استمارة البحث

Ask an Advisor Questions

Question Core Competency التاريخ
1. If you were a barangay chairman, how will you address the issue of the people working in the informal economy?

2. Do you agree with the informal economy, even though it may be unfair to those who pay the right taxes? Why or why not?

3. As a leader of a community, how will you alleviate poverty? What steps or actions would you take? Explain.

  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Advocating for Change
  • Influencing Policy Development
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
جمعة, 04/15/2016
Would you please guide me in how my organization can help a Latino community from a vulnerable community in East Bay, Parents are apathetic in getting involve in they children education. The majority of parents don't participate in school meetings, school district board meetings, educational class etc.
How we can turn around the parents indifferent behavior to increase parents participation?
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
خميس, 04/14/2016
Dear Advisor of Community Tool Box,

A small "public library" committee is trying to start action to that goal in Byron, MN, a rich, professional suburb of Rochester Minnesota with the Mayo Clinic. Our community started as a small 600 pop. rural farm community and has grown over the years to a bedroom community of Mayo Clinic professionals, senior citizens, and a superb flourishing elite school system. We would like to have a small library. We have received funding support of the Byron Community Foundation to develop an information sheet for distribution to Byron organizations for a later community support survey. I have read your helps and they're great, but wonder if you might have any specific info for our situation. appreciate your wonderful website.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Advocating for Change
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
خميس, 04/14/2016
How would one evaluate an education oriented project, Can you list steps?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
أربعاء, 04/13/2016
Does one of your chapters address the reluctance staff may feel to encourage wide participation because someone may say or do something that's off message or reflects poorly on the organization? Along the same line, how about staff reluctance to involve people because there can be blow-back if staff ends up negotiating a resolution that some campaign activists don't like.
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
أربعاء, 04/13/2016
I am trying to find copies of successful applications of Assets of Community Value (so we don't have to 're-invent the wheel'. Where can I find some please?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources أربعاء, 04/13/2016
Good afternoon. I am looking for a (short) Mission Statement for: 1. An Insurance Sub-Committee tasked with both evaluating an HOA's insurance needs and interviewing and recommending insurance firms to the BOG and 2. An Audit Sub-Committee tasked with both evaluating an HOA's accounting needs and interviewing and recommending auditing firms to the BOG
Improving Organizational Management and Development اثنين, 04/11/2016
Hello, I am a consultant writing a strategic plan for a non-profit. One deliverable from the RFP is to "create assessment tools/methods for evaluating outcomes, goals, strategies and programs." I am confused about what form this should take--is this a one page series of assessment questions that will evaluate all of these, or a multi-page document with questions about each? Do you know of any samples that I could refer to? I know what an assessment tool is generally but I'm not clear on what it means in this case. Thank you!
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
جمعة, 04/08/2016
Can you give me your advice on our mission statement.

Bound By Dog Tags Foundation

Mission Statement

Promoting camaraderie and emotional support to Veterans in need, from others that answered the call of service for country.
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
جمعة, 04/08/2016
Hi, i have lean a lot from you so now i want to reference about you , what can i say?
خميس, 04/07/2016
What are the steps in the following: write "an assessment of the direct and indirect financial consequences for your proposed initiative".

Thank you,
Tracey K. Carr
Writing a Grant Application for Funding أربعاء, 04/06/2016
Hi, I just had joined your organization. I like to learn more about leadership programs, I am a supervisor and property manager. Any ideas you have in mind would be greatly appreciated.
ثلاثاء, 04/05/2016
Are you aware of any survey or a bank of questions I can use in a survey I could develop with my staff, parents and students to assess our level of cultural competence, implicit biases and institutionally racist practices?
Enhancing Cultural Competence أربعاء, 03/30/2016
I live in a small town in central CA but I grew up in.... Kansas!!!!! So I had to write to you. My dad was a prof at KSU. No kidding. Kansas was a wonderful place to grow up. Wouldn't trade it for anything!

Here's my question: I haven't spent a lot of time reading everything on your site; there is SO much to read! I'm hoping you can point me in the best direction. I am a parent of two school aged children. Our town is about 40% White, 55% Latino, 5% Punjabi. 70% of the kids in our schools qualify for free/reduced meals, so money is an issue for most folks. Many of the Latinos and Punjabi adults do not speak English. Our schools are in pretty poor shape, both in terms of academics and facilities. In Nov. '18, some people (of which I am one) would like to pass a school bond or a tax so that we can raise money to fix the schools and haev better programs. However, we all agree that the community is not unified and there is a lack of trust between different groups. In addition, our largest voting majority are elderly or "empty nesters", so they no longer have a child in school.

I believe that we need to figure out how to build trust between the groups and unite the community, so that we can pass a bond or a tax for the schools.

HOW can we build community and trust between such a wide variety of people, who are different in age, culture/ethnicity, socioeconomics, and language, and who have very different goals?

Thank you very much!
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
سبت, 03/26/2016
