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Im so glad to have stumbled on your web page, we ( http://humanityafrica.org.uk/ )are building a agricultural project in Zambia Mukushi, and there is a educational component in it, i was just writing a concept note for the high commissioner of Zambia in the UK, i will include the first section for you here, hopefully we can work together
Educational Acceleration Hubs

Humanity Africa will use technology as well as the latest breakthrough in the field of education to create nodes with all our agricultural value addition nodes to facilitate curiosity through discovery in a tactile learning environment based on current lesson plans based on community development, resource development, bio diversity, climate mitigation and especially agriculture.
This will allow children to be resilient and self sustainable, and indeed productive members of society in rural areas and curb urbanization, it will improve health and allow children to be positively engaged in creating entrepreneurial skills to be self sustainable upon leaving school.
The nodes will provide supplementary quality education to all the schools in the district, based on peer development and leadership qualities. Teachers will benefit from this program as much as the children.
The program work from early childhood literacy right through to grade 12 but will also hold value for graduates and especially distant learning individuals.

The glaring vacuum in current educational models
Although Zambia, and indeed most African countries accept South Africa has a abundance of land available for agriculture and is indeed available under the traditional and cultural land management system our youths that finish grade ten and 12 does not have the skills to be efficient productive farmers ones they leave school, we believe that this is totally unnecessary and that the potential to change this is self evident and amazingly simple.
We foresee a system where school leavers will be able to embark on agricultural on agricultural endeavors with ease and self assurance and make a success out of it.
All the ingredients is already in the syllabus offered by the Ministry of Education and all it is going to take to facilitate the success of this program is a little cooperation between Humanity Africa and the local schools.

Tactile/Kinesthetic learning and remembering
We need to move away from a two dimensional learning platform to a ten dimensional model.
The human capability to remember and to understand is not utilized in modern education where everything is presented on a black board (white today ) and a piece of paper, it is falling far short on how we naturally remember things vividly from the past.
There is a lot of definitions on tactile and kinesthetic learning but for us most fall short of the essence of what it means. Tactile learning simply means creating a environment of learning that includes all the senses, but it can not stop there as it still fall short in associations that is as important as sensory imprinting itself, and in this imprinting lies the potential of retention of knowledge and understanding.

The ten dimensions of learning
Life - the ability to present what is being learned within the physical community itself, the soil, the water, the air, the fauna and flora, the systems and the structures, in other words the association with the reality of life
Reality – the actual reality currently prevailing in that community from a whole systems perspective
Vision – the world we want to see, the relationship between what is and what we can dream it to be
Engineering – the “how to” analytical and critical thinking how to move from what is to our desired outcome
Scope – perspectives on scope, Individual, Family, Community, Country, Globally including the health of the planet as the foundation for the survival of everything
Writing a Grant Application for Funding ش., 11/25/2017
Hallo Toolbox Advisor,

At the Utrecht University I am evaluating a program in the Netherlands to promote democratic citizenship (and positive behaviour, community agency and taking responsibility for the community) among children (targetgroup 1) and their parents (targetgroup 2). that covers school, organised child leisure activities and the home. It is called the Peaceable Neighbourhood (see attachment).
What I am looking for is to learn from. I already found the Search Institute that described their method of the 40 assets and the work of Nakkula, M. J., Foster, K. C., Mannes, M., & Bolstrom, S. (2010). Building healthy communities for positive youth development (Vol. 7). Springer Science & Business Media. That describes how local programs are organised.
And I found the Accion por los Niños in Peru (http://www.accionporlosninos.org.pe/) . That is very noteworthy in my opinion.
What there are plenty of is community programs that are owned by the municipality and its professionals that see the targetgroup as consumers of policy. But there are programs that make the targetgroup owner as wel but most of them are focussing on prevention of e.g drug abuse or violence abuse and not on positive behaviour.
I searched in your database and those of Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJPD), het National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) and Child Trends.

In developing countries there are a lot of programs involving kids in community development (Hutter K. (2008). Young People’s Civic Engagement in East Asia and the Pacific. Bankok: Unicef East Asia and Pacific Regional Office and UNICEF (2006) Child and Youth Participation Resource Guide. Bangkok: East Asia and Pacific Regional Office. And of course Hart, R. A. (1992). Children's participation: From tokenism to citizenship. Innocenti Essays no. 4. Florence: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre). It seems much more common there, maybe because people are more used to children that take responsibility in family income etc. But there the problem is that programs are poorly described and not evaluated
My question is: do you know, besides the work of the Search Institute and Accion por los Niños of any well documented program that explicitly promotes democracy and citizenship / children contributing to the community instead of being recipients of youth policy. 2) has an ecological approach, focusing on at least three life domains. 3) target groups are children and their parents. 4) Children / participants are offered co-ownership of the program.
I am looking forward for your reply
Bob Horjus
Researcher Peaceable Neighbourhood and Pedagogical Civil Society / Utrecht University
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Evaluating the Initiative
س., 11/21/2017
Hi, Do you offer assistance with obtaining/providing a wheel chair ramp for a Hospice patient with Alzheimer's whose caregiver is her husband who is a veteran. Thank you
د., 11/20/2017
Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Fadhilla and I'm from Indonesia. I'm currently doing my undergraduate thesis and I found this website through website searching.
So, I put one of the chapters in Community Tool Box as my literature review about Providing Training and Technical Assistance (Chapter 12) part "How do you deliver a training session" http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/training-and-technical-assistance/deliver-training-session/main. But how to make the citation to be put on my bibliography? Because I found that the information isn't really complete, like the year of publishing that chapter, etc. Thank you so much for the help! :)
ی., 11/19/2017
Dear Advisor,

