Guestbook entries

First Name: Stephany
Last Name: García
City/Town: Mexicali
State/Province: Baja California
Country: Mexico
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
We are a group of students from UABC in Mexicali, B.C. We want to make an intervention in a community, the main problem are drugs, consumed by teenagers.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
We want to take some ideas
First Name: Kat
Last Name: Liu-Asomua
City/Town: Auckland
State/Province: NZ
Country: New Zealand
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Director of Independent Learning at Alfriston College, South Auckland.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Using your awesome resource to project plan changes to support better student centered 21st century learning at my school in low socio-economic neighborhood. Thanks so much!!!
First Name: dollie
Last Name: Mims
City/Town: bay Minette
State/Province: alabama
Country: usa
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
great information I could use. thank you
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
to help become a stronger city and community
First Name: Kimberly Dawkins
Last Name: Berry
City/Town: Greensboro
State/Province: North Carolina
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I've been retired from human services administration (aging and disabled) for18 months. Working with some local non-profits to help strengthen their goals objectives and Board membership
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Just have discovered the community Tool Box and would love to use some of the materials but do not know how. Are they available for purchase? I see they are copyrighted but am very interested in using some. what is process?
First Name: Erastus
Last Name: Uushona
City/Town: Windhoek
State/Province: Windhoek
Country: Namibia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I was born in Onashitendo, Uukwaluudhi. I spend my childhood at Ombalantu untill my grade 8. I complete my secondary school in 2004 st Gabriel Taapopi Secondary school.
I come up with ideas of set up the Youth organization the time I was working in the Ministry of Gender Equrand Child Warefare under the Programme to distribute foods to Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Namibia , I observe how young people suffer especially in rural areas
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Without Toolbox guidance, all my work will be in mess. I gain more experience on how to set up youth club, how to run a successful club, setting up a Board of Committee member.
I get all the support I wanted to run the club in a smooth and friendly way.
First Name: Masataka
Last Name: Kuraoka
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
Research Team for Social Participation and Community Health
We are also WHO collaborating center
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just found this site but this is the best website I have ever seen on community health. We support community health practioners like public health nurses in Japan through our research and trainning. I hope I can learn a lot from this site.
First Name: Rosio
Last Name: Almaguer
City/Town: Santa Barbara
State/Province: CALIFORNIA
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am local to the Central Coast in California. I work for a local non profit and for purpose organization that provides financial and emotional support to local tri-county families of children diagnosed with cancer.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I use the CTB as a resource for my organization's evaluation and development phase.
First Name: ahmed
Last Name: ahmed
City/Town: Tizi Ouzou
State/Province: -- Select --
Country: Algérie
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a teacher and researcher in local (community) development. I'm asked by local authorities to manage a community development project in a 100 000 inhabitants mountainous area.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I'm discovering Ctb, and I'm very surprised to note its adequacy in a country, an area so different of the USA.
I wish to try the model in Kabylie, a mountainous area not far from Algiers.
Ctb is very rich, and, perhaps, difficult to manage. For the moment I'm just learning it and need time and work for a project which begins in january 2015;
what kind of help may I expect? Are you interested by the project?
Kind regards . Ahmed
First Name: Loki
Last Name: backlinks
City/Town: Santiago city
State/Province: Isabela
Country: Philippines
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
im a web designer.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
to interact with the community.
First Name: Brett
Last Name: Rydzon
City/Town: Chicago
State/Province: Illinois
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
First-year MPH student at UIC focusing in Epidemiology. In the following year I am applying to medical school and considering working on a DrPH afterwards.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just simply admire this website and will be subscribing to your newsletter. Thank you for all your work!
First Name: chhabi ram
Last Name: baral
City/Town: kathmandu
State/Province: bagmati
Country: nepal
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
i read your community tool box . it is very interesting and knowledgeable to me , we have " children dream society " named organization, we are working with this institution, your tool box is very fruitful for me , thanks
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
it is very useful to me , i appreciate your effort. thank you
First Name: Sabrina
Last Name: Peek
City/Town: Butler
State/Province: Mo
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Member of the Elks lodge and assigned chairman if their Hoop Shoot program. I want to do good on my first try with good support.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am new here and as the chairman. Any helpful tips or resources would be greatly appreciated.
