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I am being interviewed for a Community Education Coordinator position at a community college. The coordinator will be responsible to seeking out local community agencies to help them provide ESL, ABE, GED, etc courses for adults. I have to give a 10 min. presentation on "How to enhance adult education course offerings at your site" to a mock audience of 3 people in the community organization. I was wondering if you might help me find specific information on this to help create my presenation. Thank you!!!
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
سبت, 06/20/2009
Hello over the past three years I have devoted my time to developing a program which promotes a healthy active lifestyle for older adults. I enlisted a local community group and we applied for government funding under their mandate. That is where the partnership came to a grinding halt. The money was approved and I am being compensated for an information session I give once a month yet all other promises have been neglected. I am setting up an advisory council made up of all the local leaders of community groups for seniors. The community group that applied on my behalf has taken over my idea including the name as its own. What can I do . Thank you for your time
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
ثلاثاء, 06/16/2009
I am opening a temporary housing program in a resource-poor country for patients who are in treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis and whose unstable housing has become a barrier to treatment adherence. The patients will be in a non-infectious phase of treatment. I am looking for outcome data tools to monitor and measure the success of the program.
Evaluating the Initiative سبت, 06/13/2009
I have nursing students working at a subsidized housing complex. The tenants have multiple issues - mental illness, drug and alcohol addictions, past homelessness. The students plan is to help the community to determine a health concern and then work together to develop a strategy. The problem is that none of the tenants will come to any of the introductory events, such as Meet and Greet, Coffee and a Chat. They do not fill out any surveys even though the students deliver door to door. I have asked the students to look at what might be some of the reasons that could be keeping the ten ants from participating. Do you have any suggestions on how to gather feedback from the actual tenants themselves though? Would you suggest that we access this data by going through some of the other local agencies that support the tenants?I did access your chapter on difficulties in getting people to participate, but our problem is that they will not participate at all, even when there is food!
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
ثلاثاء, 06/09/2009
This past year I started implementation of a program which promotes a healthy active lifestyle to older adults in my community. The reception has been warm but I would like to involve others yet I have a hard time turning my baby over. Do you have any advice, I know conciously if I wish to reach as many participants as possible training others would be the ideal situation yet I have a problem handing over my name and reputation to someone else. Thank you for your time.
  • Building Leadership
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
جمعة, 06/05/2009
I need peer reviewed journal articles on community coaltions. I was advised to check your web site. Please refer me to resources and background materials related to this. Thank you so much!
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships أربعاء, 06/03/2009
The Gold Country Computer Learning Center, Grass Valley, California, is non-profit org teaching Seniors computer literacy. We are looking for a new Director and would like some guidelines in regard to formulating questions for prospective applicants. Are there any "canned" or generic questions that need to be asked? Since we are all volunteers, salary is not an issue - but time commitment is an important issue. Thank you so much.
  • Building Leadership
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
جمعة, 05/29/2009
Hello, I am planning to use event logs to track the activities & accomplishments of a coalition that is working to promote physical activity & healthy food choices among children. I am a researcher, and will be conducting the evaluation. I would appreciate knowing how others have analyzed the information provided in event logs. Thank you.
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
  • Evaluating the Initiative
جمعة, 05/22/2009
I wish to create a youth group who will be trained in the field of crime prevention. Regards
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Building Leadership
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
خميس, 05/21/2009
We have a small non-profit to provide affordable housing for persons who had been homeless. We want to expand by purchasing more homes to meet the need for affordable housing in our community, but we are uncertain about how we might raise the funds necessary. Any advice would be appreciated.
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
ثلاثاء, 05/12/2009
We have an issue here in Roswell, New Mexico. The Boys and Girl's Club is in danger of shutting down due to money mismagement; and my Human Services class is trying to come up with ideas to try to help them. I was hopeing that maybe you could give me some suggestions.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
خميس, 04/30/2009
I am looking for a job description for a community mobilizer related facilitating policy and system change in the built environment and access to healthy foods that will help people become more physically active and eat heatlhier
Improving Organizational Management and Development أحد, 04/26/2009
my name is mark c,im a recovery advocate for recovering addicts and alcoholics.my goal is to open several recovery houses in madison wisconsin, these houses will be ran by peers,[other recovering addicts and achoholics]this project will help several problems facing our society,1. it will help people in early recovery stay clean and sober,2.create jobs for our community,3.save lots of money to our correction community for people returning to jail, or prison ,or state funded treatment centers,4.save lots of money in loss productivity in our state,5.most of all stop discriminating against addicts,alcholics,mentally ill,felons,and thousands in homeiess,in our state,please respond on how i could proceed on this mission,thank you for your time !!! I have alot of good ideas just dont know how to kick them off!!!PLASE RESPOND I COULD USE THE HELP.
