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Ask an Advisor Answers

Hello, my name is Emma Villarreal, Community Health Worker and I'm enrolled in my first semester in the UIC School of Public Health. My question is; where do I find specific information about conducting a Chicago neighborhood community profile. For example questions; what are Public Health Challenges, economic overview, nutritional options in a particular neighborhood?
There are so many links that I feel lost in the search.

Thank you.
Emma Villarreal

hello emma,
Thank you for contacting us,
We can't help much guiding you toward specific cases. however, if you need more information about developing your own tools, this might help with that: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents
Good luck,

Question Date: خميس, 09/21/2017
I am interested in where can I locate the following on your page

Identifying a need

Obtaining resources for those needs

Carrying out an actions plan to meet the needs

Hello Peter,
Thank you for reaching out to us and your interest. 
We have several topics on this site that might be of help to you. Here's a few that I used in the past:Chapter 3. Assessing Community Needs and ResourcesChapter 5. Choosing Strategies to Promote Community Health and Development2. Assessing Community Needs and ResourcesChapter 7. Encouraging Involvement in Community WorkChapter 17. Analyzing Community Problems and SolutionsChapter 18. Deciding Where to Start
You can also find much more materials in the table of topic, if you are interested: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents
Please let us know how it goes!

Question Date: اثنين, 09/25/2017
I am working for a neighborhood organization and part of my job is to reach out to the community and ask what future projects they would like to see. One of the ways we are planning on doing this is door knocking in the neighborhood. We will explain our organization, that we are looking for community input, and ask for their participation in our surveys. I read over your section on wind shielding and walking surveys and that was helpful. What I am wondering now is the best way to reach out to community members to get their participation in our survey. Do you have any advice on how to develop a door knocking script? Do you have a template? Thank you!

Hello Tyra,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
I am glad to hear you are actively taking into consideration the communities needs by engaging them! Unfortunately we do not have any template for this here.
It would be helpful to first identifying the beneficiaries that you would like to serve, research past projects implemented in the area for context, describe your organization (mission, success stories...) explaining to them the process and reasons for the survey (To have their valuable input...). Questions can relate about the challenges that the community is facing, the reasons behind these challenges, how can they be overcome, and the ideal vision they would like to see after the project is implemented/successful. 
I realize that you already mentioned that you read some of our materials, however, this toolkit might help you:  http://ctb.ku.edu/en/implement-social-marketing-effort
Good luck with your community engagement,
Let us know how it goes!

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 09/26/2017
What can I do to start the process of a community- base project program at my community center. The center is in a rural area where jobs and resources are limited and there is a drug and alcohol problem with our youth. I want to help my community, but don’t know where I should put my energy.

Hello Angelo,
Thank you for coming to us with this question.
It would be helpful to begin with assessing what the community needs and challenges are. Here's some links that can help you further investigate that, where to go from there. 
Table of Contents: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents
Best of Luck!

Question Date: خميس, 09/28/2017
Good morning, I am Steven Jeggels, coach and chairperson of the Jeffreys Bay Surf Club in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa.

I was searching Google for Youth Leadership Course/Content and ended up at your website. Appreciate all the available content and advice on your site.

This got me thinking - what if I approach the Community Tool Box and request some guidance and input into our Learn to Surf programme we are implementing for less privilege youth (6 - 20 years) from my community in Pellsrus (about 30 000 residents) in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa.

We have been teaching kids how to surf for the last 15 years and had many success with many being selected to our national and provincial teams annually. However, we want to do more than teaching surfing and have researched many options to develop a leadership course for the boys and girls. Resources are limited in the region where we reside about this.

Can we perhaps knock on your door for guidance about this and maybe assist us with developing such a course for our youth from Pellsrus in Jeffreys Bay?

We are looking at an overall course that includes teachings about a life skills mentorship programme, supplementary literacy programme to improve English dialect and to spark an interest in reading.

Some time ago someone told us about The Five Pillars of a Stable Human Foundation programme that we must implement with our learn to Surf programme to improve behaviour, attitude and human value among our youth. I cannot find such a programme. Would be great if we can have such a programme!!

Anyway, please if you can respond to this request it will be much appreciated.

Steven Jeggels (Chairperson & Coach)
Jeffreys Bay Surf Club
Jeffreys Bay
Eastern Province
South Africa

Hello, Steven –
        Thank you for writing us at the Community Tool Box. The challenge you describe is an important one, and of course we wish you the best in developing a program that will fit the needs of your youth.
       Unfortunately, we are not in a position to provide detailed consultation on the development of your program.  We would actually enjoy having a go at it, but we simply have limited resource capability of our own.          
        In a brief search, we did uncover a few general sources that might be of interest to you; these are noted below.
              https://extension.purdue.edu/4h/Documents/Volunteer%20Resources/Past%20Congress%20Le    sson%20Plans/How%20to%20Start%20a%20Youth%20Leaders
              Beyond that, what we can recommend at this point, though, is to keep looking online for program models you can borrow from or adapt.  Even though it sounds like you have done some searching already,  we think continuing that effort is likely to be worth your time, for creating a leadership curriculum from scratch is not the easiest of jobs. Somewhere out there there’s likely to be a model program you can borrow from or adapt, even though we are not yet specifically aware of one.
               We hope this much may be helpful to you.  Thanks again for writing to us, and we wish you every possible success.

Question Date: خميس, 09/28/2017
I would like to develop a communications strategy? can the community toolbox help?

Hello! Thank you for submitting your question. 
A communications strategy is certainly an important piece of any community work! If you're looking for a resource to help you do some self-guided work on a communications strategy, check out Chapters 6-7 and Toolkits 1 and 8 in the Community Tool Box regarding "Communications to Promote Interest and Participation" (http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents). You might also look at the chapters on Developing a Strategic Plan and the related toolkits because a communication strategy is often a key piece of this type of plan. There are also some resources on social marketing (chapters 45 and 46, toolkits 13 and 16) that you may find helpful. 
If you're looking for actual technical assistance in developing a communications strategy, you might contact other organizations across the country that have had success in the same area. Or feel free to contact the Center for Community Health and Development to find out about their capacity building training and consultation (http://ctb.ku.edu/en/capacity-building-and-participatory-evaluation). 
Best wishes in your efforts!

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 10/03/2017
Where do I start if I want to use your tools for advocates for community change focusing on alternative solutions for health?

Hello! Thank you so much for your question.
The Community Tool Box has a number of great resources to help you in your advocacy efforts. I’d start by checking out chapters 30 – 35 and the “Advocating for Change” toolkit. You can access these resources through the following link to the Tool Box table of contents (http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents).
You might also find other content on the Tool Box helpful as supplementary information in preparing for advocacy. Specifically, the chapters on developing a strategic plan (Chapters 8-12) and analyzing community problems/designing interventions (chapters 17-19) and the related resources might be helpful…among others.   
I hope you find the resources in the Tool Box helpful in getting started and sustaining your advocacy efforts. Even though they may not be specific to your particular topic, they provide some great ideas that can be applied to just about any important social issue. I’d also encourage you to do a web search of similar efforts and connect with those who are involved in this work in other communities.
Best wishes in your efforts!

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 10/03/2017
How did get the funding and launch the program for youth entrepreneurship. I am working with a nonprofit in Detroit that wants to start a youth entrepreneurship program this summer. Any best practices for fundraising, evaluation and intake of students would be appreciated.

Hello! Thank you so much for contacting us.
The Youth Entrepreneurship project sounds like a great effort. I’d start by doing a quick search, if you haven’t already, to find out what other communities might be doing in this area. You can often find best practices in many areas through this kind of search. I’d also suggest contacting people involved in any program that seems like a good model for your community.
More specific to your question, check out the following chapters and resources on the Community Tool Box (http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents) for some guidance on fundraising, recruitment and evaluation.
Chapters 6 and 7 (Promoting Interest and Participation); Toolkit 8 (Increasing Participation and Membership)
Chapter 22 (on Youth Mentoring – not exactly what you’re doing…but similar)
Chapters 36 – 39 (Evaluating Programs and Initiatives); Toolkit 12 (Evaluating the Initiative)
Chapters 42-44 (re: Financial Resources); Toolkit 14 (Writing a Grant Application)
All of these activities are critical to developing a successful program and it’s great that you’re thinking in these terms right off the bat.
Finally, I’d also encourage you to look into information on youth involvement in developing/leading this kind of program. There are a lot of programs that successfully involve youth in leadership/decision-making in these types of efforts and are that much stronger for it!
I wish you the best in your efforts!