First Name: Cynthia
Last Name: Charles
City/Town: New Orleans
State/Province: Louisiana
Country: US
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My name is Cynthia J. Charles and I am the Director of the Will W. Alexander Library at Dillard University. I was previously the Librarian and Branch Manager of the Austin Public Library, George Washington Carver Branch in Austin, Texas and Library Director at Texas College in Tyler, Texas.
I have a Bachelor's Degree in General Studies - Arts & Humanities, from the University of Houston-Downtown and a Master's in Library and Information Studies from the University of Texas in Austin. I am currently working on my Ed.D. in Educational Leadership online through Concordia University-Portland, OR.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
We are taking advantage of the FREE webinars!
First Name: Isiaka
Last Name: Akande
City/Town: Toronto
State/Province: ON
Country: Canada
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Support Care Works, Research, and Operations
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
This is my first contact with your program. I will research what you provide and my job needs to give a definite answer.
First Name: wandisanga
Last Name: kayira
City/Town: ntcheu
State/Province: central province
Country: malawi
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
am a data monitoring assistant for a maternal and child health project, am also a student at the catholic university of Malawi studying monitoring and evaluation
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
the community tool box is a great resource not only for me but also my workmates. we are in the process of writing a concept note for a project and we have found the community tool box very valuable
First Name: Bala
Last Name: Ibn Shehu Uthman
City/Town: NINGI
State/Province: BAUCHI
Country: NIGERIA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a field worker and a part time lecturer at College of Health Technology Ningi Bauchi State Nigeria. I am working as LGA Facilitator ( a contractor) for WHO polio eradication initiative (PEI) in Bauchi State Nigeria as one of the surge capacity staff of the organization. I found this site very interesting, educating and very helpful. I hope to donate to this site and continue to donate for this very important service to community/humanity. Thanks...keep it up please.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
It supports me in preparing my lecture notes to students and in delivering my services at the community level. Thank you very much.
First Name: Trisha
Last Name: Wansel
City/Town: York
State/Province: PA
Country: Springbury
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Certified Peer Specialist. I am also Certified in Forensic Peer Support. I am also a Nami Co facilitator and I am on the State Advirsory Board for Community Care Behavioral Health. I am one of the co chairs for our local CSP program. I am a person who likes to learn different things and new ways of teaching people.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just came across this website. I would like to know if there is a website that I can go to get a list of different topics for to talk about in our Peer Power Group, which we have every Friday morning at our Office.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Chan
City/Town: Kuala Lumpur
State/Province: Kuala Lumpur
Country: Malaysia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
i am the co-founder of HELP University (Higher Education Learning Philosophy). i started with US 5,000 with my wife in 1986, It has grown from 30 students to 12,000 students. We are a social business enterprise and we donate US 7.5 million each year to help the needy and disadvantaged. As a university, we have grown global and have various collaborative models with many universities in US, United Kingdom, Australia and China. i would like to invite UK students under student mobility to visit us. We used to have MBA students from U of T, Austin and American University doing credits with us.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
i just discovered the CTB and find this useful. i plan to use this to expand the Project Self HELP which we started for 90,000 refugees under UNHCR in Malaysia. I also plan to use this to start inter-racial community projects to promote racial harmony in our multi ethnic and multi religious society.
i also support through scholarships students from earthquake areas in China.
i hope to connect to you all and learn more how to use the CTB to help disadvantaged and needy people.
First Name: David
Last Name: Raleigh
City/Town: Lexington
State/Province: KY
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am an Education Recovery Leader for the Kentucky Department of Education. I work with low performing middle and high schools in Louisville, KY.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I've been using the sections from the tool box regarding strategic and action planning in my school improvement work. However, I plan to use other sections as well.
First Name: rashid
Last Name: mohamed
City/Town: Nairobi
State/Province: kenya somalia and ethiopia
Country: kenya
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My name is Rashid Mohamed working with international Agency named ORDO(onkod releif development organisation) as CEO of kenya.somalia and ethiopia currently based in ORDO-Nairobi office .
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
have just known to be educative center and decided to partner with them for gaining more skills
First Name: Liria
Last Name: Garrison
City/Town: Glassboro
State/Province: N.J.
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a 53 year old women, mother of 5 grown child married 34 yrs. My husband had several affairs. We were high school sweethearts. You could have never told me I would have ended up in a marriage like the one I am in. I had two minor strokes(TIA) thank God nothing to serious he helps me but he doesn't want to be here anymore. He won't leave, but staying is causing extreme discomfort mentally and psychically. Did I mention He had a child out of this affair.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The Community Tool Box has given several ideas on how to recruit members, how to start the meeting, and tips on handling difficult group members.
