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Analyzing Problems and Goals
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Building Leadership
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Increasing Participation and Membership
Developing an Intervention
Influencing Policy Development
Advocating for Change
Enhancing Cultural Competence
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Evaluating the Initiative
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Core Competency
Is there a date that can be used when doing an APA for the Community Tool Box
Wed, 10/14/2020
I have been using this website for assignments. By chance, is there a way that I can reference this community too box? I am just not sure how to do it
Wed, 10/14/2020
Can you please tell me when the information in the Community was posted/published? Thanks
Wed, 10/14/2020
Hello Advisor Team
This is Haile from Ethiopia. first of all i would like to say thank you for all your support and you endeavors to support different community living in crisis in the world . i have benefited many for this page and i have referred many issues while i face challenges in my work time.
currently i am working with INGO serving for African refugees in Ethiopia as protection team leader for mentorship programme. the programme is a refugee lead programme( one refugee mentor for refugee mentee) aiming to contribute for resilience of refugee in time of unsafe and irregular migration. the mentoring course implementing via phone (because of covid19) is highly focused on four area including planning skill, education study skill, protection risks and options and stress management.
Saying this, since the programme is phone based, now we are facing changes on the E-mentoring sessions. One thing we are not able to include for deaf persons in the sessions. and secondly we have doubts on quality of the programme (because we are remotely managing the program). what advice do you have to solve this challenge.? and either any possibility to assign a mentor for me so that i will be able to train strong mentor team in refugee setup.
thank you for understanding my english.
stay safe
Tue, 10/13/2020
Hello, I am currently interning for a recreational department and working on infusing preventive policies into their programs. I would love to know if anyone had advice on policies that would work well, and also what some challenges could be. Thank you.
Mon, 10/12/2020
Want more information how to start a program myself
Sat, 10/10/2020
Greeting from Pakistan,
Hope you are fine.
I am planning to do a study on Measuring the intervention of policy into the practise by social innovation ventures in Pakistan. I came across your website. It seems its a right match for what i am looking for and what you have worked on.
I am writing this email for two purposes.
1. My main research objective is to study whether the social ventures team are implementing the research into their policies and practice or not? particularly related to Implementation or alignment of projects to UNSDGs.
2. Please let me know suitable framework so that i can assess social innovation projects contribution/practice level to UNSDGs. how can i use the framework for my study? How to use it? Is this a question based or content analysis method?
Please advise. Anxious to hear from you.
Wed, 09/30/2020
For many years now I have longed to start a Cultural Learning Center on Race Relations in my area, however, I don't know how to go about funding such an effort. Recently, there came the perfect facility to occupy such a learning center. I grew up in this area, and my family ancestry goes back over 500 years(probably since the the beginning of time. It seems that "racism" was brought into our area when the "whites" began to come west. It is not an open problem as some cities and states clearly and openly displayed; but with more and more whites moving from the Eastern, Midwest and Southern states the problem has begun to affect race relations, jobs, housing, etc. I believe that racism and prejudice is a "learned culture tool" used my racist parents who learned it from their families, friends, etc, etc.
In short I would like to connect with someone that could advise me on how to advance my desires
to make this a better, more caring, kinder environment for our cultural survival before we blow it
into a "race War". The current political powers have and will continue to make race relations a nationwide civil war if we don't get rid of instigators of hate and superior attitudes toward people of color. My desire is to work on the learned attitudes of HATE, which is the main ingredient in racism. Until last year I taught religious education for 27 years, in all those years I learned that even as early as kindergarden children that came from "so called religious home enviorment)s) were already well "learned" in the word hate.
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Sat, 09/26/2020
I am writing from the United Nations in New York, I am very interested in your digital advocacy presentation/training (/en/table-of-contents/advocacy/direct-action/electronic-advocacy/main) and was wondering if you offer customized training?
I'd be very interested in discussing this.
Advocating for Change
Thu, 09/24/2020
Can you please provide some insight and suggestions on best-practice questions for community surveys regarding city property development input?
Thanking you in advance for your assistance!
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Wed, 09/23/2020
Identify any three situations where you personally had to choose between
-two positive objectives
-two personal objectives
-one choice with a positive and negative objective
Mon, 09/14/2020
Quick question. I would like to cite some information from the community tool box in a research paper for a graduate course. Do you know how to cite this page in APA format?
Mon, 09/14/2020
How can I cite this online book apa format 7 edition?
Thank you
Sat, 09/12/2020
Hey there,
I am currently setting up a new community hub to connect practitioners from around the world, who are fighting and studying loneliness. The idea is to establish more international collaboration and knowledge exchange.
The question I could use some guidance with is:
Which platform would you recommend to build the community around and enable a continuous exchange of ideas, questions and answers? We're currently looking into Slack, Facebook & Mighty Network - are there any good articles or publications, which can help us to decide?