Question Date: أربعاء, 10/04/2017
What would an APA style reference look like for using content from here? I cannot find all the information I need to reference your site

Hello! Thanks for submitting your question.
You can find the following example, which I’ve cut and pasted, under the Use Policy for the Community Tool Box (http://ctb.ku.edu/en/use-policy).
In order to cite the Community Tool Box, we suggest that you use the citation format of the American Psychological Association. Detailed information about their citation format is available in a tutorial at their website. An example citation for a section from the tools appears below.
Example Citation:
Center for Community Health and Development. (2017). Chapter 3, Section 10: Conducting Concerns Surveys. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas. Retrieved January 2, 2017, from the Community Tool Box: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/conduct-concerns-surveys/main
Best wishes in your endeavors!

Question Date: أربعاء, 10/04/2017
described how a community development worker would treat private issues differently to public issues?

Hello! Thanks for contacting "Ask an Advisor."
I don't really have an answer for your question because I'm not sure what you mean by private vs. public issues. If you'd like to resubmit a question with examples, I could try to find an answer. 
You might also browse the table of contents of the Community Tool Box (http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents) to see if anything provides an answer. In particular, you might refer to the overview section that provides some general info on models for community change (1-2), the chapters on leadership and management (13-16), and maybe the chapters on organizing for advocacy (30-35). I hope you can find something here that will help give you some ideas. Otherwise, feel free to resubmit your question. 

Question Date: خميس, 10/05/2017
I hope this message finds you well. I am a director of a research org at Tufts and we do quite a bit of collaborative research. We have the rare opportunity to take on two nonproject specific RPPs in the coming months and have just completed initial retreat with each partner. My next step is to draft a vision agreement with each group largely capturing the mission, values, main activities and metrics to gauge impact. This is separate from any financial agreements that we'll draw with them. This document will also be important for us to have, to win internal buy-in in our networks/supervisors/funders, and to communicate what we are doing to our external audiences. I am writing to request help, specifically to see if you know of a really wonderful infographic template that i can use for this. I am looking for a one-page template that can then be used everywhere. I would ideally like this for free, but would consider a reasonable fee design professional who could do this, too. Thanks!

Hello! Thank you for submitting your question!
This sounds like a great project and you have a good plan for making sure everyone stays on the same page as you move forward. One thought is to use a modified theory of change or logic model to graphically represent vision, mission, values and other aspects of your shared efforts. What you’re describing might fit into a theory of change model in that you appear to be trying to illustrate how you believe you’ll achieve your goals – and not just on a programmatic level as would be the case with a traditional logic model.
Check out the section on theory of change/logic models on the Community Tool Box at http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/overview/models-for-community-health-and-development/logic-model-development/main
Or, another good resource is the University of Wisconsin – Extension Program Development and Evaluation’s webpage on logic models. It includes several templates that may be helpful. Here’s the link: https://fyi.uwex.edu/programdevelopment/logic-models/
I’m not sure that creating a theory of change or logic model is exactly what you had in mind. But it seems like it might be a starting point for something you could modify to fit your needs.
Best wishes in your efforts! 

Question Date: جمعة, 10/06/2017
Question: where is the templet for the GANTT chart?

Hello! Thanks for contacting us. 
Check the following link for the GANTT chart template: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/finances/grants-and-financial-res...
Good luck in your endeavors!

Question Date: اثنين, 10/09/2017
How do you give focused advice to enhance practical application of this community toolbox?

Greetings! Thanks for your question!
In my experience, the best way to engage practical application of a tool is through case study, presenting a real-world issue to those you wish to use the toolbox and asking them to navigate and apply what's available to the case you've presented. This case may be an issue specific to the stakeholders and community you're engaging or it may be similar but about a different community. The trick is to create an exercise that offers an opportunity to use the tool in a lowered stakes environment so that those using the tool build their confidence in that application. For example, you could present the case of an organization wishing to engage in a strategic planning process but unsure of where to begin. The people you're trying to engage would then use the toolbox to advise this fictional organization.
I hope this helps. Thanks again for your question, and all the best for the future.

Question Date: سبت, 10/14/2017
good work we have a community porgram in kenya in need of funding how can we connect with resources by using the tool box we shall be glad for your responce

Hi Joseph,
Thanks for your email. You're certainly not alone in wanting advice about resource development and fundraising. This is one of the more difficult aspects of doing good work: finding the resources to continue doing it. There are a couple of places to start on the Community Tool Box:
Chapter 42: Getting Grants and Financial Resourceshttp://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/finances/grants-and-financial-res...
This chapter covers a wide array of potential strategies for finding the right kind of funding and ways to help you plan it. One part of that chapter is also the "Writing a Grant Application for Funding" Toolkit, which also has a list of potential funders linked in Part 3http://ctb.ku.edu/en/writing-grant-application
Since each organization is working within a different context, there's no one-size-fits-all way to go about getting the resources you need. Sometimes, it just takes some patient internet research to find the right funder to contact. When you do find that right funder, however, it helps to know how to put into words (email/letter/application) what your organization does and why that funder should send you the funds you need. That's why it helps to look at some of the Toolbox resources available here. 
I hope this helps. Thanks again for your note and best of luck!

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 10/17/2017
How to let people know that medicare is dropping arthritic knee injections per input from surgeons. This was included in Part B because it is injected by doctor in an office location. Surgeons state it is "not medically necessary." However, many of us find it very necessary and don't want, or can't consider, the surgery alternative. The plans are not being transparent and won't even discuss with doctor providers "until the patient has enrolled in the policy."

Please help get the word out so people can ask the plans for a straightforward answer.

Hello – Thank you for contacting us with your question.
Helping people become informed about their medical care options is a truly important issue. While those of us who assist with “Ask An Advisor” can’t engage in direct advocacy through this forum, we do want to support your efforts to create an informed public. I can direct you to some resources that might help you in your own efforts to get the word out and advocate for patients’ rights to adequate information.
Check out the information and toolkits regarding communication and advocacy I’ve listed below. You can access them through the Community Tool Box table of contents at: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents
Specifically, you might find the following chapters and toolkits helpful:

  • Chapters 6-7 on Communications to Promote Interest and Participation
  • Chapters 30-35 regarding Organizing for Effective Advocacy
  • Toolkit 10 on Advocating for Change
  • Toolkit 13 on Implementing Social Marketing

You may find some of the other chapters and toolkits helpful as well.
Best wishes in your efforts on this important issue!

Question Date: سبت, 10/21/2017
Question: If I buy the Training Curriculum will I get to use the online toolbox?

Hello - Thank you for contacting us!
I'm not sure to what training curriculum you're referring. However, the good news is that the Community Tool Box is free to anyone to use. Here's the link:http://ctb.ku.edu/en 
There are certain services offered by the Center for Community Health and Development, which created and maintains the Tool Box. You can contact them at toolbox@ku.edu. They'll be happy to provide you with more specific information about what they can do for you.
Best wishes in your endeavors!

Question Date: أحد, 10/22/2017
I work with a non-profit that is categorized as a foundation. However, that limits our grant applications. How can we change our status? We seek grants, we cannot provide grants to other organizations.

Hello – Thank you for contacting us!
Depending on where you are (i.e., in or outside of U.S.), the laws and tax codes about what constitutes a foundation vs. a true non-profit differ and are almost always complex. Consequently, your question is a great one - but it's outside of the scope of what I can answer. It would be best to consult an attorney who specializes in helping organizations gain non-profit status. Not all attorneys are familiar with the specifics of rules regarding non-profits. So, I’d make sure whomever you consult has done this kind of work before.
Best wishes in your efforts!

Question Date: اثنين, 10/23/2017
I would like to request permission to use your precede proceed diagram for my Doctor of Nursing (DNP) project that I will be doing for Georgetown University. I intend to use the diagram to demonstrate any correlation between new state legislation on opioid prescribing in the emergency department with provider knowledge, attitudes and practices.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kimberly Vanesko FNP-BC

Hi - Thanks for contacting us!
That's great that you're planning to use the diagram! Just contact the Center for Community Health and Development to get specific permission. Here's the contact info: 
E-mail: communityhealth@ku.edu
Phone: (785) 864-0533
You can see the full use policy at: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/use-policy. 
Best wishes in your efforts!

Question Date: خميس, 10/26/2017
What advise do you have for folks who are trying to work on a community project, but need to keep a full time job in order to pay the bills.

