استمارة البحث

Ask an Advisor Questions

Question Core Competency التاريخ
Sir/Madam,I am a teacher and professional counselor who lives in a community with a high illiteracy rate and yet many of the children do not attend school. It is my desire to establish a Community Counseling Center to help the people in my community. But my resources are limited. What should I do? I am a Ghanaian.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
جمعة, 09/12/2014
Hello, I am working on a brief on the topic of nonprofits communicating data to the public. In my outline I have three audiences: 1. peers, to sharing program and demographic data to strengthen the field; 2. Funders and policy makers, to change the operating environment; and 3. clients/community, for dual-directional evaluation and to empower them to take informed action of their own and to help explain nuances in program data. For my brief, I am wanting to write three case studies that describe a nonprofit's experience with each external communication method (one nonprofit for each topic). Do you have any ideas of nonprofits who have tried, or been successful at communicating back to their clients? For example, data walks, or community meetings where service providers provider an opportunity to weigh in on what was collected.

جمعة, 09/12/2014
I need help with writing a grant for my organization. Where do we start. Writing a Grant Application for Funding جمعة, 09/12/2014
In an organization, why develop training plan? Improving Organizational Management and Development خميس, 09/11/2014

My name is Kaitlyn Dixon and I am a Community health Education Intern with UAB Health Smart. UAB Health Smart works with minority health disparities and offers free of charge health screenings, nutrition consultations, and meetings with an exercise physiologist. We seek to educate the community and to offer preventative care that can reduce instances of disease as well as reduce health care costs for our clients.
One of our current efforts is to find new health education materials to offer to our clients regarding how to care for themselves before health issues even happen and to help them learn to manage disease once it has set in. We were wondering if you either had any free resources we could disperse or knew of any reliable health organizations that could offer such information for our clients.

Thank you for your time.
Kaitlyn Dixon
UAB Health Smart Community Health Intern
خميس, 09/11/2014
Good afternoon!

My name is Steven Charles and I work for the New York State Independent Living Council in Albany, NY. We are launching a new program that will be heavily reliant on social marketing and wondered if you could help us answer some questions based on your past experiences with social marketing campaigns.

Our program’s goal is to reach out to the 1,600,000 adults with disabilities in the State of New York. We are aiming to engage roughly 1% of this target population each year over a ten-year period to form a solid membership base of individuals who will be committed to advocacy efforts for the disabled community. Based on the figure stated above, we hope to engage 1,600 new members each year, and after ten years, a cumulative membership of 16,000.

We were just curious to know, based on your past experience with social marketing campaigns and advocacy efforts, if this seems like a reasonable goal, both for the first year and over the ten-year period. What sorts of change might we expect to see in our numbers from year to year?
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort ثلاثاء, 09/09/2014
When you might not want to apply for nonprofit and tax-exempt status How do you show proof for funders and others who might require proof of your exempt status.
اثنين, 09/08/2014
I'm having trouble navigating the web page. I'm trying to find info regarding different models.
*Epidemiological Model
*Public Health Model
*Social Model
*Asset Model

I admit I'm still overwhelmed with all the info, and haven't quite put all the pieces together at this time. Thanks for your help.
Developing a Framework or Model of Change جمعة, 09/05/2014
I'm writing for information regarding most effective approach to getting a public school bus transportation policy changed. Effective August 2014, the Seminole Public School System in Florida instituted a policy which makes students residing within 2 miles of the school ineligible for bus transportation. We are one of the families impacted and I'd like to know what can be done to change the policy.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Marisol Martinez
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
خميس, 09/04/2014

I was wondering if you were able to help me find organizations that allow me to help build self-sustaining communities. By this, I want to help build gardens for food, educate others on how to be involved, advise people that are struggling, and possibly gather data on practices to determine which ones are found to be most favorable in different climates. Any information that can allow me to apply even for an internship would be much appreciated. Thank you.
أربعاء, 08/27/2014
i work for a project that focuses on maternal, newborn and child health. the project ends in dec 2014, i would like to seek advice on how i can write a proposal for scaling up the project to other areas that were not included in the initial phase. what resources are there on this website that can help me to achieve this goal
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
أربعاء, 08/27/2014

