Dear Madam/Sir;
I am Molla Gojam Arjejo, male, 47, from Ethiopia, married, Christian and graduate of MA in Organizational Leadership, and 1st. Degrees in Leadership Development Studies, and in Theology and I have been working for 25 years in Church Wholistic services in different Societies and Communities under diverse traditional Leadership, Religions, clan, and ethnic groups and I am coordinating, empowering, and leading them how to work for tolerance and for communal objectives and to reach the intended goal in resolving conflicts and up warding the healthy peace building in people’s whole lives. I am serving them as the community Resource Coordinator with care, integrity, valuing their precision perceptions, advocating for their rights, and without partiality. . .
I am very happy reading your blessed ministry the “COMMUNITY TOOL BOX” and interested to contact with you and like to have an advice from you because the plan, the Community Tool Box table of contents, the objectives, the setup goal. . . are very important for to my Country Ethiopia/Community.
Therefore, as the “Community Tool Box” ministry is launched out globally, would you please be kindhearted to guide me to have your care to start the Community Tool Box in my Society and to assist my Society to test the healthy life Wholistically?
I appreciate and thanks for your guidance to change my Communities unawareness.
Honestly submitted.
Molla Gojam Arjejo
From Ethiopa