Hello – Thanks for contacting us with your question!
This is a common issue for people who are trying to make a difference in their communities but don’t have the luxury of being independently wealthy or paid for their efforts! I’m taking a page from the Kansas Leadership Center (http://kansasleadershipcenter.org/) because they have some pretty good guidance on how to be civically engaged. One thing to do is stay focused on your purpose. Why is it that you have to be involved in whatever community effort you are? That’s not a snarky question – but a way to think about how your efforts fit with your larger purpose and what you want to accomplish. I know that doesn’t take away the need to pay the bills. But it can provide some motivation to keep going.
Also, the Kansas Leadership Center suggests that you find ways to “give the work back.” This means to be clear about your role and don’t do things that are the responsibility (or right) of others. Also, find ways to energize others to help in your efforts. I’m paraphrasing all of this. But the point being that civic leadership is a combination of managing yourself and energizing others, among other things (i.e., diagnosing the issue and intervening skillfully) according to the Kansas Leadership Center. You can check out some of their publications if you want to learn more about their model (http://kansasleadershipcenter.org/klcpress/). 
Finally, it might help to keep in mind that “small wins” can build to big things. Check out an article by Karl Weick regarding “Redefining the Scale of Social Problems” (http://bit.ly/2zSt0Qv). It might help provide some encouragement for the gains that come from your involvement…even if your time is limited.
Even if you can’t be as involved as you’d like, I’m sure your efforts are meaningful. Good luck in your endeavors!

Question Date: خميس, 10/26/2017
I want to start a mentoring/peer support business specifically in mental health and addictions recovery. Any help on program development or anything on how to get started is greatly appreciated.

Hello – Thank you for your question!
This sounds like a great endeavor as peer support is a very relevant and well-supported approach for mental health and addictions. Two issues immediately come to mind as places to start: getting 501(c)3 status and using best practices for peer support. However, before addressing either of these, you might want to start by checking out the resources on the Community Tool Box related to developing a strategic plan and organizational structure. You can access this information (chapters 8 – 12) and related tool kits (5 and 15) through the table of contents at http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents.
Re: 501(c)3 status: Obtaining non-profit (501(c)3) status is the way to go if you want to solicit grant funding. There’s a lot involved in gaining non-profit status and it’s typically recommended to consult an attorney that specializes in this process to assist you. If you’re in the US, you can check the IRS website for more information: https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations.
Re: best practices for peer support: There are a number of resources that address best practices in mentoring/peer support. Check out the webinar on peer support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at https://knowledge.samhsa.gov/resources/peer-support-and-peer-recovery-coaching. You can also contact Brittany Brest at Wichita State University Center for Applied Research and Evaluation for more resources on best practices for peer support (bxbrest@shockers.wichita.edu). She can provide a number of articles I can’t upload here.
This is a greatly needed service and I hope the resources provided here can help you get started in making your program a reality. Best wishes in your efforts!
Edit: Here are a few more resources another expert on peer support just provided to me: 
From Doors to Wellbeing: https://www.doorstowellbeing.org/copy-of-peer-info-1
From the Center on Integrated Health Care: https://www.center4healthandsdc.org/
BRSS-TACS (another SAMHSA initiative): https://www.samhsa.gov/brss-tacs

Question Date: خميس, 10/26/2017
I'm looking to focus on a community issue that could possibly get attention of law makers but unsure to go about it. It must be something that is not currently on law makers floor and has to be community based. One idea I though about was how some areas have the safe school passage but what about a safe child zone for instance if a child walking home felt threatened then they would hold up a red card to alert staff help is needed. Help needed don't know where I'm going with this

Hi Monique,
Thanks for your message. Finding the right community issue is certainly a challenge if you're not already entrenched in something going on in your neighborhood. One of the easiest ways to get involved in an issue of importance is to start going to meetings: city council meetings, community group meetings, school/PTO meetings, and even sometimes faith-based meetings have issues on their agendas that need energetic people like you to get involved and carry the ideas for solutions up to local and state governments. Finding organizations that match your interests might be as simple as visiting https://www.volunteermatch.org/, but for policy-specific issues, it will likely take some digging on your part.
If finding meetings you can attend doesn't help get you focused, then you may need to do some basic needs assessment/resource mapping yourself to help focus your efforts. The Community Tool Box has some great resources for getting started: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/get-started. You mentioned wanting to work with youth and schools, so you might look at some of the policies in your local school district or state department of education and see if there are any issues there that deserve more investigation or refinement.
The long and the short is, finding the right work for you is going to be a you-decision based on what needs to be done where you live, work, and play. I hope you're able to find the thing that really keeps you energized and allows you to feel like you're contributing.
Hope that helps,

Question Date: أحد, 10/29/2017
I have Traumatic Brain Injury from a domestic violence relationship and am curious to find the answer as to why I am still trying to connect with the right organization for help. I have been desperately trying so hard in getting help, assistance, housing, something to get me out of this nightmare of a situation im trapped in. I qualify for services still but yet have actually had help by anyone. Ive been destitute for over a year now and feel id be better off going back to my abuser of 6 years. At least id have food, shelter, clothes, hygeine, makeup, vehicle right? I just dont get why there are so many organizations that receive grant funding but someone like me, who prior to my injury, held a 4.2GPA and almost completed my masters program....Also, if I can be of any help, id love to represent the TBI, Victims of Abuse, PTSD, Disabled adults community by giving my testimony anytime. Thank you.

Dear Amanda,
I'm so sorry to hear about your frustration and difficulty. Your description of your situation certainly sounds dispiriting, but I'm sure many could learn from your obvious resilience. Unfortunately, I can't comment as to why you're struggling to get connected to the right organizations or people within the right organizations. Programs and processes tend to be very community-specific. If you've not already tried it, you might look into http://www.thehotline.org/, which is a national program to help women, men, and families in domestic violence situations. They may be able to better direct you and to connect you with local groups with whom you can see about working as an advocate as well. 
I certainly wish you success in your endeavors and continued safety.
Take care,

Question Date: أحد, 10/29/2017
Kindly send me guidelines for making baseline information that could serve as a reference or roadmap for collecting information from a community

Hello – Thanks for your question.
I’m not completely sure what baseline information you’re seeking. Baseline data is normally collected prior to or at the beginning of a project as an anchor to determine change over time. So, it would depend on what type of issue or program you’re interested in if you’re actually requesting baseline data. However, I’m guessing you might be interested in HOW to gather the data through a community assessment, rather than specific data itself. So…that’s how I’m going to answer this. I hope I’m on the right track!
A community assessment is a great place to start when you want to establish a baseline metric against which change will be measured over time for a particular issue or set of issues. There are a number of methods to use for a community assessment including compiling archival data (publicly available population-level data such as the census, data on incidence/prevalence of health or social issues, etc.), doing community or target group surveys, focus groups/community forums, interviews, and various participatory methods, such as Photovoice. Check out chapters 3-5 and toolkit 2 on the Community Tool Box (http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents). This information should help get you started if a community assessment is what you need.
Depending on what kind of information you collect through a community assessment, you should be able to update it from time to time to show the effects of programs to address whatever issue you target. But some data/indicators won’t change quickly – particularly those that you can usually find through archival data. That’s OK – keep those in mind as long-term indicators of population-level success and find short-term indicators to show changes due more directly to whatever programs/initiatives are implemented.  You might also look at chapters 36-39 and toolkit 12 to find ideas on evaluating the effects of an initiative (see the link to the Table of Contents above).
I hope this helped answer your question. If not, feel free to ask another question!
Best wishes in your efforts for your community!

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 10/31/2017
Hi I am a university student at the University of South Australia and I would like to know how i cite your website and the individual webpages as you do not have an author or names that i can fere to.
Much appreciate your time .

Kind Regards Bee McDougall

Hello - Thank you for contacting us!
The information about how to cite the Community Tool Box can be found at the following link:http://ctb.ku.edu/en/use-policy 
I'm also including it here:
In order to cite the Community Tool Box, we suggest that you use the citation format of the American Psychological Association. Detailed information about their citation format is available in a tutorial at their website. An example citation for a section from the tools appears below.
Example Citation:
Center for Community Health and Development. (2017). Chapter 3, Section 10: Conducting Concerns Surveys. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas. Retrieved January 2, 2017, from the Community Tool Box: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/conduct-concerns-surveys/main
Best wishes in your studies! It's always exciting to know people all around the world are using the Tool Box!