First Name: Juli
Last Name: Pack
City/Town: Enid
State/Province: Oklahoma
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My background is as a Social Worker in the field of healthcare. I recently was hired as a Program Coordinator by RHP for a Network Development grant to expand the existing Community Health Improvement Organization (CHIO) into two neighboring counties. The goal is to bridge provider efforts with community efforts to improve the overall health of the community.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Though I have a history of working with medical providers and the communities, approaching and selling providers and community members on a new concept such as the CHIO is new for me. The information in the Community Tool Box has helped reinforce the things I knew and enlightened me on so many ways to approach this. THANK YOU!
First Name: DAVID
Last Name: ABAGI
State/Province: SIAYA
Country: KENYA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Christina
Last Name: Johnson
City/Town: Marion
State/Province: IN
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
We're an organization looking to collaborate with other members within the community that helps prevent intimate partner violence.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
We've been able to really have a glance at the articles that connect risk and protective factors. We've also had the chance to look at programs that have been effective for specific age groups. This website is amazing! Keep up the good (hard) work!!
First Name: akbar
Last Name: mohamed
City/Town: Dindigul
State/Province: Tamilnadu
Country: India
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am an English hungry man who would like to teach and train people in speaking learning and writing. I am running 38, smart looking with a flair for English language. I have a beautiful family and enjoying a peaceful life. I am crazy on English movies and a voracious reader of classics. Looking forward for more progression...
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
to be precise.. this is may energy
First Name: Alexus
Last Name: Kennedy-Vanheusen
City/Town: Gainesville
State/Province: FL
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I have a Master's Degree in HR and I am currently looking for work, and information to prepare me for positions in HR.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
As stated
First Name: Estrella
Last Name: Evangelista
City/Town: Las Vegas
State/Province: NV
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
A community advocate that aim to change the mindset from healthcare to health
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Resource guide for program proposal.
First Name: Ernesto
Last Name: Vasquez
City/Town: Portland
State/Province: Oregon
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am currently an undergraduate student studying Music with a concentration in Education and Business Administration with minors in Entrepreneurship and Psychology. Upon graduation, I plan to continue my education in the fields of Community Psychology and Music Education. In the future, I hope to establish a music education nonprofit organization for at-risk youth in urban communities.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I have just recently stumbled upon the CTB and I can tell it will be a great resource that will expand my knowledge on how to pursue community engagement for positive change.
First Name: Mahawa
Last Name: Komala
City/Town: Monrovia Liberia
State/Province: Monrovia
Country: Liberia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My name is Mahawa Komala from Liberia west africa, I am a volunteer member of a peace building organization in Liberia called (Everyday Ganhis) our mission is to educate and inspire the public, supporting peace through sharing stories and experiences that illustrate fresh thinking, respect for traditional culture,restoration of nature, innovative media, and the importance of community storytelling. as a peace-builder, as we understand it, is the inside-outsider who, by tending to that role, catalyzes the wisdom of an individual or community to restore its intrinsically sustainable authentic nature.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The community tool box has been very helpful to me and also my work in the community, I dream to become a environmental scientist, I have interest in community issue and development, I get most of my article from the community tool box, whenever we have a project to undertake in our community I used the community tool box to get all of my information in during my presentation, I am very thankful to the university of Kansas of creating this tool box for us.


Mahawa Komala
Last Name: NUURI-TEG
City/Town: Tamale
State/Province: Northern Region
Country: +233
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a 25 year old gentleman and a graduate student of the University for Development Studies,Tamale, Ghana where I am currently studying MSc Community Health and Development.I am also an intent at a non-governmental organization called SavanaSignatures. I have personal interest in activities that has to do with community development which explains my desire of being a community developer especially in the area of health so as to improve lives of people wherever i find myself.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The tool box with its rich content will go a long way to equip me with the necessary resource and knowledge to effectively undertake any community development programme.
First Name: Tami
Last Name: Ruckman
City/Town: Asheville
State/Province: NC
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the Director of Development at Eliada Home for Children, and have been doing program planning and fundraising for non-profits for 25 years. My background is social work.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I have used Community Tool Box for years - it helps me write grants, develop outcomes, lead processes, develop protocols, and so on. It is like "planning in a box". It is everything I have learned about non-profit work in outline form! I love it!
