8. زيادة المشاركة والعضوية

High School High Tech (HS/HT) is a national program designed to provide young people with disabilities the opportunity to explore technology-related careers or postsecondary education.

The Green Belt Movement (GBM) has a lofty goal: to plant one billion trees worldwide.  It may sound ambitious, but it can be achieved with the help of GBM’s numerous partners and members.

In rural northern Kentucky, the Three Rivers District Health Department knows that community participation is essential to bringing about meaningful change.

Originally founded in 2001 to bridge divides among South Africa’s diverse population, PPI–SA launched its life skills program in 2003 to combat a new problem – the spread of HIV/AIDS among young people.

Ezbet El Hagana is an urban slum area located in north-eastern Cairo, situated between two prestigious neighborhoods.

The Palestinian Counseling Center, a non-governmental organization, has been responding to issues such as increased school dropout, early marriage, and child labor since its establishment in 1998.

Despite Egypt making significant progress in school enrollment over the course of the past decade, girls continue to be most at risk for either never enrolling or dropping out.

São Paulo's Green and Healthy Environments Program (PAVS, for its Portuguese acronym) addresses environmental issues, such as clean water and sanitation, as part of health promotion activities.

Porto Alegre, Brazil developed and launched an information exchange through community radio with the program “On the Radio Waves.”