Question Date: أربعاء, 11/01/2017
My organization is geared to empower and uplift moms of special needs children.
We are not a non-profit, because we want our mothers to regain their individuality and independence. Their is a low annual membership and monthly dues. What is the best way to structure this ?

Hello - This sounds like a great and beneficial organization! Unfortunately, your question is beyond the scope of what I can address. I'd suggest contacting an accountant...or maybe an attorney with experience with similar organizations. I think you may need guidance on tax codes or similar issues.
Best wishes in your efforts!

Question Date: خميس, 11/02/2017
My name is Atanas Mzee from Kenya. I am currently at Baylor university, Texas studying social work. I am looking for ways to get market in USA,Australia ETC for art/ crafts work created by talented young people in Kenya. They have great talent but no market access. Please advise.

Dear Atanas,
Thank you so much for your question. A quick search brought me to this website: https://www.globalcrafts.org/ which purports to do just what you are seeking to do. I obviously can't vouch for this organization, but you might be able to do some research about how they work and see if it's something you can duplicate. Another option would be to find programs that seem to do the things you'd like to do and reach out to those programs to see how they have accomplished what you'd like to do. I don't believe there's a magic, one-stop solution, so it will likely just take some time to dig into how others have done this work and see what you can duplicate or how you can form partnerships.
Best of luck in pursuing your degree and in this endeavor.
Kind regards,

Question Date: سبت, 11/04/2017
Good day,

Thank you for the opportunity. I would like to know the methodology and procedures behind the development and evaluation of the toolbox. I have been unable to find any publications on this. I am a PhD candidate at Western University who is developing a toolkit for implementation in health care. Any response is greatly appreciated.
Stacey Guy

Hi Stacey,
A quick Google Scholar search provides the following resources:
Fawcett, S. B., Francisco, V. T., Schultz, J. A., Berkowitz, B., Wolff, T. J., & Nagy, G. (2000). The Community Tool Box: a Web-based resource for building healthier communities. Public health reports, 115(2-3), 274.
Francisco, V. T., Fawcett, S. B., Schultz, J. A., Berkowitz, B., Wolff, T. J., & Nagy, G. (2001). Using Internet‐Based Resources to Build Community Capacity: The Community Tool Box [http://ctb. ukans. edu/]. American Journal of Community Psychology, 29(2), 293-300.
And I happen to know that the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice has published an article about the Toolbox as well:
Holt, C. M., Fawcett, S. B., Schultz, J. A., Berkowitz, B., Wolff, T. J. Francisco, V. T. (2013). Building Community Practice Competencies Globally through the Community Tool Box. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 4(4), 1-8. Retrieved Day/Month/Year, from (http://www.gjcpp.org/).​
These will certainly get you started. I think if you have additional questions, you should feel free to email the folks at the Toolbox with additional questions: toolbox@ku.edu
Hope this helps! Thanks for your interest in the Community Tool Box!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hello Nancy, 
Thank you for your very thoughtful questions about the Community Tool Box, and please excuse our belated reply.
Steve Fawcett and I have tried to respond to them briefly. Since there was a team that created the Community Tool Box, we are responding as founding team members who were there from the beginning, We have a sense of our origins and the thinking behind them.
Note that there are background readings that offer a fuller picture of the origins and design of the CTB and subsequent applications. Several reprints will be emailed to you following this updated response.
Was a framework/ model/ theory used to guide the development and evaluation of the toolbox/ toolkit? I don't mean the conceptual framework described in Francisco et al 2001, as this appears to refer to the content.
In our formation, theories, models, and frameworks were secondary considerations.  Our main goal was and is to provide information on community health and development that readers can apply directly in their own community settings to improve community outcomes. In an effort to be ecumenical—to leave space for people to use their own frameworks for action—we did not tout a single framework for action. However, we did have a general framework in mind: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/get-started
Did the authors utilized an adult educational theory when developing the content?
We used elements of behavioral instruction to structure content for each section: intro, rationale, how-to steps, rationales, examples, checklist or task analyses.
Were any behaviour change theories used? i.e., the authors are trying to change audience behaviour. Was this measured?
Not explicitly.  We were trying to change audience behavior, in the sense that we wanted readers to use information derived in practice.  But we did not attempt to measure behavior change directly.
How were stakeholders chosen? Was a consensus method applied to choices made? Was there a Steering/ Advisory Group?
At the beginning, we formed an Advisory Group of perhaps 15 members. These were well-regarded professionals in the community health and development field who we knew personally, or at least knew of.  We dialogued with them by e-mail and met with them in conference call quarterly for a few years.
Was feasibility, usability, etc evaluated?
Feasibility and usability were measured largely through measures of traffic on the site (e.g., unique sessions, bounce rate, time on site, use by individual section). For the past decade or so, we have been using Google Analytics to obtain more refined measures; we go over such feedback together on an (approximately) quarterly basis.
In addition, we have conducted and continue to conduct approximately-yearly surveys of the nearly 1000 users on our e-mail distribution list. The feedback on those surveys helps us to evaluate and sometimes modify our work.   We are also guided by comments received in our Guest Book, a link to which has always been on our home page, as well as by comments directed to us at tookbox@ku.edu
Was a process and/or outcome evaluation conducted?
 See response to question above
There is some use of 'toolbox' and 'toolkit'. Are these seen as interchangeable? What definition is used?
The terms overlap, but are not interchangeable. “Tool Box” refers to the entire Community Tool Box site. “Toolkit” for us refers to one of 16 sets of specific instructional materials associated with a key community topic (assessment, planning, etc.) The “Toolkits” include task analyses and examples for practice routines that are common to multiple disciplines involved in community health and development (e.g., public health, community development, community psychology, international development).
When material / literature was collected, was systematic review methodology used? or something else.
I’m not sure I would say we used “systematic review methodology,” but in creating different content on the site, we looked for the best available sources at the time, and cited them as references.
Was there guidance from a specific dissemination theory?
Somewhat.  Much of our training and experience as community development professionals does involve dissemination, and we have always attempted to apply that knowledge in publicizing our work. Ev Rogers’ diffusion theory and social marketing are two sources of influence: e.g., listen to audiences about their interests, design content that has relative advantage, make it easier and more rewarding to access and use the CTB, use examples to align to meet needs of those working on different issues, etc. See more on social marketing in the CTB: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/implement-social-marketing-effort
I hope these responses may be helpful to you. We surely appreciate your being in touch with us, and send best wishes for continued success in all the work you do.
Bill Berkowitz and Steve Fawcett for the Community Tool Box team 

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 11/07/2017
Dear Nicole,

Thank you for these references. Having looked through them, I have some questions.

Was a framework/ model/ theory used to guide the development and evaluation of the toolbox/ toolkit? I don't mean the conceptual framework described in Francisco et al 2001, as this appears to refer to the content.

Did the authors utilized an adult educational theory when developing the content?

Were any behaviour change theories used? i.e., the authors are trying to change audience behaviour. Was this measured?

How were stakeholders chosen? Was a consensus method applied to choices made? Was there a Steering/ Advisory Group?

Was feasibility, usability, etc evaluated?

Was a process and/or outcome evaluation conducted?

There is some use of 'toolbox' and 'toolkit'. Are these seen as interchangeable? What definition is used?

When material / literature was collected, was systematic review methodology used? or something else.

Was there guidance from a specific dissemination theory?

Thanks in advance. I'm asking as a person who is trying to learn from others in the field.

