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I hope this message finds you well!
My name is Arick and I'm working on special projects at the Family and Community Engagement Office in the School District of Philadelphia.
The reason I'm writing is because we are attempting to institutionalize a feedback system internally within our District regarding garnering useful feedback from families concerning District policies and procedures that are periodically due for revision. We want to provide a list of options (e.g.: send out a survey, hold a focus group, etc.) for our offices which they can choose from in order to best engage families/the public constituency within our District and thus get feedback on policies and procedures. I was wondering if you have any suggestions for how to structure the framework/system, or what options should definitely be included?

Thanks so much for all your great work!
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Influencing Policy Development
Fri, 03/04/2022
Hi, Thank you for all the helpful information on the website. I am a student at Athabasca University. I am using Chapter 4 Section 2 in a paper. Do you know how I should cite the url below in APA 7th edition format? Thank you
Sun, 02/27/2022
what are your community issues that concern you and how you can address them? Assessing Community Needs and Resources Thu, 02/24/2022
I am looking for resources to more clearly define my organizations board responsibilities. Specifically in regard to strategic planning and what role they ideally should play in that.
Improving Organizational Management and Development Wed, 02/23/2022
Aloha I am interested in learning how any faith based communities are involved with community transformation, what role they play and how they assist.
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Influencing Policy Development
Fri, 02/11/2022
Hello. I have a nonprofit that specifically helps single parents and children affected by domestic violence as well as food insecurity. We have been successful in providing basic household needs, groceries, and clothing. Our biggest challenge is fulfilling our long-term mission of building tiny homes (different sizes) to assist the families during crisis mode with suitable housing. This stems from my personal experience in lack of "suitable" housing twenty years ago, especially for women and children. I'm often told to go to shelters that are either full, have a long waitlist, deny the application, and/or not safe for children. This is why I'm determined to change that. However, funding is a huge undertaking. I'm reaching out to you in hopes that you can point me in the right direction. Thank you for your time.
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
Thu, 02/10/2022
Good afternoon,
My name is Maria and I'm from Portugal. I work on a project to train and integrate people with special needs into the job market.
At the moment, I have a group that is in the field of ceramics, so I need some help to think about physical adaptations to increase their autonomy in this area.
I'm looking for some kind of training to help me with this.
thank you for your attention.
Maria Quaresma
Building Leadership Tue, 02/01/2022
We are a small shared leadership school (Charter k-8) with 408 students. We have a shared leadership model that is confusing and ineffective in terms of timely decision making. We need help clarifying what decisions go to what committee and what decisions are made on the leadership team. Help!
  • Building Leadership
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
Tue, 02/01/2022
Hello! I am working on conducting a community based needs assessment for a non-profit where minors will ideally be able to answer. However, I am unfamiliar with parental permission in this case since it does not go through IRB since there will not be a publication. The target group is LGBTQ+ folx and young people, hence the need for privacy and asking that they need.
Assessing Community Needs and Resources Thu, 01/27/2022
Hi! I'm excited to connect with your team. I'm on Prince of Wales Islands in Southeast Alaska and am looking for support as I'm coming out of sabbatical (from clinical practice as a behavior analyst) moving into a variety of roles related to community development and will be in a position to make recommendations and support the implementation of Community Toolbox tools. I would appreciate guidance around the best approach to my particular situation and areas of involvement including (1) president of the local chamber of commerce - economic development, (2) owner of homeschool collective - quality of life development, (3) host of study circles - literacy and prosocial skills development, and (4) volunteer with a number of local organizations - community development. Look forward to connecting!
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Building Leadership
Sun, 01/23/2022
Can you help me learn online how to do Community Development work?
I am very interested to learn all that I can to help my people and communities.
Sat, 01/22/2022
Good evening, This is a follow-up to emails and a phone call. I am in search of validated community assessment instruments focused on CTE entry level job recruiting. I am a EdD student at the University of Idaho. My dissertation focuses on the Perkins V Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment in rural communities. When would be a good time to discuss my project with your staff?
Phone: (208) 634 6369
Assessing Community Needs and Resources Thu, 01/20/2022
I am urgently in need of an action plan in starting an organization.
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
Tue, 01/18/2022
Hello, I am looking for a crosswalk document for CSAP 6 prevention strategies of community change (Information Dissemination, Education, Alternatives, Problem ID & Referral, Community-Based Processes, and Environmental) which compares and equates activities with SAMHSA's 7 strategies for community change (Providing Information, Building Skills, Providing Support, Enhancing Access/Reducing Barriers, Changing Consequences, Physical Design, and Modifying/Changing Policy.) In Michigan we are transitioning our focus and need to report on both to funders. A T-chart or flow-chart helping community workers determine what category their activities fall under with both would be really helpful.
Improving Organizational Management and Development Tue, 01/11/2022
What are some barriers/ approaches to protect and conserve catchment area?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
Tue, 01/04/2022
I am a volunteer leader in a large HOA. I would like to conduct a member survey to steer future investment in amenities. I am having a hard time finding a consultant to help create and implement this survey. Where might I look to find such help? (I live in Delaware)
Assessing Community Needs and Resources Thu, 12/30/2021
Dear Madam/Sir;
I am Molla Gojam Arjejo, male, 47, from Ethiopia, married, Christian and graduate of MA in Organizational Leadership, and 1st. Degrees in Leadership Development Studies, and in Theology and I have been working for 25 years in Church Wholistic services in different Societies and Communities under diverse traditional Leadership, Religions, clan, and ethnic groups and I am coordinating, empowering, and leading them how to work for tolerance and for communal objectives and to reach the intended goal in resolving conflicts and up warding the healthy peace building in people’s whole lives. I am serving them as the community Resource Coordinator with care, integrity, valuing their precision perceptions, advocating for their rights, and without partiality. . .
I am very happy reading your blessed ministry the “COMMUNITY TOOL BOX” and interested to contact with you and like to have an advice from you because the plan, the Community Tool Box table of contents, the objectives, the setup goal. . . are very important for to my Country Ethiopia/Community.
Therefore, as the “Community Tool Box” ministry is launched out globally, would you please be kindhearted to guide me to have your care to start the Community Tool Box in my Society and to assist my Society to test the healthy life Wholistically?
I appreciate and thanks for your guidance to change my Communities unawareness.
Honestly submitted.