I am an AmeriCorps VISTA service member working to "assess effectiveness of current food policy council mission, goals, and processes." I am to develop a tool to make the assessment. I feel that assessing the effectiveness of a council could be similar to assessing the effectiveness of a program, but it is also a little bit different. I am having trouble finding a set of best practices or tools that one can use specifically for evaluating councils or food policy councils. I found in the document Food Policy Councils: Lessons Learned that most food policy councils have not conducted self assessments. I am finding it difficult to gather resources for this. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you!
Evaluating the Initiative ثلاثاء, 08/26/2014
I work at a large local health department. We are interested in your curriculum on Cultural Competency. Do you provide training using that curriculum or can we use the curriculum in our organization?
Enhancing Cultural Competence ثلاثاء, 08/19/2014
I think the members of my non- profit organization need training in how to ask people to join our organization. The members tend to shy away from inviting people. I think they fear rejection. Any suggestions?
Increasing Participation and Membership ثلاثاء, 08/19/2014
I recently found out that I received credit for Math 115. At orientation I was told that someone would contact me to change my schedule to the next math class in my major (Finance). I was wondering what to do because I do not want or need to take Calculus again but I would like to keep my course load at 15 hours and it is recommended that I take all of my math classes consecutively until they are all completed.
أحد, 08/17/2014
I'm disabled by Lymes disease, fibromyaligia, chronic pheriphial neuro apathy, and more. I lost my daughter last year. Her children where staying with my sister. My sister claimed she couldn't afford to feed them and needed help, would i move in. So i did. She moved her daughter in with her boyfriend and three children. She moved my things into her garage. But, she kept my things she wanted. She won't allow me to see my grandchildren. Their father has custody and gets money from the state. But he hasn't raised them for five years. What can I do? I've already lost my daughter and it's bad enough she is stealing from me again. I need help Please.
سبت, 08/16/2014
We a new club (California Scholarship Federation/CSF) on campus that will be providing peer mentor tutoring in our library at San Lorenzo High School. We are looking to get certified or get help in ensuring our high school mentors are efficient and professional in helping the students learn effectively. Any help you can offer would be appreciated!!
Building Leadership جمعة, 08/15/2014
I write from nairobi Kenya. My concern is with the encroachment of developers into Nairobi (Kariokor) War Cemetery. This is a Second World War, now closed facility.
Kindly advice us on how to go about it wadding off land speculators as we endevour to guard this historic site.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Advocating for Change
  • Influencing Policy Development
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
ثلاثاء, 08/12/2014
Do you have any tools or recommended resources to assess access or gaps in care? My community is currently looking for a model or best practice to assist in our assessment. The information gathered in the assessment will be used to develop community initiatives specifically addressing this issue.
Thank You,
Lisa Marshall
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
اثنين, 08/11/2014





أحد, 08/10/2014
I want to do a work plan based on the topic:the information literacy skills university students need for academic writting. I really donot know where to start can you please give me a sort of draft to help me compare and be able to find so
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
سبت, 08/09/2014
Hello Community Tool Box,

First thank you for creating this amazing tool and platform, very inspiring!

And thank you for offering the Community Tool Box "Ask and Advisor" service.

I'm putting together a business model and want to explore incorporating Community Tool Box into the organization.

I would like your help evaluating how to apply the Community Tool Box platform to help train people in the fundamentals of becoming contributing digital journalists.

The concept is based on leveraging the 6 billion people that have access to mobile phones. A core component to the business is empowering people with their cell phones to share with the world what they See, record and stream on their phones and wireless devices.

At Democra-See we want to provide free training of people around the world to give them the skills, confidence and venue to share and report on democracy related events and discussions worldwide with their cell phones.

I believe Community Tool Box provides an excellent opportunity to collaborate with others for this purpose using your tools, resources and formula for success.

The business model is being formulated to allow the sharing of photographs, videos, audio, streaming, etc. Community Tools Box would be an ideal choice for providing curriculum and ongoing education in journalism and democracy.

I'm interested to create a method to train and provide incentives for individuals to actively create user generated content related to democracy.

Do you have the ability to confer with me on the potential applications of Community Tool Box for this venture?

Please let me know if we can schedule a phone consultation with your organization.

Thank you,

Dave McGirr
Democra-See Founder
(856) 581-0999
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Evaluating the Initiative
جمعة, 08/08/2014
what factors might have an effect on community leadership?
How would you resource and support community leaders and program?
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Building Leadership
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
خميس, 08/07/2014
My name is Chris Donnelly and I need help picking a few more classes. At the beginning of summer my parents and I agreed that I would be attending JCCC this year but recently they changed their minds and said I could come back to KU again this year! The only problem is that I can't remember all of the classes I needed to take this semester. Im currently enrolled in IST 202 and ACCT 200. If you could look at what classes I need to enroll in and let me know that would be great.
أربعاء, 08/06/2014
I am a 2nd year university student in Nairobi_Kenya
and I am interested in starting a youth mentoring program in high schools
what are some of the factors that i should consider before starting up the whole initiative?
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
جمعة, 08/01/2014
what do i have to do after planning my youth organization
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Building Leadership
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
اثنين, 07/28/2014
