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Hello. I am a Research Dietitian, and part of our pre-screening questionnaire for our study will be asking about social determinants of health. If a person scores often true on both questions of the Hunger Vital screening they are ineligible. For these people we want to provide them with food insecurity resources in the area, but also something a little more active. Do you have any resources for screening for SDOH in a research setting? I see a lot about clinical settings, but not in the research/study trial space. Thanks.

HI Kayla,
I appreciate your questions and service to your community! What wonderful resources you are offering. Here is a chapter you may find helpful with some additional resources embedded in the resource: Chapter 2. Other Models for Promoting Community Health and Development | Section 17. Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Your Community | Main Section | Community Tool Box (ku.edu). This is from our Community tool box. Additionally, I would recommend looking at the CDC's research on Social determinants of health: Social Determinants of Health | CDC
I also came across this resource on the American Academy of family physicians web page which has 3 suggested tools for addressing social determinants of health. Three tools for screening for social determinants of health (aafp.org) However, they may not be what you are looking for in terms of research, but might help.
In Community,
Ask an Advisor 2021

Question Date: س., 11/16/2021