Ask an Advisor Questions

Question Core Competency Date
Greetings; I am looking for substance abuse recovery support network models. I am trying to find out who is using what models. So often youth are referred to 12 steps with minimal guidance. If you know of other models that would be very helpful. Thanks David J. Assessing Community Needs and Resources Mon, 07/21/2008
Community and government resourse organizations for phyical education Tue, 07/22/2008
I was directed to your site by a google search looking for the "Ugly Orange Case," which is used as an exercise to build collaboration. The pdf is titled "Commmunity Involvement and Collaboration - 6.5 Understanding Collaboration" it references handout 6.5.A Ugly Orange Case that I am unable to locate. No date is provided on the document. Can you help? Best regards, Dr. Barbara Durant Assessing Community Needs and Resources Wed, 07/23/2008
What is the best way to come up with the state associated fees for obtaining 501c3 status? Building Leadership Mon, 08/04/2008
I have a question regarding this section "Asking an Advisor". How does this work? Analyzing Problems and Goals Tue, 05/13/2008
Are any of your excellent materials/resources translated into Spnish? Perhaps I have missed this link on your web-site? I really have used, and have always acknowledged your our community leadership development program for persons 50 and over... Thanks Developing Strategic and Action Plans Fri, 05/23/2008
To whom it may concern, I am an intern with Sustainable Tompkins of Ithaca, New York. My organization got a grant to create a program to support community activism with mini grants. We are just at the beginning of this process and your website was really helpful for formatting and general guidance. I was wondering if you knew about some successful mini grant programs so that we could see how they got off the ground, what common problems were, how long their program has been running, what types of changes they have seen in their community as a result, etc. Would you be able to help me find answers to these questions? Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon! ~Kendra Chatburn Developing an Intervention Fri, 05/23/2008
The organization I work for belives health is more than medicine. It is not just physical health of an individual. An individuals health is multidimensional and a direct relationship to the environment one lives. For that reason, I am looking for articles, links, books, or any other resources that share my opion on community health. I am looking for reliable resources to help me make my case that health of a community or an individual extends beyond the work that goes on inside the walls of a hospital. Can you help? Fri, 05/23/2008
We are launching a community engagement program in Houston in order to decrease the drop out rate in Hispanic High Schools, can you give me some ideas of where to start, or direct me to literature that I can study. Thu, 05/29/2008
Hi, Just wondering if you can give me ideas on what to do at neighborhood watch meetings,...we have one about every 2 months, and it is new to this community. Thanks Thu, 05/29/2008
Good afternoon, I am writing from The Lancaster (PA) Chamber of Commerce & Industry. We are in the very early stages of planning for a county-wide Community Asset Mapping project. While our geographic scope is large (a large county with half a million people), our focus will be limited to formal non-profit and not-for-profit institutions that are community assets. Chapter 3 of your online Tool Box has been very helpful. I am looking for some real-world examples or case studies of a community that has actually done a similar sort of community asset mapping. Are you aware of any such examples? I am happy to speak directly with people who have been involved in such a project, or to read documentation--whichever you might be able to provide. Thank you for your help. If this information is easier to communicate through a conversation, I'm happy to call you if you have the time. Thu, 05/29/2008
We are looking for assessment tools for use with community based organizations related to a variety of health issues. We want to train college students and/or local people to do the assessments and provide the data/analysis to the CBO. Does the toolbox have assessment tools or links to sites providing tools. We want to pilot a tool to get things started. Evaluating the Initiative Thu, 01/24/2008
I am conducting substance abuse asset maps with my students. I've appreciate your informaiton and would like to find more information about asset maps in the literature. Do you have any suggestions for me as I've run into some dead ends. Thanks in advance. Thu, 01/24/2008
I am looking for public health preparedness programs that address mental health programming aspects of Isolation and Quarantine. Does anyone know state or county health departments that have already developed this and would be willing to share?