Stacey Guy

Hi Stacey,
Please see the answers to your questions from the CTB team below
Kind Regards,
Hello, Stacey –
     … Thank you for your very thoughtful questions about the Community Tool Box, and please excuse our belated reply.
         I’ll try to respond to them briefly. I was not a creator of the Community Tool Box, and am responding here for myself; but as a founding team member who was there from the beginning, I think I may have a sense of our origins and the thinking behind them.
Was a framework/ model/ theory used to guide the development and evaluation
of the toolbox/ toolkit? I don't mean the conceptual framework described in Francisco et al 2001, as this appears to refer to the content.
       In our formation, theories, models, and frameworks were secondary considerations.  Our main goal was and is to provide information on community health and development that readers can apply directly in their own community settings to improve community outcomes.
Did the authors utilized an adult educational theory when developing the
 Were any behaviour change theories used? i.e., the authors are trying to
 change audience behaviour.  Was this measured?
      Not explicitly.  We were trying to change audience behavior, in the sense that we wanted readers to use information derived in practice.  But we did not attempt to measure behavior change directly.
How were stakeholders chosen? Was a consensus method applied to choices made?
Was there a Steering/ Advisory Group?
       At the beginning, we formed an Advisory Group of perhaps 15 members. These were well-regarded professionals in the community health and development field who we knew personally, or at least knew of.  We dialogued with them by e-mail and met with them in conference call quarterly for a few years.
Was feasibility, usability, etc evaluated?
       Feasibility and usability were measured largely through measures of traffic on the site (e.g., unique sessions, bounce rate, time on site, use by individual section). For the past decade or so, we have been using Google Analytics to obtain more refined measures; we go over such feedback together on an (approximately) quarterly basis.
        In addition, we have conducted and continue to conduct approximately-yearly surveys of the nearly 1000 users on our e-mail distribution list.  The feedback on those surveys helps us to evaluate and sometimes modify our work.   We are also guided by comments received in our Guest Book, a link to which has always been on our home page, as well as by comments directed to us at tookbox@ku.edu
Was a process and/or outcome evaluation conducted?
      See response to question above
There is some use of 'toolbox' and 'toolkit'. Are these seen as
 interchangeable? What definition is used?
      The terms overlap, but are not interchangeable. “Tool Box” refers to the entire Community Tool Box site. “Toolkit” for us refers to one of 16 sets  of specific instructional  materials associated with a key community topic (assessment, planning, etc.)
 When material / literature was collected, was systematic review methodology
 used? or something else.
       I’m not sure I would say we used “systematic review methodology,” but in creating different content on the site, we looked for the best available sources at the time, and cited them as references.
Was there guidance from a specific dissemination theory?
       Not as such.  Much of our training and experience as community development professionals does involve dissemination, and we have always attempted to apply that knowledge in publicizing our work.
           I hope these responses may be helpful to you.  We surely appreciate your being in touch with us, and send best wishes for continued success in all the work you do. 
                                           Bill Berkowitz
                                           for the Community Tool Box team 

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 11/07/2017
Dear Advisor,

I am the last year Master student and doing my internship in project management since I want to make own practical learning project for my internship I have difficulties to start as I cant find needs of the community in order to develop a project. Could you please help me with advice or provide any help I will be very grateful for any help.

Thank you
Best regards

Hello – Thank you for contacting us!
That’s great to hear that you’re working on a project for your Master’s. It sounds like you might need to do some sort of needs assessment, if just for your own purposes, to determine what project might be helpful to your community. Since you’re not being commissioned to conduct a formal needs assessment, this can be fairly informal to help you figure out what your focus may be.
Check out the following chapters and toolkits regarding needs assessment on the Community Tool Box. They should give you some ideas of where to start. In particular, I’d start by looking at any publicly available data on topics that interest you (e.g., poverty, substance abuse, crime, housing, etc.) and see where there’s either a trend in the wrong direction or your community is out of line with a comparison area (i.e., state, region, country).
Here are the tools from the Community Tool Box. You can access them through the Table of Contents at https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents:

  • Chapters 3 – 5
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources Toolkit

I hope this information helps. Best wishes in your efforts!

Question Date: جمعة, 11/17/2017
Im a secratary of a non for profit organization that is working on a mentorship program. We want to use your goal setting tool. I assume that its ok, however I want to make sure we have permission.

Hello – thanks for contacting us!
The Community Tool Box team definitely encourages people to use the resources! You can see the entire use policy at this link: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/use-policy. But the most relevant part is this:

  1. Personal use: Permission is granted to use and copy Community Tool Box documents for non-commercial use. Please ensure citation of materials appears on all copies and documentation.
  2. Workshops within your not-for-profit community group or initiative: ~~Permission is granted to use and copy Community Tool Box documents for non-commercial use. Please ensure citation of materials appears on all copies and documentation.
  3. Workshops for which you are a paid leader, facilitator, or consultant: Please contact us directly for permission to use our material under these circumstances. Depending on the situation, there may be fees associated with printing and distributing material from the Community Tool Box.
  4. Printing and redistributing material from the CTB as part of training materials, workbooks, or other publications: Please contact us directly for written permission to use material from the Community Tool Box. Depending on the situation, there may be fees associated with printing and distributing material from the Community Tool Box.
  5. Use of materials from the CTB in courses taught at primary, secondary, or post-secondary educational institutions: Please contact us directly about your use of CTB materials within courses. We would like for your students to access the material themselves, but we would really like to track their use. Also, as if you are printing and redistributing material from the CTB, there may be fees associated with that use. Please contact us to discuss your situation.

Best wishes in your efforts!

Question Date: جمعة, 11/17/2017
Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Fadhilla and I'm from Indonesia. I'm currently doing my undergraduate thesis and I found this website through website searching.
So, I put one of the chapters in Community Tool Box as my literature review about Providing Training and Technical Assistance (Chapter 12) part "How do you deliver a training session" http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/training-and-technical-assistance/deliver-training-session/main. But how to make the citation to be put on my bibliography? Because I found that the information isn't really complete, like the year of publishing that chapter, etc. Thank you so much for the help! :)

Hello Fadhilla! I'm so glad you found the Tool Box useful. Here is the recommended way to cite it, keeping in mind, obviously, that "Chapter 3, Section 10: Conducting Concerns Surveys." would be replaced with the section you're citing and you would use the date on which you you actually retrieved the information. The full details are found here: https://ctb.ku.edu/en/use-policy
In order to cite the Community Tool Box, we suggest that you use the citation format of the American Psychological Association. Detailed information about their citation format is available in a tutorial at their website. An example citation for a section from the tools appears below.
Example Citation:
Center for Community Health and Development. (2017). Chapter 3, Section 10: Conducting Concerns Surveys. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas. Retrieved January 2, 2017, from the Community Tool Box: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/conduct-concerns-surveys/main
I hope this helps. Best of luck with the the thesis!

Question Date: أحد, 11/19/2017
Hi, Do you offer assistance with obtaining/providing a wheel chair ramp for a Hospice patient with Alzheimer's whose caregiver is her husband who is a veteran. Thank you

Hello - thank you for contacting us. 
The Community Tool Box is oriented toward helping people become effective  participants in community change. So, we don't offer or have information on specific resources such as wheel chair ramps. However, I'd encourage you to check with your local United Way. Check the following link to find a United Way near you. Even though they may not provide resources like a wheel chair ramp, they can refer you to an organization that can help. 
I hope this helps!

Question Date: اثنين, 11/20/2017
Hallo Toolbox Advisor,

At the Utrecht University I am evaluating a program in the Netherlands to promote democratic citizenship (and positive behaviour, community agency and taking responsibility for the community) among children (targetgroup 1) and their parents (targetgroup 2). that covers school, organised child leisure activities and the home. It is called the Peaceable Neighbourhood (see attachment).
What I am looking for is to learn from. I already found the Search Institute that described their method of the 40 assets and the work of Nakkula, M. J., Foster, K. C., Mannes, M., & Bolstrom, S. (2010). Building healthy communities for positive youth development (Vol. 7). Springer Science & Business Media. That describes how local programs are organised.
And I found the Accion por los Niños in Peru (http://www.accionporlosninos.org.pe/) . That is very noteworthy in my opinion.
What there are plenty of is community programs that are owned by the municipality and its professionals that see the targetgroup as consumers of policy. But there are programs that make the targetgroup owner as wel but most of them are focussing on prevention of e.g drug abuse or violence abuse and not on positive behaviour.
I searched in your database and those of Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJPD), het National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) and Child Trends.

