2. دراسة حاجات المجتمع المحلّي وموارده

In early 2013, the Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services embarked on a comprehensive process to identify the health needs of the Boone County, Missouri community.

Ottawa County received a grant from the Kansas Health Foundation to explore how health services might be improved. Part of this grant is designed to encourage community-based health promotion.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has set as one of its goals to assure access to complete public health services to all the citizens of Kansas.

Knowledge of the current health status of the community is the first step in identifying health problems and developing a plan to deal with those problems.

The United Way of Wyandotte County conducted a Needs Assessment. The needs assessment ultimately identified 11 different areas of concern to Wyandotte County residents.

Community asset mapping identifies strengths within the community. In south Chicago, the Institute for Policy Research developed an assets map of the Grand Boulevard neighborhood to identify strengths within the community.

A helpful table including Indicator Topic, Field Model Domain, and Data sources.

Lack of employment opportunities for people with disabilities continues to be a significant problem, especially in rural communities. 

In low- to middle-income countries and regions, the majority of road deaths are among pedestrians, passengers, cyclists, users of two wheelers, and occupants of buses and minibuses.

In 2003, researchers from the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah were asked to assess and recommend health interventions in the community of Barekuma, a village in Ghana, West Africa.

A University-School System Partnership to Assess Middle School Health Program.

In 2007, the Richland County Public Health Department conducted a survey process to evaluate the overall health, safety, and wellness of Richland County residents.

The Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department conducted a comprehensive community health assessment to provide a deeper understanding of community health issues of importance, and assets available to address those issues.

In the summer of 2013, the Macalester-Groveland Community Council (MGCC) initiated their Community Plan process.

In 2012, the Geary County Health Department, Geary Community Hospital, and Geary County Schools – USD 475 began an effort to conduct a comprehensive community health assessment.