current business strategy.

creating shared value

How do you recommend that I get started? Do you have suggestions for the ideal outcome or plan? I'm thinking it may be best to pick a community to start in and then find the problem and then find a business that would be a good fit to apply it.


  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Building Leadership
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Advocating for Change
  • Influencing Policy Development
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
خميس, 06/30/2016