In developing countries there are a lot of programs involving kids in community development (Hutter K. (2008). Young People’s Civic Engagement in East Asia and the Pacific. Bankok: Unicef East Asia and Pacific Regional Office and UNICEF (2006) Child and Youth Participation Resource Guide. Bangkok: East Asia and Pacific Regional Office. And of course Hart, R. A. (1992). Children's participation: From tokenism to citizenship. Innocenti Essays no. 4. Florence: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre). It seems much more common there, maybe because people are more used to children that take responsibility in family income etc. But there the problem is that programs are poorly described and not evaluated
My question is: do you know, besides the work of the Search Institute and Accion por los Niños of any well documented program that explicitly promotes democracy and citizenship / children contributing to the community instead of being recipients of youth policy. 2) has an ecological approach, focusing on at least three life domains. 3) target groups are children and their parents. 4) Children / participants are offered co-ownership of the program.
I am looking forward for your reply
Bob Horjus
Researcher Peaceable Neighbourhood and Pedagogical Civil Society / Utrecht University

Hello – Thank you for your question!
This is a topic that’s really important to me personally because my career for many years was working with a youth-led community activism organization. So, I know well that there are relatively few truly organic youth-adult partnerships that aren’t “owned” by a larger organization or that don’t view youth as recipients of adult knowledge rather than valuable participants in community change. It’s exciting to hear you’re working on something that breaks this mold.
I don’t have a quick answer regarding good examples of programs that fit all of your criteria. But I’ll give you some resources and names of community psychologists who do a lot of research in this area. One caveat is that these resources and people are in the U.S. But at least one of the researchers has done multinational studies. The organization and people I’ve listed below may be able to give you better answers regarding specific programs they know that will fit what you need.
Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing – This organization provides a lot of resources to promote youth organizing for community change, including an interactive map of youth organizing programs.  https://fcyo.org/programs/youth-organizing-landscape-map
Here are a couple of community psychologists who do a lot of work related to youth-adult partnerships and youth activism. I’ve cited a few of their articles and their contact info.
Shepherd Zeldin, University of Wisconsin-Madison, shep.zeldin@wisc.edu
Zeldin, S., Christens, B. D., & Powers, J. L. (2013). The Psychology and Practice of Youth‐Adult Partnership: Bridging Generations for Youth Development and Community Change. American journal of community psychology51(3-4), 385-397.
Zeldin, S., Gauley, J., Krauss, S. E., Kornbluh, M., & Collura, J. (2017). Youth–adult partnership and youth civic development: Cross-national analyses for scholars and field professionals. Youth & Society49(7), 851-878.
Katie Richards-Schuster, University of Michigan, kers@umich.edu
Richards-Schuster, K., & Timmermans, R. (2017). Conceptualizing the role of adults within youth-adult partnerships: An example from practice. Children and Youth Services Review81, 284-292.
Tom Akiva, University of Pittsburgh, tomakiva@pitt.edu
Akiva, T., Carey, R. L., Cross, A. B., Delale-O'Connor, L., & Brown, M. R. (2017). Reasons youth engage in activism programs: Social justice or sanctuary?. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology53, 20-30.
And feel free to contact me directly at tara.gregory@wichita.edu. I’d be interested to hear more about your project and could share info about an evaluation we’re doing re: youth-adult partnerships focusing on mental health programs.
Best wishes in your efforts!

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 11/21/2017
Im so glad to have stumbled on your web page, we ( http://humanityafrica.org.uk/ )are building a agricultural project in Zambia Mukushi, and there is a educational component in it, i was just writing a concept note for the high commissioner of Zambia in the UK, i will include the first section for you here, hopefully we can work together
Educational Acceleration Hubs

Humanity Africa will use technology as well as the latest breakthrough in the field of education to create nodes with all our agricultural value addition nodes to facilitate curiosity through discovery in a tactile learning environment based on current lesson plans based on community development, resource development, bio diversity, climate mitigation and especially agriculture.
This will allow children to be resilient and self sustainable, and indeed productive members of society in rural areas and curb urbanization, it will improve health and allow children to be positively engaged in creating entrepreneurial skills to be self sustainable upon leaving school.
The nodes will provide supplementary quality education to all the schools in the district, based on peer development and leadership qualities. Teachers will benefit from this program as much as the children.
The program work from early childhood literacy right through to grade 12 but will also hold value for graduates and especially distant learning individuals.

The glaring vacuum in current educational models
Although Zambia, and indeed most African countries accept South Africa has a abundance of land available for agriculture and is indeed available under the traditional and cultural land management system our youths that finish grade ten and 12 does not have the skills to be efficient productive farmers ones they leave school, we believe that this is totally unnecessary and that the potential to change this is self evident and amazingly simple.
We foresee a system where school leavers will be able to embark on agricultural on agricultural endeavors with ease and self assurance and make a success out of it.
All the ingredients is already in the syllabus offered by the Ministry of Education and all it is going to take to facilitate the success of this program is a little cooperation between Humanity Africa and the local schools.

Tactile/Kinesthetic learning and remembering
We need to move away from a two dimensional learning platform to a ten dimensional model.
The human capability to remember and to understand is not utilized in modern education where everything is presented on a black board (white today ) and a piece of paper, it is falling far short on how we naturally remember things vividly from the past.
There is a lot of definitions on tactile and kinesthetic learning but for us most fall short of the essence of what it means. Tactile learning simply means creating a environment of learning that includes all the senses, but it can not stop there as it still fall short in associations that is as important as sensory imprinting itself, and in this imprinting lies the potential of retention of knowledge and understanding.

The ten dimensions of learning
Life - the ability to present what is being learned within the physical community itself, the soil, the water, the air, the fauna and flora, the systems and the structures, in other words the association with the reality of life
Reality – the actual reality currently prevailing in that community from a whole systems perspective
Vision – the world we want to see, the relationship between what is and what we can dream it to be
Engineering – the “how to” analytical and critical thinking how to move from what is to our desired outcome
Scope – perspectives on scope, Individual, Family, Community, Country, Globally including the health of the planet as the foundation for the survival of everything

Hi Steven,
Thanks for your email. Your work sounds very ambitious and important. Since there is no specific question in your submission, I assume you're looking to connect with funders. The Community Tool Box is not a funding organization, but it does have resources to help you find and work with funders. You might look specifically at the following sections:
I hope this helps. Best of luck with your program!

Question Date: سبت, 11/25/2017
Dear Work Group for Community Health and Development of Kansas University ,
Greetings from NAMA Foundation, Kuala Lumpur!

We hope this email finds you well.
By way of introduction, I’m Khalid Al Walid who is responsible for the Programs & Partnership Department of NAMA Foundation (“NAMA” or “the Foundation”). In a brief overview, NAMA is an international grant provider which support in two main areas of intervention: (i) empowerment of education sector and (ii) empowerment of third sector. Since its incorporation 13 years ago in Malaysia, NAMA has been working in more than 27 countries and with its current strategic planning, we are now focusing mainly in 5 countries i.e. Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Tanzania, Palestine and Lebanon, but not forgetting any ad-hoc assistance as and when required elsewhere.

Currently, NAMA is developing our 2018 Budget & Plan and within our 2018 Program Planning, and in relation thereto, we are planning to have a Volunteering Management Program called Count Me In Program ("CMI Program"). The objective of the CMI Program is to train the master trainer who later will train the local "Count Me In" consultants for our Volunteering Management Program. NAMA expected to develop 4 modules under the said program as follows;
Volunteering Plan
Volunteering Recruitment Module
Volunteering Orientation Module, and
Volunteering Capacity Building Module
By going through your esteemed website, we do believe that your expertise and experience could possibly benefit our 2018 CMI Program.

In line with that, we would like to set an appointment for an online video conference meeting with representatives from your esteemed organization between Wednesday (27.09.2017) - Friday (29.09.2017) this week. We are proposing the said meeting to be at 9 a.m. of the UK time.

We are looking forward to hear from your esteemed organisation soon.
Best regards,

Head, Programs and Partnerships

Unit No.C-7-7, Level 7, Megan Avenue 1,
No. 189, Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur

GL: +603.2181.6646 | F: +603.2181.6643 | M: +6012.643.7296
Email: hpg@namafoundation.org
Website: www.namafoundation.org

Dear Khalid,
Thanks very much for your email. I have forwarded your inquiry to other members of the Community Tool Box team for appropriate response. Best of luck in your good work.
Kind Regards,

Question Date: خميس, 11/30/2017
I am slowly going through and processing the vast amount of information on your website and finding much of it helpful. I know that your work will compliment and assist in both my work and my involvement in various committees and advisory boards. However, there is a question that continually crops up for me.
I work as a Peer Support Specialist and Community Health Worker in Behavioral Health. I'm stationed at our local drop-in center and am responsible for providing peer counseling and facilitating multiple groups each week.
After experiencing frustration about the dearth of relevant services, support and finances, I decided to take action. That has included advocating and planning for the re-creation of our Board, creating an on-site micro-volunteering program which will involve various community organizations and businesses, starting a weekly women's group, looking at fund-raising opportunities and considering small grants, and have acquired the donation of a laptop to be used at the Center.
My question stems from this: because my peers at the center are people living with severe, persistent mental illness and adults with developmental disabilities, they and my work are covered by HIPAA privacy laws. This complicates any involvement in outreach, etc as well as in developing relationships outside of the center. Are there work-arounds and solutions that I can implement to make my work more effective and to reassure my supervisors and management while protecting my peers?

