In early 2013, the Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services embarked on a comprehensive process to identify the health needs of the Boone County, Missouri community.
Based upon the results of a comprehensive community health assessment identifying issues impacting the health of Douglas County residents, a broad array of community partners helped develop this community health plan.
"Safe streets", "Violence-free neighborhoods", "People caring about one another"
Access for All is a project designed to encourage domestic violence and sexual assault service providers to adopt best practices in serving women with disabilities who are victims of violence.
Immunization is one of the most powerful tools available to improve public and global health. Immunization is both cost-effective and life-saving and it “benefits all people, not only through improvements in health and life expectancy but also through its social and economic impact at the global, national and community level” (GIVS 17).
Health for all in the region (Butsotso Central community in the Kakamega County, Kenya)
Every one in four Lebanese will suffer from a mental illness at one point during his or her lifetime (Karam et al., 2008). Failure to properly diagnose and treat mental illness can result in disability or even fatalities ...
The six-year Equity and Social Justice Strategic Plan represents a critical opportunity for King County to do ground-breaking work.
Forward through Ferguson's Action Plan lays out the three Action Strategies that guide the organization’s work for the next three years as it works to achieve a racially equitable St. Louis by the year 2039, which will mark the 25th anniversary of the death of Michael Brown.