فرم جستجو

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how would i go about solving or prevevnting senior hunger in america?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Advocating for Change
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Advocating for Change
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
جمعه, 05/21/2010
Hi, I am working with a community based participatory research project. Our goal is to prevent cvd and reduce risk factors in our community. We would like to get the word out about what our project has done for the community and the services that it offers. We are leaning towards poster presentations, newsletters and twitter and facebook. Do you have any addition suggestions on what we could do?
  • Influencing Policy Development
  • Advocating for Change
  • Influencing Policy Development
  • Advocating for Change
پ., 05/20/2010
what issues are in involved in:-managing and evaluating vaccination programmes,including promoting and measuring vaccine coverage,monitoring vaccine efficacy and adverse events,refining vaccinationschedules and conducting serological surveillance?The barriers to the successful implemntation of animmunization programme including physical barrriers such as logistical and cold chain.
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
جمعه, 04/30/2010
How do you deal with 'challenging' partners?
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
پ., 04/29/2010
Dear Friend, Can you suggest or provide any resources for what kinds of careers graduates of community psychology programs go into? I am interested in this field but obviously concerned about the economy and wonder how I can learn the viability of making a decent living through this career path. Thanks very much in advance for your assistance. Warmly, Jeremy L.
Building Leadership س., 04/27/2010
which kind of personal traits and characteristics that would not be a good fit with careers in community psychologist? and also, if I have___ would be good for be a community psychologist.
Building Leadership پ., 04/15/2010
Hi, I am trying to conduct an environmental scan (or community analysis) of all the organizations, coalitions, agencies etc who deals with health within our community to determine who is out there and the connectedness between everyone. Are there best practices around doing a community scan? Are there surveys available? How can we best get this information? Any information would be great. Thanks, Claire
Assessing Community Needs and Resources چ., 04/14/2010
Sorry- this is part 2 of my previous question... what I am trying to accomplish is a community network analysis which shows all the all the organizations, coalitions, agencies etc who deals with health within our community to determine who is out there and the connectedness between everyone. Do you know of any software that does this sort of network mapping? Or best practices around this also? My first questions were: "Hi, I am trying to conduct an environmental scan (or community analysis) of all the organizations, coalitions, agencies etc who deals with health within our community to determine who is out there and the connectedness between everyone. Are there best practices around doing a community scan? Are there surveys available? How can we best get this information?" Sorry for the confusion. Thanks
Assessing Community Needs and Resources چ., 04/14/2010
I am attempting to work on a scholarly projecct on community gardens for immigrant and refugee communities. My hope is that i might develop program guidelines to help create and sustain a community garden for this populations. Where can i find helpful resources? Do you have any suggestions?
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
چ., 04/14/2010
Team Up for Youth is a youth development sports organization that places volunteer coaches in after-school sports programs in Northern and Southern California. We have created a pre/post Youth Survey to be used starting Fall 2010 to gather information on youth's perceptions of their volunteer coaches and adults in their after school program, perceptions of sports and physical activity, and various youth development measures. We have 12 staff members who will be giving these evaluations to middle school youth. Our question is how we can make our data collection, entry, and dissemination easier and streamlined. Essentially, we need a database where staff could input the results from the survey, and it would be converted and stored in a way where we could easily pull specific responses to use for grants and share with our constituency. We have considered having the 12 staff members code the youth responses into an excel spreadsheet or using a scantron machine. Is there an easier way? Can you recommend database systems specifically geared towards this purpose? Any suggestions you could give us about what tools can be used to make evaluation easier and more useful, what technology is available for evaluation, and what types of reporting instruments can be used would be very much appreciated!
Evaluating the Initiative چ., 04/14/2010
What is the best method of study on drug abuse determinant like prevalence? Analyzing Problems and Goals ی., 04/04/2010
(1) Do you plan to come out with a CTB workbook? I don't like killing trees, but especially in communities that don't have good internet access, a paper workbook might be the only way to go. (2) Have you come across workbooks that are good enough to recommend? My personal favorite is INRC's Organizer's Workbook (pretty pictures!)* Which ones, if any, do you like best? Thanks; Leo * http://ourblocks.net/organizers-workbook-and-other-resources-from-gini
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Advocating for Change
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Advocating for Change
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
ش., 04/03/2010
I have a coalition that would like to use ACS services to call voters in their area to remind them to vote. They will not say anything about which way to vote, just to remind them to vote. If they pay for this service will it be considered advocacy or would it be a lobbying issue to use their grant funds for this. Thanks for your help.
Increasing Participation and Membership د., 03/22/2010
Do you have section covering how to gain entry into the community? Analyzing Problems and Goals س., 03/16/2010
I am a grad student and I am interested in working with Native American youth at risk. I am looking for information and resources for working with kids creating a community art studio format. Any information or resources you could supply me with would be most helpful. Thank you, Natalie Norrell
Analyzing Problems and Goals پ., 03/04/2010
Do you know of any assessment tools that measure skills of coalition coordinators? I already have a coalition self-assessment tool that addresses the coalition's effectiveness but really need something to address the coordinator. If a tool is not available, a comprehensive list of skills that coalition coordinators should have would be helpful. Thanks!
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
چ., 03/03/2010
I am having a terrible time with this paper. I have decided to support the Levy in my community that is needed for the fire department and EMS system because it is terribly understaffed, outdated equipment, etc. I am having a problem trying to figure out how to implement and evaluate my goal which is to educate the community on this need. My diagnosis is prevention/safety
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
ی., 02/28/2010