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Thu, 01/24/2008
How come sports in communities is not emphasised at early ages. A healthy community is a community that exercises. Thu, 02/28/2008
I am interested in putting my current home into becoming a transitional home for victims of domestic violence. I plan to move to Arizona in August. Can someone assist me with how I should go about getting this done? I am currently starting a non profit and preparing to apply for 501c3 status in order to empower and educate the women and children of domestic violence. Wed, 03/26/2008
We would like to have a city ordinance prohibiting the spraying of lawns (other than water). Do you know of any cities that have an ordinance against lawn spraying? Do you have suggestions about how to present it to the city council in such a way to make the best impact? Many thanks, Eliza Wed, 03/26/2008
The Richard M. Brodsky Foundation is sponsoring a 5K / AIDS / Cancer / Survive / Run / Walk in Long Island, New York. This is also a very health oriented event as women can get free mammogaphies if they do not have health insurance and there will be free AIDS testing for all people. Can you please tell me what women's age group(s) on Long Island would it be accurate to state that breast cancer is the leading cause of death and if you could cite the reference, it would be greatly appreciated. I tried doing research by using google and I could get the answer. Thank you very much. Wed, 03/26/2008
I am a new Cultural Competency Coodinator for a system of care near Pittsburgh PA. I need to form a cultural committee. I want grass root organizations and faith based organizations there at the table to help build a bridge in our community with trobled teens. I would like these organizations go come from all over the county. My problem is, a lot of the faith based and grass roots reinvent the wheel with their own organization and it seems like no one wants to come together for a common cause. If we could come together, every one can have their own piece, we could get funding more easliy and communication would get out to youth and families about us. We can be in different places of the county, but have a link, a network, a common goal that we share. My question is how does this work, and what steps do I need to take to do this? Thanks Wed, 03/26/2008
What is the best parent support facilitation program? Wed, 03/26/2008
Any advice on best tools to use for community needs assessment in a post-conflict, multi-lingual community? Thanks. Christine. Wed, 03/26/2008
Are there any guidelines to aid collaborations in applying for and implementing programs with shared funding sources? Advocating for Change Wed, 03/26/2008
What are some key strategies for starting up a Regional Research Council of stakeholders who can give input on eliminating health disparities, identifying health priorities and research priorities, and disseminating research in communities? Who should be called to the table? How would you make the "call" to join? - cold call? network? How do you get buy-in and committment? Thanks, Renee Wed, 03/26/2008
Hello, Thank you for working on such an amazing and valuable website. I am a social worker in a small City. One school has bullying programs that are quite good. It is a grade 6,7,8, school. When I met with teachers to ask what they would like to work on, they stated the school is divided. The kids from the 'social housing projects'go home in fear of being beat up. When they are, their parents say 'don't tell' and parents do not come to school meetings to learn about bullying prevention and intervention. How can I advise the school to begin to reach out to the community and take steps to involve the families/parents in that neighbourhood? What would your advise be? So far, parents do not come out, and the school does not go in to the community..... Many thanks! Kathie Tue, 04/01/2008
I just completed a report for the Missouri SPF SIG using the IGTO tool developed by Kithost. It allows me to export the file in several different formats. Can I export it and import into ODSS? Fri, 04/04/2008
How do you upload your picture to the site so that it appears with your information? Thanks. Wed, 04/30/2008
I am looking for a survey to be used w/ coalitions to assess status, satisfaction, gaps, etc. Does the community tool box have such an instrument or could you direct me to one?
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Evaluating the Initiative
Tue, 06/05/2007
I'm looking tool to measure change in self-efficacy in youth (with physical disability) related to physical activity Evaluating the Initiative Fri, 06/15/2007
I am seeking a health survey that can be used in a neighborhood contaminated by a nearby chemical factory. This survey would collect information on illnesses as well as observations, e.g., vapors, etc. Do you have such a survey? Evaluating the Initiative Fri, 06/15/2007
Hola, saludos desde Andalucia (Espa?a), me gustar?a que me indicarais si existen en espa?ol alguna base de datos con las actividades en prevencion y promocion de salud basadas en evidencia. Muchas gracias, un saludo.