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
أربعاء, 04/22/2009
I have been asked to volunteer in a different community - program is just starting up- I have been asked to go in and talk about advisory boards and recruit volunteers - ther person is new - I'm having difficulty in trying to deterimine how to proceed
  • Building Leadership
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
ثلاثاء, 04/21/2009
I would like to implement a wellness program in the small to mid size companies in the surrounding community. I believe there is a need as many large companies have added these and reaped the benefits. I am not sure how to go about getting my vision to be a reality-get my foot in the door. I have some understanding of compiling a formal presentation to the powers that be. Any advice would be appreciated.
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
أحد, 04/19/2009
Hello - I'm working on community-building with residents of affordable housing properties. We're starting to have community nights, but I'm struggling with activities for residents that don't depend entirely on speaking the same language. Many members of the community are native Spanish speakers, and others are native English speakers. While we'll often have someone there that can help interpret, I'd like to find some activities that don't rely on interpretation & can allow residents to interact in a fun, one-on-one way. I've looked in many places and haven't found many ideas - do you have any suggestions? Anything is appreciated - as is the entire website - it's amazingly useful!
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
جمعة, 04/17/2009
At the public library where I work as marketing and outreach coordinator we are working to build interest and participation in adult programming. Attendance is often low for those programs that teach life skills, (adult literacy, how to manage finances, etc.). Can you suggest resources I could explore to see how we can effectively market our programming and what adult programming is most popular in the public library setting? Thank you.
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
سبت, 04/11/2009
Me and some students at City College of San Francisco in the Healthcare Interpreter Certification Program were looking to facilitate langusge access to Limited English Proficiency (L.E.P.) Patients in San Francisco. We wanted to do this by educating healthcare providers and helping them comply with SB 853 as well as rising patient awareness. In helping healthcare providers comply with SB 583, we would create a non-profit medical interpreting agency very much like ACCLAH in Alameda County, but for San Francisco. This non-profit would have as goals educating healthcare providers, raise patient awareness, screen interpreters until the national medical interpreter certificate process is in place and act as a broker between healthcare providers and our pool of medical interpreters. A big percentage of the reimbursement received will paid to the medical interpreter and the rest to maintaining an active presence in the community. Our question would be, is there such an effort already in place? If there is, who are they and how can we join them. If there is none, can you provide any suggestions as to how we can go about creating one?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
خميس, 04/02/2009
Our Preschool is in Grandview,MO. it sits right next door to the Mid-Contienent Library and on the Left is Booth Salvation Army Senior Living Apt. in the back of us sits a shopping center, and some apt. Our Pre-school would like to put together a Community Block party,in order to improve community relations and give the youth in our neighborhood something to do. who would we talk to, for permits,and how do we get more funding.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
أربعاء, 03/25/2009
My county does not yet have a Healthy Carolinians Partnership? How can I get one started, and what do I have to do to get certified? Hope this helps Vince!!
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
اثنين, 03/23/2009
We are a national non-profit - FragileX.org that supports a network of volunteers resource groups around the US - typically one per state, but sometimes more depending on geography. A few of our groups are very active - regular meetings and activities - social outings, education & awareness events and fundraising events. Most are groups in name only and consistently struggle to get momentum. We try to help by contacting potential members that we know whenever the group leaders organize an activity,but they are often discouraged by the low turnout/lack of interest. I am concerned that the model we use - an expectation for face-to-face meetings or social activities yearly at minimum plus a willingness to take on educational &/or fundraising events is not realistic in today's world and that we are essentially setting up volunteers who are initially excited and enthusiastic to fail. The fact that there is often only one group per state is also a factor. My question - are you familiar with other npo's with a volunteer chapter network that is working effectively? We are planning a series of online leadership training seminars this year, but I want to be much clearer about if we are promoting the right model. Thanks!
Increasing Participation and Membership خميس, 03/12/2009
How best can I assess effectiveness of the supportive supervisory visits Evaluating the Initiative اثنين, 03/09/2009
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
خميس, 03/05/2009
I have recently been tasked with evaluating and writing a comprehensive health education curriculum for PreK-12. We have reached the point where we need to bring in our community experts, and we want to create an advisory council to aid in our efforts. Initially, I would like to send out an letter of invitation along with a timeline, goals of the advisory, etc. The letter will be signed by our Superintendent. Does anyone have a draft of such a letter? Any advise and/or suggestions as I begin this process?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships ثلاثاء, 03/03/2009
I am a development practitioner, Development Planner to be specific. I am interested in knowing and getting access to Guides or Toolboxes on Outcomes Based Planning, Outcomes Based Monitoring and Evaluation, and Impact Evaluation. In addition, material on Social Facilitation.
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
خميس, 02/12/2009
