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Question Core Competency التاريخ
hi there my name is mussa from south africa from small town called Wakkerstroom falls under Mpumalanga province. i will like to know all the route to fallow because i want to develop a community park there for the sake of the kids they have no place to play there after school plaese help me
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Advocating for Change
أربعاء, 01/22/2014
I live in Salina KS, a small group, that formed year and half ago to remove fluoridation chemicals from the public water. We are getting ready for a petition drive,someone said we have to be a NON profit so we don't get in trouble with donated money. Is that true, or is it more so you can get discounts on advertising at radio stations?
Are there advantages to being non profit for 10 months or less?
Improving Organizational Management and Development سبت, 01/18/2014
Hello, my name is Lisa Hamilton I am 41 and from a small community in southeastern KY. Thank you for allowing me to ask a question. I am wondering what it would take to start a small organization within my community? I really don't even know what i am doing, and I think that is completely hilarious. But when the lord speaks, one had better listen..Thank You in advance for your answer if you can give me one, and if you can't, then thank you for your time..God Bless
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
سبت, 01/11/2014
i work for a mid sized non profit organization and we just completed our 2014-2017 strategic plan. one of our initiatives for year 1 requires the creation of a workgroup. Do you recommend using section 2 for this?
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
ثلاثاء, 01/07/2014
what are the important of facilitation skills to community development officer?
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
اثنين, 01/06/2014

This may sound like a bit of silly question but I'm keen to use to use a few bits from http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/participation/encouraging-involvement/identify-stakeholders/main this particular page in one of my assignments for university and would like to know who the author was and when the article was written please? Obviously I need to quote it and would love to know who the wise and wonderful person was that wrote about stakeholders.

Any information would be most useful.

Many thanks,

Rebecca McCabe
Increasing Participation and Membership جمعة, 01/03/2014
why is it important that community workers do not take on the role of ‘expert’ when working with local people in the community
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Advocating for Change
سبت, 12/28/2013
Describe At Least Three Additional Groups that Might be Appropriate to Include in Planning Community Health Assessment:
Assessing Community Needs and Resources أربعاء, 12/25/2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
First, I would like to introduce myself. I am member of a Buddhist Youth Association.
My organization is a Buddhist Scout organization for youth. Other adults members and I are all volunteers. We teach a group of about 200 Vietnamese children from 7 to 17 years of age on every Sunday after the worship from 9 AM to 2 PM.
Our mission is to educate the children to become productive Buddhist citizens who would be able to contribute to the growth and thrive of the United States in the future.
Our activities are similar to Boys and Girls Scout, except Buddhism is the association's philosophy.
Secondly, I would like to ask for an advice. Recently, there are 2 different opinions/trends in my group:
1) Should we apply for a non-profit organization with tax-exempt status with State and Federal governments?
2) Should we only apply for a non-profit organization at the State level because we do not call for or apply for any governmental fund/grant ?
(Financial source: every youth members contributes $150.00/year ($12.50/month) for all the year-round activities including youth activities such as studying, leadership training, field trips, outdoor activities, cultural activities, camping, awards, and every Sunday meals).

On behalf of the organization, I would like to ask there is a mandatory to apply our organization at the federal level or not? Or it would be OK if we just maintain at the state level? Please help ! Your opinion, advice, and time are appreciated.
Wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season.
Best Regards,

  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
ثلاثاء, 12/24/2013
What are the basic requirements and obligations when starting a Non-Profit?
How do I avoid tax penalties and issues?
جمعة, 12/13/2013

I am currently conducting a needs assessment of our community in Stevens Point, WI for expanded environmental educational programming at a natural area called Schmeeckle Reserve. The reserve is owned and operated by the University of WI- Stevens Point, but it is open to the public and very much a community center as far as recreation, use of our meeting room, etc. We currently offer naturalist programs that are presented to the public as a part of our undergraduate capstone course, but are interesting in expanding programming if the need is there. I am wondering if you have experience or know of locations that have done similar types of assessment (i.e. assessing if there is a need for a specific program or concept)?

Your website has been tremendously helpful, and I would appreciate any resources that the workgroup might think of. Thank you!
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
خميس, 12/12/2013
Hi, I am a wellness director for a short-term and long-term rehabilitation center; my background is in Kinesiology/Health Science and Health Education. We are introducing the wellness concept to my skilled-nursing company (7 domains of wellness: spiritual, physical, emotional, vocational, cognitive, social, and spiritual), and I want to have a luncheon and invite community wellness vendors (fitness instructors, massage therapists, life coaches, volunteer services, spiritual educators, etc.) to attend a luncheon at the facility. The purpose of the luncheon is to help foster relationships/partnerships within this community. What are some effective ways to invite the community vendors in for a luncheon?
Increasing Participation and Membership أربعاء, 12/11/2013
How can I cite the Community Tool Box in APA.