First Name: Betsy
Last Name: Stapleton
City/Town: Hephzibah
State/Province: GA
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I retired and have volunteered to work with a group who has shown interest in building a substance abuse program ministry in our church and local community. At the present time, we researching credible sources to build this incredibly needed program.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
In searching for credible sources, I came across Community Tool Box site and was highly impressed with valuable information. I have not gotten into using the Community Tool Box, because I have not found whether or not substance abuse would be in the program at all. However, I decided to make contact and ask specific questions if we could possibly get help from this amazing organization.

I did subscribe to the eNewletter.
First Name: Jennifer
Last Name: Leaf
State/Province: Hawke's Bay
Country: New Zealand
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
A group of art and design students from a local tertiary institution, Eastern Institute of Technology, presented to our parks team and Councillors on design ideas for an upcoming park revitalisation - one of the groups referenced - that seemed familiar!
I am a KU alum (Bachelors Geography '87 and MSEd '92)
Good resource you have here - being used around the world!
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Bagrmwin
Last Name: Lawrence
City/Town: Nandom
State/Province: Wa
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a student of the University for Development Studies. I am reading masters in community health and Development. I work with the Ministry of Health in Ghana as a Nurse Practitioner
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
It help me in understanding key concepts in community health and development as a student. After my studies, it would health me in establishing foundation that would be devoted to community work.
First Name: Binta
Last Name: Moustapha
City/Town: Calabar
State/Province: Cross River State
Country: Nigeria
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Binta Moustapha teaches Basic Science and Biology at a privately owned school where she also heads the Mathematics, Science and Technology Department to earn a living.

She is most noted for her efforts towards promoting mathematics, science and technical education for young Nigerian learners especially girls since 2010 through a nonprofit organization which started as B'da Best Concepts but now registered as The Best Education for Development Foundation.

She has just opened an adult and Continuing Education Center this May 2014 to help young girls and women who were withdrawn from western schools for marriage acquire knowledge and skills to function effectively in the Community.

She just qualified for an award which recognizes women in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics-(STEM) across Africa and Middle East sponsored by the United States Department for Education and Cultural Affairs.

This award is an all expense paid 5 weeks Internship at Washington DC and Silicon Valley in San Francisco USA scheduled for the 30th to the 5th of November 2014.

She looks forward to partnerships, empowerments and collaborations that will help develop her initiatives in Nigeria.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The Community Tool box has been a map to provide structure and content for my work.

The information and guidelines are indispensable.
First Name: Salomé
Last Name: Meyer
City/Town: Cape Town
Country: South Africa
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a social worker by training, worked mainly in community development for most of working my career (full time). Became involved in cancer as a volunteer and for the last 20 years have focussed in this field using community development skills in a consultancy and voluntary capacity. Am also an active independent cancer advocate - using political and media advocacy focussing on breast and cervical cancer that is shows the highest incidence and mortality rates for women in South Africa and Africa.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I came across your website with the most wonderful toolkits and references – I do have to say that it is SOOO great to see work shared in the public domain. I am from Cape Town, South Africa – and involved in advocacy – which in SA is not really as developed as in many other countries. We are in process of developing an Advocacy and Communication training course for cancer non-profit organisations, and will be implementing a massive media based campaign for Advocates for Breast Cancer (ABC) around breast cancer policy development. In the notes we will make specific reference to your toolkits and will further refer the toolkits to the our colleagues in the AORTIC African Cancer Advocacy Consortium (ACAC).
First Name: Youchaou
Last Name: TRAORE
City/Town: Bamako
State/Province: Mali
Country: Mali
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the executive director of a local NGO dealing with community development activities like health, education, IGA, youth development, etc.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
This is my first time to discover your web site and tool box. It helped me a lot improve the action plan of my organisation and it has been particularly helpful for my junior staff who found it very simple and easy to use. Thank you very much for developing these tools and making them available for free for the development of humanity. You are doing a great job. Thank you very much.
First Name: Ikleen
Last Name: Ibrahim
City/Town: Tamale
State/Province: Northern Region
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a masters student at the University for Development studies. i am enrolled in the Community Health and Development Program. i have a keen interest in community work, a result of several years of observing the worsening plight of may communities in my country. this is despite the fact that so much has been attempted by government and other organizations to make things better.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The Toolbox for me is a timely intervention. From community assessment to developing advocacy campaigns, the toolbox gives me all the information needed to go into action. its emphasis on participatory methods for sustainable initiatives is worthy of note and emulation. My plans are already in motion towards setting up a research, advocacy and policy analysis organization and one of my worries has been sourcing of funding. the toolbox is therefore particularly resourceful in that light, i am grateful to Prof. Stephen B. Fawcett for introducing me to this resource.