Hi Cynthia,
Thank you so much for your email and for your work in the community. As I am not a HIPAA expert, I feel it would be irresponsible of me to provide you with any guidance about workarounds or other strategies. Your best bet is to contact an attorney in your community who understands HIPAA and can advise you (ideally pro bono, or without charge) on the ways you can maintain compliance and still feel you're being as effective as possible. According to FindLaw (a respected legal directory) the kind of attorney most likely to be able to assist you is one who practices with expertise in ERISA (here is the link: http://healthcare.findlaw.com/patient-rights/hipaa-the-health-insurance-... ; at the bottom of this page is a link to a directory) Many large firms encourage their attorneys to bill a percentage of their time to pro bono projects as part of their community service efforts. It may take some time to research attorneys or firms in your area, but that would be your best bet in terms of learning what you can and need to do to both protect the information you need to protect and also do the work you want to do. 
I hope this is helpful and that you quickly and easily find a workable solution.
Since my last post here, a colleague offered another idea that I wanted to be sure to share with you. He recommended you contact your state’s disability rights center which would be able to give some solid advice. Contact info can be found here by searching by state: http://www.ndrn.org/index.php
This colleague also suggested that there are accommodations in the HIPAA regs for marketing, but due caution must always be taken. Here’s a good place to look that stuff up: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/faq
​I hope these additional resources are useful for you as you continue to work through your concerns. Best of luck!
Kind Regards,

Question Date: خميس, 12/07/2017
I am a member of an organization called The Mustique Indigenous Peoples Association. This is a tiny island in the Caribbean belonging St. Vincent &The Grenadines.We have been in existence for many years, and have changed executive members many times. We have never been connected with any other organization before and would like to be able to share communications with you if that is ok with you please let me know.

Dear Lennox,
Thank you so much for your email. I'm unsure what question you're asking of an advisor, but I can point you to a resource on leadership development since you mention having many executive members and a leadership plan may be useful for you: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/leadership/leadership-ideas/plan-...
You may also consider reviewing the Creating and Maintaining Partnerships Toolkit: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/creating-and-maintaining-partnerships. This may assist you in finding other like-minded organizations who do similar work.
Of course, if you'd like to email the Community Tool Box team directly, you may certainly do so: toolbox@ku.edu
Best of luck in your very important work!
Kind Regards,

Question Date: سبت, 12/09/2017
Greetings and gratitude!

Our names are Ashleigh Paul and Andrew Young and we are from Phoenix, Arizona. We discovered your website while searching for questionnaire templates for assisting in the beginning phases of building a sustainable community and were impressed with your content.

We are currently looking for resources to help with the first steps of formalizing a loose group of individuals into a more organized community with the goal of coming together to live sustainably. We realize that gaining information about the people involved is important. Our first goal is to build a detailed questionnaire form that can be utilized to gain data about the individuals and compile this to see the community resources and build a web with the information. Are there tools such as template questionnaires available for gaining this type of information and organizing it into a web or excel format?

We will be reviewing all of the details provided on your website. If there is any specific advice, information, templates, etc. that you believe could benefit us at this time in our development or in the future, anything and everything would be greatly appreciated. We hope to connect with as many like-minded people as we possibly can and are excited to learn more about Community Tool Box!

Thank you & many blessings!

Hi Ashleigh and Andrew,
It sounds like you're starting an ambitious and worthy endeavor! Based on what you've described, I think what will help you the most is the Assessing Community Needs Toolkit: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/assessing-community-needs-and-resources. This toolkit describes and provides examples for a number of different ways to collect information from the folks that you need to understand. There are some specific examples for surveys that should help you craft the kinds of questions you want to ask, but there are also other methods that may ultimately be more useful for you. You'll want to look at the benefits of each before deciding how you want to collect data, and while there's no "template" as such, there are plenty of examples to get you started.
One thing to keep firmly in mind, of course, is the privacy and protection of the people you want to gather for this endeavor. It's best practice not to ask questions you don't absolutely have to for decision-making purposes (try to leave the "it would be nice to know" questions off and ask only the "we have to know this to move forward" questions). This will also help you with getting people to respond - they are more likely to do so if the questions don't make them feel vulnerable.
If you do want to do a survey, you'll also want to think about whether that survey is on paper or online. Even if you choose to distribute the survey on paper, it is much easier to get the data into a format you can analyze if you use a form or a survey tool. While you can certainly enter answers from a paper survey into a spreadsheet directly, using an online tool allows you to simply answer the questions and the tool formats the spreadsheet for you when you download the data. It cuts down on human error and makes it much easier to organize the data. SurveyMonkey (www.surveymonkey.com) has some free options and so does Google Forms. You can use these tools for other types of data too if it helps you organize your thoughts. For example, if you decide to conduct focus groups, you can put your questions into a survey format with an open response and type up your notes as the answers.
I hope this is helpful as you continue on your journey. Best of luck to you!
Be well,

Question Date: اثنين, 12/11/2017
hello, I have a brilliant idea for a new company. I'm taking a BManagement class and we received an A on the project. I would like to coincide a Fast Food chain and a Dog Distributor to make a The Dog Pack. where you would get a Chicken Breast from the Fast Food Chain and dry sample bag, toy, treat and water from a Dog/distributor when you go thru the drive thru so you can feed yourself and your companion. What would be the steps involved in designing an action plan? i can send you the powerpoint presentation

Dear Maja,
Thanks so much for your email! The Community Tool Box isn't designed, necessarily, for new business ventures. However, strategic planning can be used in a number of contexts. I encourage you to look at those materials and hope they are useful in developing your idea.

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 12/12/2017
I work as a community volunteer in one of the community in India. I do not get paid for the the work and I am thinking of training few of volunteers.

I can not afford to pay the cost of training material. Is there a way I can get the materials free of cost. Even PDF will work for me.

Dear Jai,
Thank you so much for your work in your community and for being willing to train others like you. You may obviously use any training materials you find in the Community Tool Box free of charge, but I'm uncertain what other training materials you need. If you would like to seek funding for specific training, I recommend you review this toolkit: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/writing-grant-application. This will help guide you in requesting resources from funders and other organizations.
I hope this helps.
Be Well,

Question Date: سبت, 12/16/2017
I am the Director of Community Partnerships with the Texas Education Agency. I will be supporting schools in Texas with developing community partnerships to improve achievement in reading and math by providing holistic and wrap around services for their students. What resources do you have that can support this effort?

Hi Harold,
Thanks so much for your email. This sounds like really important work, and I'm glad that your organization is undertaking it.
Within the Community Tool Box, there are specific tool kits that can guide you to building successful collaborations:
Additionally, there are a number of community psychologists and health professionals across the country who have dedicated their careers to building and sustaining collaboratives, partnerships, and coalitions. Should you choose to look into this work, a great number of scholarly publications might interest you if you search Google Scholar.
In terms of "wrap around services," there is a specific body of work dedicated to that framework that might help inform your approach. Portland State University in their National Wraparound Initiative does a good job of outlining wraparound work in their resource guide (https://nwi.pdx.edu/NWI-book/), but there are a lot of other states working on wraparound initiatives that pop up in a "wraparound best practices" search. SAMHSA also has some resources dedicated to wraparound services. I would encourage you to explore these so that you can guide how your organization would like to implement this in Texas.
I hope this is helpful and wish you all the best in your work with the children in Texas.
Be Well,

Question Date: ثلاثاء, 12/19/2017
I am planning a health outreach in a rural community in Kaduna state Nigeria. Are there grants available.

Dear Salamatu,
Thank you for your email and dedication to community health! While the Community Tool Box is not a funder, it does offer a toolkit that provides some guidance for developing resources and applying for grants. You can access that information here:
Under "related resources" there is a list of potential funders that you might consider: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/finances/grants-and-financial-res...
I hope this helps. Best of luck in your endeavors and a Happy 2018 to you.

Question Date: أربعاء, 12/27/2017
Dear Advisor,

The work that you have done in other cities is remarkable! I currently live in Point breeze area of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. We are striving to uplift this low social economic community through opening a community center. Do you have any suggestions for steps moving forward? Or organizations I can reach out to for funding?
Our mission is to inspire happy healthy lifestyles. Through providing a warm, open-minded, positive space for mindfulness, experiencing art and culture through dancing and music, as well as many other classes, including individualized nutritional planning and cooking classes, we aim to bring Resources under one roof, to give the community a convenient one stop location. If you well like me to forward you my business proposal to better understand what we are offering, please let me know. Look forward to hearing from you! Happy new year to you and your family!