I am the last year Master student and doing my internship in project management since I want to make own practical learning project for my internship I have difficulties to start as I cant find needs of the community in order to develop a project. Could you please help me with advice or provide any help I will be very grateful for any help.

Thank you
Best regards
Assessing Community Needs and Resources جمعه, 11/17/2017
Im a secratary of a non for profit organization that is working on a mentorship program. We want to use your goal setting tool. I assume that its ok, however I want to make sure we have permission.
جمعه, 11/17/2017
Good day,

Thank you for the opportunity. I would like to know the methodology and procedures behind the development and evaluation of the toolbox. I have been unable to find any publications on this. I am a PhD candidate at Western University who is developing a toolkit for implementation in health care. Any response is greatly appreciated.
Stacey Guy
س., 11/07/2017
Dear Nicole,

Thank you for these references. Having looked through them, I have some questions.

Was a framework/ model/ theory used to guide the development and evaluation of the toolbox/ toolkit? I don't mean the conceptual framework described in Francisco et al 2001, as this appears to refer to the content.

Did the authors utilized an adult educational theory when developing the content?

Were any behaviour change theories used? i.e., the authors are trying to change audience behaviour. Was this measured?

How were stakeholders chosen? Was a consensus method applied to choices made? Was there a Steering/ Advisory Group?

Was feasibility, usability, etc evaluated?

Was a process and/or outcome evaluation conducted?

There is some use of 'toolbox' and 'toolkit'. Are these seen as interchangeable? What definition is used?

When material / literature was collected, was systematic review methodology used? or something else.

Was there guidance from a specific dissemination theory?

Thanks in advance. I'm asking as a person who is trying to learn from others in the field.

Stacey Guy
س., 11/07/2017
My name is Atanas Mzee from Kenya. I am currently at Baylor university, Texas studying social work. I am looking for ways to get market in USA,Australia ETC for art/ crafts work created by talented young people in Kenya. They have great talent but no market access. Please advise.
ش., 11/04/2017
My organization is geared to empower and uplift moms of special needs children.
We are not a non-profit, because we want our mothers to regain their individuality and independence. Their is a low annual membership and monthly dues. What is the best way to structure this ?
پ., 11/02/2017
Hi I am a university student at the University of South Australia and I would like to know how i cite your website and the individual webpages as you do not have an author or names that i can fere to.
Much appreciate your time .

Kind Regards Bee McDougall
چ., 11/01/2017
Kindly send me guidelines for making baseline information that could serve as a reference or roadmap for collecting information from a community
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Evaluating the Initiative
س., 10/31/2017
I'm looking to focus on a community issue that could possibly get attention of law makers but unsure to go about it. It must be something that is not currently on law makers floor and has to be community based. One idea I though about was how some areas have the safe school passage but what about a safe child zone for instance if a child walking home felt threatened then they would hold up a red card to alert staff help is needed. Help needed don't know where I'm going with this
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Advocating for Change
  • Influencing Policy Development
ی., 10/29/2017
I have Traumatic Brain Injury from a domestic violence relationship and am curious to find the answer as to why I am still trying to connect with the right organization for help. I have been desperately trying so hard in getting help, assistance, housing, something to get me out of this nightmare of a situation im trapped in. I qualify for services still but yet have actually had help by anyone. Ive been destitute for over a year now and feel id be better off going back to my abuser of 6 years. At least id have food, shelter, clothes, hygeine, makeup, vehicle right? I just dont get why there are so many organizations that receive grant funding but someone like me, who prior to my injury, held a 4.2GPA and almost completed my masters program....Also, if I can be of any help, id love to represent the TBI, Victims of Abuse, PTSD, Disabled adults community by giving my testimony anytime. Thank you.
Advocating for Change ی., 10/29/2017
I would like to request permission to use your precede proceed diagram for my Doctor of Nursing (DNP) project that I will be doing for Georgetown University. I intend to use the diagram to demonstrate any correlation between new state legislation on opioid prescribing in the emergency department with provider knowledge, attitudes and practices.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kimberly Vanesko FNP-BC
پ., 10/26/2017
What advise do you have for folks who are trying to work on a community project, but need to keep a full time job in order to pay the bills.
Building Leadership پ., 10/26/2017
I want to start a mentoring/peer support business specifically in mental health and addictions recovery. Any help on program development or anything on how to get started is greatly appreciated.
Developing Strategic and Action Plans پ., 10/26/2017
I work with a non-profit that is categorized as a foundation. However, that limits our grant applications. How can we change our status? We seek grants, we cannot provide grants to other organizations.
د., 10/23/2017
If I buy the Training Curriculum will I get to use the online toolbox? ی., 10/22/2017
How to let people know that medicare is dropping arthritic knee injections per input from surgeons. This was included in Part B because it is injected by doctor in an office location. Surgeons state it is "not medically necessary." However, many of us find it very necessary and don't want, or can't consider, the surgery alternative. The plans are not being transparent and won't even discuss with doctor providers "until the patient has enrolled in the policy."