Thank you so much!
Sending sunshine,
Wed, 09/09/2020
Is possible to assist me with usage at my rural area
Mon, 09/07/2020
I would like to take up an advocacy campaign, alongwith 9th and 10th graders at school, related to equality in our community in India for our club activity. What activity would be suitable to be taken up in this regard keeping in mind the covid 19 period. Kindly guide me.
Advocating for Change
Sun, 09/06/2020
I would like to create a factsheet for my agency in the US Federal Government. I read your use policy and was a little unclear on it. If I use the information on this site for a factsheet and provide a citation as described in the use policy is that acceptable use? Could we share that factsheet with employees and post on our website?
Fri, 09/04/2020
I'll be teaching a course on research methods in community psychology in the spring, and I'm wondering if you have a set of resources that might work as a "textbook" for such a course (or if you know of someone who's done this). Many thanks.
Bill Flack
Psychology Dept
Bucknell University
Lewisburg PA
Tue, 08/25/2020
Dear advisor,
I live in a black community (normally referred to as townships), these areas are habited by poor people, where the unemployment and poverty levels are extremely high. Youth idleness and drugs and crime are very high.
I bought a piece of land that I would like to convert into a community center in order to provide the youth with opportunities, for healthy lifestyles, income generation projects and academic skills development, to build a safe space for youth to engage in, collaborate, explore opportunities and build positive habits.
The main objective is to take these youth out of the streets, provide them with opportunities to learn different skills in an environment that is conducive, where most of the amenities that were previously lacking will be made available to them, like internet cafes, learning and study center etc.
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Developing an Intervention
Increasing Participation and Membership
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Mon, 08/24/2020
We started a community base service in Nigeria. It will actual take the form of talent show as means of raising fund to assist the affected communities. The event name is GIBA STARDOM-FAME, the word GIBA means GO - IDENTIFY - BRAINSTORM - ACT. The participants are to hunt for opportunity for improvement and get it fixed. Each project identify during this annual events are expected to be executed within three days. I want to know if you can provide us with one or two person that we can relate with in the course of the event. The jingle, advert and online registration will begin in September. Good to know that we are using some renown entertainer to boost participants moral. The second question is that can we finance the project with the registration and advertisement fee? Kindly advice of on how to run this project efficiently.
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Tue, 08/18/2020
How can I provide a new and improved vision and mission statements aligned to the new strategic direction and corporate goals for the organisation that I have recently been promoted to be the CEO of your company where I have been working in over the past 15 years. My first mandated task set by the Board of Directors is to evaluate existing corporate strategy of the organisation and to formulate and implement a new and appropriate corporate strategy or strategies in the light of changing industry landscape especially internet technology to sustain the competitive advantage once enjoyed by my company in the industry it is operating.
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Tue, 08/18/2020
Hello, my name is Denise. I am an active member at the Church I attend. There are a few women that I have come to know who are victims of abuse and/or carry the trauma as a result of an abusive relationship as well as children. I would like to know how I can get a support group started, which would be Biblically based and strength & overcoming abuse through scripture and women who are overcomers of abuse. I as well as my Pastors, would like more information prior to proceeding with any further action. Your input would be greatly welcomed & valued
Developing an Intervention
Fri, 08/14/2020
I am want to host a Facebook Community Live Groups, on Community Organizing and teaching people how to get involved locally at a grass-roots level on political appointments and commissions, without running for elections. I honestly am working on my Ph.D. in Public Policy. I am in need of a mentor and or support from Community Tool Box. I am a disabled veteran, who was homeless and dropped out of my Ph.D. program in 2003. I later went on to become a Housing Commissioner, a Commissioner on Women and Girls and Veterans. I am trying to put together several Facebook groups, in which Community Tool Box information will be used, hence, I am honestly needing a mentor, on how I can collect and or develop a research tool for measurement. And for support of my research interest, which in turn, might be a dissertation. Please reach out to me. At a time, where our country needs to learn and educate themselves to being civically engaged and present, we need to help people and people like myself, who simply want to make a difference.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Increasing Participation and Membership
Fri, 08/14/2020
Along with 2 other women I am trying to promote a citizen group for racial equity. We are a very white, upper middle class community and I see around me people of white privileged who do not care what is happening to POC in our larger community. How do we go about creating change?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Increasing Participation and Membership
Advocating for Change
Thu, 08/13/2020
My nsme is amina ridhwani from lift up the grassroots women and youth initiative as the national chairperson would like to know more on program development and funders
Developing an Intervention
Writing a Grant Application for Funding
Sustaining the Work or Initiative
Fri, 07/31/2020
Hello there!