Warm Regards,
Megan Countey, BSN-RN

Dear Megan,
Thanks for your email. The Community Tool Box is not a funder, but it does have a tool kit prepared that helps you find funders and submit applications to them. This tool kit may be found at: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/writing-grant-application
In terms of other advice for next steps, I would highly recommend you build a logic model for your organization if you haven't done so already. This is simply a more formal way to outline the impact you hope to make and it will offer you a blueprint for programs and evaluation of your work in the future. Some tips to begin this work may be found here: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/4-developing-framework-or-model-change
I hope this helps as you begin to really dig in to your work in Philadelphia. Best of luck in 2018!
Happy New Year to you as well!

Question Date: أحد, 12/31/2017
I am wanting to start some sort of community outreach program for abused women and children. I was abused and I want to give bck to the community and help others overcome this trauma. Could you please send me information on what direction to go in in terms of starting. I have the perfect idea and our community desperately needs some prevention plans and help to children who are being victimized. I want to be that mediator to bring awareness in addition to change in my community!

                Thank you for writing to us at Ask an Advisor with your important question.
               It’s great that you want to start a community outreach program for abused women and children in your community.  Your enthusiasm and passion shine through in your letter, and we definitely believe that these in themselves are two of the most important starting ingredients!
              Beyond that, some key questions that arise in a project such as this would include:
              What specific form would your outreach program take? For example, would it be face-to-face?   Might part of it be online, or use social media? Or both?  Would there be groups, or 1-on-1 counseling, or both?   
              How, specifically, would you publicize the program?  What’s your plan for getting the word out?
               Who in your community would you want to get on board with the program, so that they can support and help you – or at least not oppose you?
              What kind of financial resources might you need to pay for this program, and how you would you generate them?      
              All of this calls for a good deal of careful thinking before you actually begin. That’s natural for any program such as this. It does realistically some take thoughtful planning work in advance, but if you are committed, it is definitely doable.           
              One more thought:  What you have in mind seems like a pretty big idea, which suggests you might not want to carry it out all by yourself. So can you find a small group of people who think as you do, and who could work with you on the project?  By sharing your collective energies and wisdom, you can both support each other, share the work, and minimize the likelihood of making mistakes along the way.  
           For further information, you might want to consult some relevant materials in the Tool Box,  such as Chapters 18 and 19 on community interventions. Section 18-1 and 19-1 may be particularly helpful to you. 
          We hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you.  Thanks again for being in touch, and all very best wishes for success in your work!

Question Date: أربعاء, 01/03/2018
i work for a Center for Independent Living in ND and we would like to utilize a few of the Modules to work with people with disabilities on developing there leadership skills. How do I purchase a copy and what are the fees?

              Thank you, Beth, for writing to us at Ask an Advisor. We applaud your work with people with disabilities, and especially your interest in training them in leadership skills.
              As to the specifics of your question, we do not sell printed modules of our materials.  On the other hand, under certain conditions (e.g., for workshops) you can download whatever modules you want and duplicate them for local use, without charge.
              We have a “Use Policy” on our website that gives the details of how this  works, at http://ctb.ku.edu/en/use-policy. We suggest you read it, determine how it relates to your situation, and proceed accordingly.  If you have more particular questions, please let us know.
              We hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you. Thanks very much again for being in touch, and all best wishes for continued success in your work. 

Question Date: خميس, 01/04/2018
Hello! I am trying to start surveying the community I work with and I am wondering where to start?

              Thank you, Julie, for writing to us at Ask an Advisor with your important question.  It is excellent that you are interested in surveying your community.    
              We should say at the outset that there are many ways to do this.   Here are some points to consider that will help you determine the best way for you:   
              A good place to start is to check on past history.  What surveys in your community have already been done?  Normally, you don’t want to duplicate previous work. 
              And are you sure there is a need for another survey at this time?  This is another good starting question, because you would want to ensure that your survey fills some type of community need.
              Then, if you proceed, what is the goal of your survey?  What do you want to accomplish?  And what do you want to do with the results?
             Next, what resources do you have to conduct the survey?  That is, do you have a budget, or some dollars to spend in design, execution, and analysis? How much time do you have? And are there others who could help you, by being part of a survey team?   
              Also, have others in the community expressed the need for as survey like the one you have in mind?   If so, some community members could join your study team and help out. If not, can you convince them that your survey is needed? –  for as mentioned, a community survey should fulfill a community need of some sort.  
              Then, what form will your survey take?  Who will you be surveying? How can you obtain an accurate and representative sample? And what kind of questions will you ask?
              The answers to this and the above questions will likely take some careful thinking and planning; but that is very natural in a project such as this. It can be done!  And when you are clear on the answers to these starting questions, we think you will be also clearer on how best to proceed, in a way that works best for you and your community.
               For further information, you might want to consult some relevant materials in the Tool Box, such as Chapter 3, which focuses on assessment.  Chapter 3, Section 7, on surveys, may be particularly useful. . 
             We hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you. Thanks again for being in touch, and all very best wishes for success in your work.

Question Date: جمعة, 01/05/2018
Vision:To be the world's notion of supportive,competent and developmental individuals to agitate positive change
Mission:To elevate financially disadvantages students through provision of financial assistance and entrepreneurial education.
Please how best can I rephrase the above vision and mission. Our network collects donations and then pays tuition for disadvantaged students

              Thank you, Martin, for writing to us at Ask an Advisor with your important question. We definitely agree that an organization’s vision and mission are important factors in its community work.
            How might you adjust yours?  One basic criterion for a vision and mission is that it should be clear to your organizational members and to potential future members, so that people can easily understand what your organization does and what it wants to do.  In your case, I’m not sure your current vision as stated is as clear or specific as it could be. What do you think?
             A second criterion is that the vision in particular should be  “big” – that is, it should do some stretching of the imagination, so that people will feel motivated even inspired by your hopes and dreams.   
              Beyond that, the specifics of a vision andmission depend on your particular organization and its goals. For example, if your organization now collects donations and pays tuition for disadvantaged students, then it makes sense that your vision and mission should be related to those activities, and also that it should help stimulate donations. Your vision and mission can do some real work for you!        
              One further point, which is if you revise your vision and mission, it’s good to test it out on your members and ask for feedback. It’s okay and natural that your vision and mission go through several different drafts before you arrive at the one you like best.  In this sense, it’s like any other piece of creative writing.   
           For further information, you might benefit from consulting some relevant materials in the Tool Box, such as Chapter 8 on Planning. Chapter 8, Section 1, which deals specifically with visions and missions, may be especially valuable to you. 
             We hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you. Thanks again for being in touch, and all best wishes for continued success in your work. 

Question Date: سبت, 01/06/2018
Hi, I was wondering if you could give me the date: Section 2. Using Principles of Persuasion in chapter 6, was published. It would be much appreciated!

      Thanks for writing to us at Ask an Advisor, Simmi.  In referring to this section, you can use 2001 as the date of publication.  We may ourselves be off by a year or so,  but this comes as close as we can determine at the moment.   We continue to like this section a lot, though!    All best wishes. 

Question Date: سبت, 01/06/2018

I am interested in becoming a facilitator for conflict resolution and professional development. Does you site offer such positions?

   ... Thank you for writing to us, Tracee, but unfortunately we have no such positions available and would not post position availabilities through this site. 
       You have chosen a great field to go into, though!   In your place, we would consider doing some research on some key organizations in your area that do conflict resolution work, and/or some graduate programs that offer degrees in this field. Perhaps there are also newsletters or list-servs you could subscribe to. That way, you could learn more specifics about the hiring situation in your field, and more about where the jobs are. 
       We hope this much might be helpful.  We send all best wishes in finding the right job for you. 

Question Date: أربعاء, 01/10/2018
Hello, my name is Gwen. I'm interested in finding professional insurance for my nonprofit and I need help. I'm located in Hamden CT.

   ... Thanks for writing to us, but unfortunately your question lies outside our area of expertise.   Our best suggestion would be to contact local insurance agents in the Hamden area, and/or to be in touch with local nonprofits similar to yours and be guided by what they have done in similar situations,   All best wishes for a good outcome! 

Question Date: أربعاء, 01/10/2018