Molla Gojam Arjejo
From Ethiopa

Analyzing Problems and Goals Thu, 12/09/2021

I am Enaam Al-Ananbeh from Jordan, a registered nurse hold the PhD in nursing. It was an interesting topic "Windshield survey" and I got fruitful information from it. Nowadays I am working on a Home Visit project and I need a guidelines for conducting HVs in Jordan for nurses and midwives who will conduct the HVs.
Further, I need to know how to establish a work plan on HVs.
thank you
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Building Leadership
Sat, 11/27/2021
Can you provide an example using the Community Tool Box where a after school educational enrichment program for middle school students was launched by a non profit entity!
Building Leadership Fri, 11/26/2021
My name is Shipra . I am 16 years old and a student of DPS Vasant Kunj , New Delhi, India. I am looking to open a club which is a free and safe space for the students to talk about youth and social issues faced by the country which impact the youth. In 2 years of time we will all be eligible to vote for the upcoming central elections i want to make sure that all of my school mates are fully aware of the present situation of the country and use their vote wisely. I wish to educate people of different gender identities and to respect. Some times we might not be aware and might unintentionally hurt someone.
i sincerely hope u will help us. My friends and i look up to you and are open to all suggestions to help introduce the plan to open this club in our school and help us present this to our principle .
Warm regards
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Influencing Policy Development
Fri, 11/19/2021
Hello. I am a Research Dietitian, and part of our pre-screening questionnaire for our study will be asking about social determinants of health. If a person scores often true on both questions of the Hunger Vital screening they are ineligible. For these people we want to provide them with food insecurity resources in the area, but also something a little more active. Do you have any resources for screening for SDOH in a research setting? I see a lot about clinical settings, but not in the research/study trial space. Thanks.
Analyzing Problems and Goals Tue, 11/16/2021

My name is Chelsea Crockford and I work as a Recreation Therapist at a neurorehabilitation center in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Myself and co-worker, Dr.JoAnne Savoie, Neuropsychologist, were successful in a grant from the Chalmers foundation to do a project on health and wellness for persons with disabilities. The proposed project will involve a series of six 90-minute classes (offered quarterly) where persons with disabilities can learn tools and activities that aim to promote emotional well-being, connectedness to their families and communities, and healthy living. Each class will have an educational component, exploration of barriers to participating in new wellness activities and sharing of community resources to open doors to new connections. Classes will be facilitated by a health professional and trained persons with lived experience (identified as mentors in the proposal) who can offer knowledge, expertise and support. Topics are still being considered but we were thinking it might include Goal Setting and Motivation, Physical Activity and Sport, Emotional Well-Being and Coping, Use of Technology to Enhance Well-Being, Social Connectedness and Finding Purpose, as examples.

We are hoping to not have to reinvent the wheel to provide online training for our mentors who will be providing peer support. Do you know of any peer support volunteer training services we can use ? Or do you have any materials to share that could be helpful/relevant?