Please help get the word out so people can ask the plans for a straightforward answer.
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Advocating for Change
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
ش., 10/21/2017
good work we have a community porgram in kenya in need of funding how can we connect with resources by using the tool box we shall be glad for your responce
Writing a Grant Application for Funding س., 10/17/2017
How do you give focused advice to enhance practical application of this community toolbox?
ش., 10/14/2017
where is the templet for the GANTT chart? Improving Organizational Management and Development د., 10/09/2017
I hope this message finds you well. I am a director of a research org at Tufts and we do quite a bit of collaborative research. We have the rare opportunity to take on two nonproject specific RPPs in the coming months and have just completed initial retreat with each partner. My next step is to draft a vision agreement with each group largely capturing the mission, values, main activities and metrics to gauge impact. This is separate from any financial agreements that we'll draw with them. This document will also be important for us to have, to win internal buy-in in our networks/supervisors/funders, and to communicate what we are doing to our external audiences. I am writing to request help, specifically to see if you know of a really wonderful infographic template that i can use for this. I am looking for a one-page template that can then be used everywhere. I would ideally like this for free, but would consider a reasonable fee design professional who could do this, too. Thanks!
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships جمعه, 10/06/2017
described how a community development worker would treat private issues differently to public issues?
  • Building Leadership
  • Advocating for Change
پ., 10/05/2017
How did get the funding and launch the program for youth entrepreneurship. I am working with a nonprofit in Detroit that wants to start a youth entrepreneurship program this summer. Any best practices for fundraising, evaluation and intake of students would be appreciated.
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
چ., 10/04/2017
What would an APA style reference look like for using content from here? I cannot find all the information I need to reference your site
چ., 10/04/2017
I would like to develop a communications strategy? can the community toolbox help?
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
س., 10/03/2017
Where do I start if I want to use your tools for advocates for community change focusing on alternative solutions for health?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Advocating for Change
س., 10/03/2017
What can I do to start the process of a community- base project program at my community center. The center is in a rural area where jobs and resources are limited and there is a drug and alcohol problem with our youth. I want to help my community, but don’t know where I should put my energy.
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
پ., 09/28/2017
Good morning, I am Steven Jeggels, coach and chairperson of the Jeffreys Bay Surf Club in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa.

I was searching Google for Youth Leadership Course/Content and ended up at your website. Appreciate all the available content and advice on your site.

This got me thinking - what if I approach the Community Tool Box and request some guidance and input into our Learn to Surf programme we are implementing for less privilege youth (6 - 20 years) from my community in Pellsrus (about 30 000 residents) in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa.

We have been teaching kids how to surf for the last 15 years and had many success with many being selected to our national and provincial teams annually. However, we want to do more than teaching surfing and have researched many options to develop a leadership course for the boys and girls. Resources are limited in the region where we reside about this.

Can we perhaps knock on your door for guidance about this and maybe assist us with developing such a course for our youth from Pellsrus in Jeffreys Bay?

We are looking at an overall course that includes teachings about a life skills mentorship programme, supplementary literacy programme to improve English dialect and to spark an interest in reading.

Some time ago someone told us about The Five Pillars of a Stable Human Foundation programme that we must implement with our learn to Surf programme to improve behaviour, attitude and human value among our youth. I cannot find such a programme. Would be great if we can have such a programme!!

Anyway, please if you can respond to this request it will be much appreciated.

Steven Jeggels (Chairperson & Coach)
Jeffreys Bay Surf Club
Jeffreys Bay
Eastern Province
South Africa
Building Leadership پ., 09/28/2017
I am working for a neighborhood organization and part of my job is to reach out to the community and ask what future projects they would like to see. One of the ways we are planning on doing this is door knocking in the neighborhood. We will explain our organization, that we are looking for community input, and ask for their participation in our surveys. I read over your section on wind shielding and walking surveys and that was helpful. What I am wondering now is the best way to reach out to community members to get their participation in our survey. Do you have any advice on how to develop a door knocking script? Do you have a template? Thank you!
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
س., 09/26/2017
I am interested in where can I locate the following on your page

Identifying a need

Obtaining resources for those needs

Carrying out an actions plan to meet the needs
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
د., 09/25/2017
Hello, my name is Emma Villarreal, Community Health Worker and I'm enrolled in my first semester in the UIC School of Public Health. My question is; where do I find specific information about conducting a Chicago neighborhood community profile. For example questions; what are Public Health Challenges, economic overview, nutritional options in a particular neighborhood?
There are so many links that I feel lost in the search.

Thank you.
Emma Villarreal
پ., 09/21/2017