I am trying to develop a coalition plan & an action plan for the youth here in a small community called Igloolik, NU which is part of Canada. I have been looking for those two answers for quite a while now and would like to know where they are. Here is our vision and mission statement.
We imagine that the youth have more inherent access to information about why they are dropping out of school and why they should stay in school. A community without hunger, a place to sleep, and a community without crimes.
Our mission is to improve the lives of the youth who are dropped out, hungry, and who are stuck doing illegal activities by mentoring them with personal & professional development, telling them about how staying in school is better, feeding them with food and having fewer criminal activities within the community.
How can I implement those statements?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Increasing Participation and Membership
Fri, 07/31/2020
I have a vision, mission, and objectives set in place. Here are the vision and mission statement that I made and really need help with developing a plan. Mission
Our mission is to improve the lives for the youth who are dropped out, hungry and who are stuck doing illegal activities by mentoring them with personal & professional development, telling them about how staying in school is better, feeding them with food and having less criminal activities within the community.
We imagine that the youth have more inherent access to information about why they are dropping out of school and why they should stay in school. A community without hunger, a place to sleep, and a community without crimes.
I really want to start helping the community more often through a nonprofit corporation, I really need help setting up a coalition plan and here are the problems we have in a remote community of the Canadian north. They include but not limited to: The youth have nowhere to go so they are starting to do drugs and drink alcohol more often. When they become bored, they tend to be more mischief. Their parents have problems with keeping up with their bills because they do drugs so the kids do not eat often. Some of the youth, mostly boys have to go either house to house in this small town to have a place to sleep as well.
The youth tends to do the following:
Do drugs
Drink alcohol
Go hungry
Have nowhere to have fun
Drop out of high-school
Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Developing an Intervention
Fri, 07/31/2020
Thank you for your reply about the violence root cause (why) diagrams. I will look through the resources you provided. As we try to work with more partners outside of public health, we are finding less awareness of the downstream/upstream analogy and how it applies to specific examples. Let me know if you'll like to somehow collaborate to help fill this gap. In order to build multi-sector partnerships, I think this is a foundational piece worth building.
Thu, 07/30/2020
I should like to make a comment re wearing masks and social distancing. I remember the outcry against wearing seatbelts years. I see a parallel between the two. I should like to suggest 2 slogans which might make the point with the "rebels"
6' apart is better than 6' under. A mask is better than shroud..
Would you be interested interested in the comments of an old lady who has seen the din die down on seat belts and they are now mandatory without violating the constituation?
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
Thu, 07/09/2020
Read the case study and determine what action you think would be most appropriate for the leader to take at the first place in this situation.
You serve as the Project Manager in your department and have been assigned responsibility to design and implement a new initiative. You have hired a Project team that is eager to
begin work with you in developing and implementing the new initiative. You have scheduled a planning meeting with your team. Please select the most appropriate action point for your first meeting *
(1 Point)
Present & discuss an overview of the design process
Direct team in designing and implementing the new project.
Closely monitor progress in implementing the initiative
Gauge performance of team member
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Developing an Intervention
Increasing Participation and Membership
Improving Organizational Management and Development
Wed, 07/08/2020
Hello! I'm a nursing student, trying to find community interventions to decrease mental health stigma in Brooklyn, NY. I cannot seem to find a related source on your website. Let me know if I missed something.
Developing an Intervention
Tue, 07/07/2020
Hello, I hope you can advise me. The local Vienna NY Planning Board is likely going to let an individual build an airstrip very close to me. It is even closer to some other homes. One of the Planning Board members has his own airstrip and his son flies with the individual who is planning this construction. I feel the Board member is biased and should recuse himself. If the Vienna Planning Board allows this to go through they are in direct violation of current Noise Laws and the town's Master Plan. Who polices the Planning Board?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
Assessing Community Needs and Resources
Analyzing Problems and Goals
Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Increasing Participation and Membership
Advocating for Change
Influencing Policy Development
Sun, 07/05/2020
I am a founder and project director of a newly launched nonprofit initiative based in Pittsburgh, NASNIcares, that is focused on improving the lives of people living with brain health disorders. This initiative and its principle advocacy partner believe that there is a lexicon problem in that the terminologies we are using in public discourse are fueling misunderstanding, which in turn, hinders the public awareness that is needed to confront some of the social policies that fail the population for which this advocacy is needed.
It is mission critical for us to move beyond speculation and assumptions about how people generally conceptualize mental health and mental illness. As project director of NASNIcares, I believe that the only way to validate these assumptions is to conduct in person surveys. It is important that people self-define these terms in response to a small number of very carefully designed questions. Methods other than in person questionnaires may compromise the goal of the survey in that it is likely that individuals may web search definitions of the subject terminologies. A recitation of one of these definitions may mask the conceptual ideas that the survey would seek to reveal.