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Fri, 06/15/2007
Trained as a clinical psychologist, my exposure to community psychology is limited. However, in reading the APA Task Force on Urban Psychology, I am interested pursuing more fully professional opportunities related to Urban Psychology. However, I have had a very difficult time finding additional resources (books, websites, journal articles) that might help me further my knowledge in this area. As this seems like an area that might fall within community psych, I am hoping you might have some ideas for the next best steps. Thank you for any insight you might be able to offer Assessing Community Needs and Resources Fri, 06/15/2007
I am an Associate Governmental Program Analyst recently hired by the CA Department of Alcohol & Drug Programs. One of my duties is to participate on the FASD Task Force and put together an awareness campaign for FASD. I have been asked to review your "Tool Kit" for the education of high school staff and students on FASD. Do you actually have one? Building Leadership Fri, 06/22/2007
Hi! I'm working with a multi-agency group on water quality improvement. We've got a "plan" that identifies key problems and lays out 13 broad goals to address the problems. In 2005 a coordinator was hired to coordinate the implementation of the plan. She took another position at the end of 2007 amid frustration. I have convinced the powers that be that we need to update the original plan so that we have clearer measures of success and a bonafide "coordination strategy". However, there's a push to hire a new coordinator as soon as possible. Here's my big question: would it be better to wait to hire a coordinator until after the plan is revised so we know what we need this person to coordinate or, to go ahead and hire a coordinator so s/he can be involved with revising the plan? Mon, 06/25/2007
We would be grateful for information on DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION. many thanks Writing a Grant Application for Funding Thu, 07/12/2007
Hello! I am preparing for next CHES and i am looking for good articles, examples, links about the seven core responsibilities of the Certified Health Education Specialist. Thanks
  • Building Leadership
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Advocating for Change
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Tue, 08/07/2007
I am looking for a very simple definition of "INDICATORS". Can you provide an answer, please? Evaluating the Initiative Tue, 09/04/2007
Hi: I am trying to put together a local study of Diabetes in the Hispanic population of Central New York, and I cannot find any reference to statistics and facts, of "Latinos" with Diabetes in "Onondaga County". Although I am specifically searching for "incidents of diabetes in Onondaga county broken down by ethnicity", I could use any other type of information that links Diabetes with the Hispanic culture. Please, let me know if your department has this information, or if you can advice me where to inquire, or obtain it. Muchas Gracias; Hugo Tue, 09/04/2007
Hi I am work for a Coalition in Virginia and we are planning on starting a Youth Board. Do you have any ideas as to how to arrange it or even start it?
  • Building Leadership
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Fri, 09/07/2007
Our coalition is newly formed. I have been project Adminstrator for two weeks. It is important that in order to retain their interest, the coaltion needs to have a tangible project right off the bat! Do you have any suggestions of where I could look for materials for a project that could peak their interests while we are working on missions and visions. Some members of the coalition want a tangible project right off. Please advise Tue, 10/23/2007
The Institute of Economic Affairs - Kenya runs a membership programme which I am responsible for. I would like to know, how would one go about evaluating the programme? Evaluating the Initiative Tue, 10/23/2007
I need any tools to evaluate the efficacy of a support group. Please help.
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Evaluating the Initiative
Thu, 01/24/2008
what is meat by single content approach in community organisation
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Thu, 01/24/2008
I am looking for any resources/info on and about non-profits(disability). Legal aspects and the basic process of setting up a non-profit org/association.
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Fri, 06/01/2007
I am the coordinator of three new community gardens and am trying to come up with a few training sessions for them. Some topics I would like to cover are: Organic gardening, Community Organizing, Promoting Ownership, and Conservation. Would you be able to point me in a good direction? Implementing a Social Marketing Effort Fri, 06/01/2007
How can I encourage and promote excellent organizational relationship Implementing a Social Marketing Effort Fri, 06/01/2007
Where can I find information on creating a plan for a community project I am involved in? Assessing Community Needs and Resources Fri, 06/01/2007
Where should I begin my research on how to start a 501(c)(3), a non-profit social service agency in metro Chicago, Il?
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Fri, 06/01/2007
What techniques are there to find quality staff in a booming economy where the local grocery store is offering both $15 above minimum wage & full benefit packages to cashiers?
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Fri, 06/01/2007
I work in a booming economy where there is a shortage of not only skilled workers but workers period. Where and how can I locate potential employees to satisfy my staffing needs? Implementing a Social Marketing Effort Fri, 06/01/2007
We hear about the shortage of housing all of the time. I have property in Tennessee, I want to build houses for the elderly but can't get connected to anyone with instructions on how to proceed without being a non-profit organization.Can you direct to someone that will be willing to help get this off the drawing board?
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Tue, 06/05/2007