Thank you very much,

  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Building Leadership
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
Mon, 11/15/2021
Hi There, Is there a centralized place I can look to search for state or federally funded evidence-based health promotion programs? I work at a community health center - we offer services for mental health, substance use, and primary care. We'd like to offer more wellness/health promotion/disease prevention services. I'm aware of a few state/fed funded programs like CARE program for HIV/AIDS clients and First Steps Together for pre/postnatal support for mom's with addiction. I'd like to investigate other programs we might be able to apply for and offer at our center but I'm having a really hard time finding anything online. Any ideas of how to search or where to look?
Analyzing Problems and Goals Tue, 11/09/2021
There is a great piece written about Establishing Youth Coalitions by Catie Heaven. This is a topic that my organization would like presented at a conference we are hosting. Is there a way to identify a speaker to cover this topic?
Building Leadership Mon, 11/08/2021
Hello, Ask an Advisor:
The University of Phoenix, an accredited private university, would appreciate permission to link to the Community Tool Box website.

The link will be provided to students and may point to specific content that we feel may be useful for certain classes. The content will not be copied in any form and will be behind a password protected course page.

We have read your terms of use and in accordance with copyright, we are seeking permission.

Does the University of Phoenix have permission to link to the Community Tool Box website?

Thank you very much for your time!

Best regards,
Carla Smith
Research Librarian
Thu, 11/04/2021
My organization who provides education services for adult Latino immigrants, wants to develop a cooperative business incubation program where its graduates will be able to build their own shared-ownership businesses (worker-cooperative businesses). While the intervention has been selected based on the CEO's interest and belief that cooperative-owned businesses will be an intervention that our students will be receptive to, I would like to explore the necessity of a community needs assessment or survey that at least looks into the students' awareness, perceptions, and knowledge of worker-owned cooperatives, with the purpose of understanding the context of our communities so that we can build an appropriate cooperative-business incubation model that works for our communities. I would like to discuss with an advisor whether I am on the right track with this.
Analyzing Problems and Goals Tue, 11/02/2021

I am a public health practitioner in an office based opioid treatment program-- I've wanted to support a community based evaluation of the treatment services and lack thereof in the small city we are in and have gotten some funding to do so. I was hoping to bring in more treatment professionals and community groups to aid in designing this evaluation but am finding that there is a real shortage of time and energy from this pool and I want to try to make it easier to participate. I'm hoping for some greater structure for participation for these groups with the goal of really hearing from people who have sought services. How do I make participation in assessment design/processes accessible and exciting? Should I run a simple pre-survey-survey about what we may want to ask? I have a lot of ideas but feel uncomfortable running with them in the absence of others-- I pitched a community project but am a bit stuck without additional community members to start.
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Building Leadership
Mon, 10/25/2021
Hi, my name is Cathleen Hays. I am an opioid response project coordinator in the Bloomington-Normal, McLean County, Illinois area, working with Chestnut Health Systems and Illinois Recovery. I am working with both organizations along with the county recovery-oriented system of care (ROSC) council to research and develop a business plan for a recovery community organization/center. I am struggling with how I want to present my findings in a report to share my research. They initially wanted me to conduct a literature review, but I think that might be a bit beyond my ability as it's more graduate school level work. I was thinking maybe of switching to a market research analysis report.
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
Fri, 10/15/2021
Good afternoon, I was directed here after calling the Latino Health for All Coalition. I am an intern with Rose Brooks Center, a domestic violence shelter and clinic in Kansas City and I am browsing for resources to help our clients with their medical needs before their departure. I am wanting to know if you offer any programs or aid to undocumented immigrants or know of any in the Kansas City area?

Analyzing Problems and Goals Tue, 10/12/2021
Hi there, I am working with a charter school and advocating for them to hire an in-house community psychologist at each of their campuses. Do you have any suggested resources that point to the value and potential benefits of this investment? I need some support to make my case! Many thanks in advance.
Analyzing Problems and Goals Mon, 10/11/2021
Hi! I have recive one speeding fine, and I only have The provisional licence, I was driving alone that time. What should I do in this case , thank you!
Fri, 10/08/2021
Looking for peer reviewed programs, training, etc.., covering Healthy Alcohol Consumption
Increasing Participation and Membership Wed, 10/06/2021
Hi, we are a very new nonprofit organization whose goal is to provide free, timely access to legal aid and representation to people with disabilities. We are all disabled ourselves and have been in situations where we were not able to access this, and know of countless other instances where this is the reality. I am the Board President and the one who is sort of trying to keep things going, but we need so much, with the website being filled out, and funds. We had created a business plan, but the biggest hang up we are encountering is that to go through the state bar pro bono program, we have to have someone who is either a volunteer or staff as the chief legal counsel, who will provide supervision to the attorneys offering services pro bono, and liability insurance. We will be offering services for free, and are not sure how to navigate this - do we need to pay someone, to fill this role? So, essentially we are stuck and could really use advice to move forward. Thank you!
  • Building Leadership
  • Developing an Intervention
Tue, 10/05/2021