سبت, 12/07/2013
Looking for the old 12 promising processes. The page it takes me to now is "Processes for Change", but does not go anywhere, do anything, nor does it have any useful information.


I can't find anything on the 12 processes now as a collective (I can still find them individually), but sheets like "identification of promising processes from research/practice sources" and the page that models these processes on your prevention model with links seem to all be gone. Any suggestions?
ثلاثاء, 10/15/2013
I am a college graduate looking to study either community psychology or clinical community psychology. I am wondering about the difference between these two types of programs and what type of work each would allow me to do. It seems that a clinical community psychology program would be more beneficial because it would allow me the option of becoming certified as a counselor. However, the course lists seem to mirror clinical or counseling programs with only one or two courses focusing on community psychology, so I am wondering if a clinical-community psychology progam would not give me an in-depth training in the community aspect. As far as training and job placement, is there a major difference between these two programs and if so, what is it?
أحد, 09/11/2011
I had the pleasure of being introduced to Community Psychology and meeting a number of SCRA members at the recent biennial. Since returning home, I have been exploring the literature on a number of issues, one of which is empowerment. My question is whether anyone can recommend specific measures of empowerment that I could obtain and hopefully adapt for use in international development work in rural communities of Nepal. Any advice on/references to specific instruments would be much appreciated! Best, marcia
Evaluating the Initiative خميس, 06/30/2011
I am currently taking course of Community Assessment. We are supposed to March 18, 2011 11:00 PM ) interview a minimum of four key informants, individuals who work with the population or who are considered experts in the problems the population experience and determine what method should be selected to best reach the population we're interested in; what model we should use in assessing the population. My question is: to whom should I talk to about cancer rates and what questions should I ask?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources اثنين, 03/14/2011
How can we participate in Community Tool Box? Increasing Participation and Membership ثلاثاء, 08/17/2010
What are some examples of community health support services available to the uninsured or underinsured in the community?
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Advocating for Change
اثنين, 08/16/2010
I have questions about applying for an Out-Of-The box grant. Please contact me Writing a Grant Application for Funding أربعاء, 08/11/2010
I am the Grants Chair for Old Southwest, Inc, a volunteer run group that has been named 2009 National Neighborhood Organization in recognition of our many successful projects. We are interested in applying for a prize. Is there a link to see details of your recent award winners?
Writing a Grant Application for Funding خميس, 08/05/2010
How can I help girls in my community to develop leadership skills and support them in meeting school fees to reduce high drop out and poor performance of girls in my community. Thank you.
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Building Leadership
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
أربعاء, 08/04/2010
To whom it may concern: Is the Community Tool Box Announces Global Prize Contest for Community Innovations open to for profits also or is it only not for profits. Thank you.
Developing an Intervention اثنين, 08/02/2010
I am a high school teacher and I am interested in creating a public service announcement about education and students in school. I have some ideas but I do not know whom to contact to get the ball rolling. I need to get in touch with someone who can help me realize my ideas. It needs to someone who can help me hook up with a production company and help me distribute it to TV stations. I have the ideas and the vision; I do not have the money, the equipment, or the broadcast facilities. I am hoping I can solicit people in the broadcast industry to donate their expertise and resources in the interest of improving public education. I believe a quality PSA shown to students on MTV and their parents on mainstream networks, and shown repeatedly will strengthen the image of public education. Any thoughts on how I might begin this endeavor?
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
أحد, 08/01/2010
What are the challenges of using the "Art of Hosting" methodologies?
  • Building Leadership
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
سبت, 07/31/2010
I have been tasked to create a community health report & I was wondering if you had template(s) that would be simple, time efficient, & effective. My report is based on a study that was done to link the health effects experienced by the school faculty & students in the target community to the poor air quality.. Please help... Also I am ignorant to using the microsoft excel program... I was wondering if you had a simple way to convert spreadsheets to graphs? I know I'm a mess!
Evaluating the Initiative خميس, 07/22/2010
I work with young people ages 17 - 24 years old who are high school drop outs . they work on earning a GED or High School Diploma while they perform construction new homes and rehabilitation of home in low income communities. 45% of our participants are young women and 95% of them are overweight. What can we do to stem the tide of diabetes and high blood pressure that will surely be the outcome for these young women by the time they reach 35. 95% are young mothers.
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
ثلاثاء, 07/13/2010