Unfortunately, during this pandemic, in person surveys may not be viable. Can your advisors offer any insights on how to grapple with this dilemma?
Sat, 07/04/2020
Due to increased early teenage pregnancy in our country, I thought it's wise for us to reach out to our girls since I'm sure they are struggling silently.was kindly asking if I can join you to talk to the girls and help them in securing their future. I'm greatly disturbed by this and since I cannot do it on my own I decided to contact you. I know together we can do this and save maaimahiu future for the women .thanks in advance be blessed
Wed, 07/01/2020
I am interested in the "Learning to be an Ally for People from Diverse Groups and Backgrounds" module. Would you please send me additional information about your program, including the costs.
Thank you
Mon, 06/29/2020
We are a Non profit organization and we need information and assistance requesting in kind Donations.
Wed, 06/24/2020
I am the coordinator for the Douglas County Healthy Youth Coalition in Colorado. I could use some coaching/examples around creating coalition bylaws for our unique situation. We are currently not a 501©3 but, have recently discussed perusing this status. We have two fiscal agents Tri-County Health Department and the Douglas County School District who manage our Substance Abuse Mental Health Administration grant. We want to begin to develop a bylaws document that creates more space for community ownership/decision making and allows us to tackle issues in our community that stretch beyond just what funders want us to address (Mental Health) Hope this helps, we look forward to hearing from you and your team
Curtis Hanock
Tue, 06/23/2020
I am working on a research project and the five components I am working with are; Assess, Plan, Act, Evaluate, and Sustain. I have to choose two and I choose Plan and Act. I wrote about Plan but I do not know what to write about Act?
Wed, 06/17/2020
My name is Michael Vargas and I want to learn more about improving community health utilizing anchor institutions. I have been reading about community needs assessment to start my understanding of how to improve overall community health.
My question is this: How can I, as someone who isnt connected to an organization as of now, get more hands on experince to develop a deeper understanding of the topic and eventaully make a career out of this?
I have a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology and worked at residential facilitates for mental health and substance abuse (which was several years ago). But I havent been able to work on any community healthy issues. As of now I am not associated with any orgs. I am just an individual that is learning about the power of improving community health. I am open for all suggestions of where I can get real experince starting from basically scratch.
Thank you so much for your time and effort!
Mon, 06/15/2020
How to cite this article
Sun, 06/14/2020
Good afternoon,
Are their any course or free resources on human development and or ethic.
Sun, 06/14/2020
Dear Advisor,
I'm with the Orange County Department of health . We would like to use your material and share the material with our community partners. We would have a link to your took kit on our website.
I can be reached anytime at 480 358 7417. I would like to reach out to an advisor and set up a call for us to understand how best to utilize your tool kit. I am responsible for CHIP at orange county , florida and any help/ideas in rallying all our community partners will be a big help as we move forward.
Thank you so much for your time.
Best Regards,
Chait Rendu
Wed, 06/03/2020
Hi there. I read with great interest a reference to a "recent" study in your online publication (Chapter 3) in which African American students, who self-identified as Black, received lower test scores than those who didn't reveal their racial identity. Can you provide a citation for this study? I've searched and searched but can't find the source material. Many thanks!
Mon, 06/01/2020
I have a group of young people who are interested in understand how to peacably but effective lead change in our community. I found the "Learn how to make a difference...." information that I would like to go through with them. Is there any on in Los Angeles that I can connect with to properly organize and use the resource provided to teach them.
Sat, 05/30/2020
I'm the training coordinator in small youth treatment center operated by the State of Maryland Dept of Health. We are interested in using some of the toolbox information and power point for employee development activities. Is this permit-able? We are not charging any fees and we will give credit to your website/organization. Thank you, Cathy Wilson
Thu, 05/14/2020
I’m operating a summer virtual intern program in South Texas. A number of students will be faced with working remotely with an agency they have never visited. Information will be relatively limited based on web page material and contact with the agency’s director/staff. Is there a methodology of assessing an agency and its target population...and comparing it with other data that may be available? I'm interested in how to look at a service population and get national information about their condition and their potential eligibility for federal/state funding or the agency service being of interest to foundations and corporations.
I apologize for the scope of the question. Please respond with any related resources.
Wed, 05/13/2020
What are the essential elements of a report and proposal? The best way to presenting elements
Tue, 05/12/2020
How do I give credit to the website as a source in by assignment?
Mon, 05/11/2020
Do you have examples of community initiatives that have been successful in building the social capital of individuals, organizations, and communities more broadly? Relatedly how are community initiatives measuring success against this complex concept?
Thu, 05/07/2020
Hello, I'm writing a literature review of chapter 27 Section 7: Building Culturally Competent Organizations and I would like to know the year of publication.
Tue, 05/05/2020
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