First Name: ADONGO
Country: GHANA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am ADONGO ATOGUMLEMYA PROSPER a native of Yua-Navrongo and a graduate student studying community health and development of the university for development studies.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
it is a very important source for me to get information for my assignments.
First Name: Abubakari
Last Name: Sumaila Gariba
City/Town: Bawku
State/Province: Upper East Region
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Am an Msc. student in community health and development at UDS Tamale, am also a registered nurse and a nurse tutor at the presby NTC, Bawku
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Am using it assist me in community field work and in teaching my students as a source of information
First Name: Dr. Young
Last Name: Usen
Country: Nigeria
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am an educationist by profession. Have traveled wide across the different continent of the world. Am very concern and passionate about the pathetic condition and lack of proper development and organization of most communities in my country, and how to bring improvement to support what the government is doing. I have been considering starting an organization that will partner with private and government bodies and contribute to the improvement, provision of basic services and development to the less privileged citizens in their various communities across the nation. In my quest for useful and helpful materials, i stumbled on the Community Tool Box.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Have just downloaded all the PowerPoint slides. Am studying them slide by slide. Afterward, I intend to start recruiting a team of volunteers with similar vision and passion, train them using the community tool box materials, then we will launch the Community Organization for Development Initiative across my nation. I am optimistic that with the rich content of the CTB, I will be able to effect an action that will eventually benefit the ordinary citizen in my Country. I also want to make further contact with CTB organization for any kind of affiliation that might be available. Thank you very much for the good job with the CTB.
First Name: ANYOKA
Last Name: BEDE
City/Town: TAMALE
State/Province: GHANA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a post graduate student of University for Development Studies, studying community health and development. who wish to go into the academia that into lecturing and helping the rural communities in Ghana.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
i wish to use the community tool box in my quest to be a lecturer and to design community interventions that will help solve my community problems.
First Name: M.Arsalan
Last Name: Tahir
City/Town: korangi
State/Province: karachi
Country: pakistan
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
we are youth group working for youth of korangi , we are empowering our fellows by train them on different topics and life skills , which can make them benifical for society
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
CTB IS HELPING us by making us understand the concepts of community ,we use the speciman of fund rasing module and lectures
First Name: David
Last Name: Dumakawe
City/Town: Tamale
State/Province: Tamale
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My name is David Dumakawe, a Community Health and Development student of the University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana. I am a entrepreneur but with a community nutrition background.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
As a Community Health and Development student, with an interest in the area of health literacy, this is just the resource i need to be able to embark on this exercise. In Ghana and mostly especially Northern region,one can have cases of high Antenatal Clinic visits but low supervised skilled deliveries, and this is a worrying trend because of our quest to reducing maternal and infant mortality. My work is going to be a lot more easier with this community tool box as my guide. It will also help me in managing my business as well, most especially in areas of selling my ideas and work to people using social marketing techniques and principles.
First Name: Ikleen
Last Name: Ibrahim
City/Town: Tamale
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am master student, studying Community Health and Development. I have a keen interest in community issues and participatory methods for sustainable development.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The Toolbox is to me a resource like like none other. It is giving me a more practical insight into the assessment of community needs and resources, building leadership and dealing with opposition. Among other things I am glad that I can readily see what others have done in their situation and be able to adapt and customize it to fit mine. I am about starting an advocacy and policy research organization and the toolbox resource on funding proposal is very informative. It really straigtens all ambiguity and for me, research, teaching and training, as well as building partnerships for future developmental projects just got easier. I am grateful.
First Name: Rashid Kawawa
Last Name: Abubakar
City/Town: Bolgatanga
State/Province: Upper East Region
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My name is Rashid Kawawa, a male. I trained as a teacher and a development specialist. I am currently pursuing a master of philosophy in Community Health and Development at the University for Development Studies-Ghana, hoping to help ensure a healthy Ghana and the world as a whole with my new skills.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Globally, there is wide acclamation of the importance of sanitation to education, health, well being and development. However the attention given to sanitation issues especially in Ghana is so scant with about 90% of Ghana's population having no access to improved basic sanitation (WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, 2008). Studies have shown that schools lacking such amenities as toilets and access to water create an unwelcome environment which leads to absenteeism and finally resulting into drop out, (The Borgen Project. The importance of sanitation to education, Feb.2013)
In Bolgatanga Secondary School, this issue has reached crisis proportion because even though there are some few toilet facilities around, they are so dysfunctional that almost all the students (1000+ , both sexes), practice open defecation. This practice undermines their dignity and compromises their fundamental human right. The Community Tool Box will help me to design an intervention tailored to mobilize resources that can provide basic water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure to make Bolga Secondary School the destination for effective academic work. But also, the intervention will inculcate education and awareness creation into the students to bring about the desired behavior change, especially the issue with open defecation. This will allow the students to stay healthy and improve performance. KAWAWA
Last Name: BAKARI
City/Town: TAMALE
State/Province: NORTHERN
Country: GHANA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am currently offering a Master's degree in Community Health and Development at the University for Development Studies. I am a biomedical scientist by profession but intends to be a community development worker so as to help bring about positive change in the rural communities of Ghana.
The northern part of Ghana over the years have been faced with several developmental issues and i have been inspired, motivated and charged to contribute my quota in bringing about development within that zone which i happen to find my hometown.
I intend to act as a link between communities and a range of other authorities and partners who have the interest in community development. By doing this, it would give me the opportunity to frequently address inequalities and problems in various communities that are usually perceived to be culturally,socially and demographically disadvantaged.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
As a community development trainee,the Community Tool Box will help me bring about social change and improve the quality of life of the local areas which i work in. Thus, it would help me plan as to what the community needs so as to take appropriate strategies to meet targeted goals.
The Community Tool Box will again, help me to gain requisite skills and techniques in order to actively engage communities in making sense of the issues which affect their lives, setting goals for improvement and responding to problems and needs through empowerment and active participation in order to solve problems and improve lives.
First Name: ruhaima
Last Name: issah zorro
City/Town: tamale
State/Province: northern
Country: ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
i am a postgraduate student in community health and development at the university for development studies in northern ghana. i also work at the tamale west hospital as a general registered nurse. i however aspire to be an international community development worker after completion of my studies
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
the community tool box is a what i will refer to as a pocket companion. always readily available to suite any kind of work, be it academic exercise or career based challenges because it is not just knowledge based but skills as well.
this tool box will be my greatest asset towards achieving high contraceptive usage among community members to actualize a committed social change in reducing fertility levels at the grass roots. this is so necessary because, in ghana the poor and less educated are the most fertile with large family sizes leading too more constraints and burden worsening their already low socio economic status with its accompanying problems of poor health and lack of development.
First Name: SUTAA
Last Name: FRANCIS
City/Town: DAMONGO
State/Province: TAMALE
Country: GHANA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My name is Sutaa Francis from Nandom in the Upper West Region of Ghana. I am a nurse practicing at West Gonja Hospital at the public health unit. I did my nursing training at Jirapa nurses training college, preceded to Catholic University to do Bsc. Public Health and Allied Sciences (health management) and now at the University For Development Studies reading MSc Community Health And Development.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am a nurse whose work is more on health promotion. My main aim is to improve the health status of the people especially maternal and child health. I have heard of the Community Tool Box but had not used it because I did not have much knowledge of it. I have come to realized that I have failed in most of my interventions because I have no power and direction. Now that I have a broader idea of the Community Tool Box, I have been empowered and I am going to use it as my dictionary or a compass in my daily activities. I am assuring Prof. Stephen and the world that they are going to hear my success stories in the near future. Thank you very much.
First Name: TUO
Last Name: CECILIA
State/Province: WA
Country: GHANA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Cecila tuo is my name, from a town called Nandom in the Upper West Region of Ghana.Iam a lady of 48 yrs old and a Dagao by tribe. Professionally i am a nurse,completed Jirapa nurses training college,went for midwifery training in Kumasi,proceeded to Korle-bu for basic public health nursing in the year 2000. Then went to the Catholic University for BSc in Public Health Management, and i am now reading Community Health and Development in UDS Tamale. Hobby :singing and dancing, Ambition: community Health and Development expert.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Actually i have not used much of the community tool box in my life, until when Mr kyerewura took us on a module promoting community health and development. Even with that i did not go deep to know what it contained. This probably could be that the green light was not shown as prof has done now. I only opened it when i wanted information on community need assessment, but now that the green light has been given, the tool will help me in my professional carrier especially as a midwifery tutor. God bless you prof.