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what do i have to do after planning my youth organization
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Building Leadership
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
اثنين, 07/28/2014
We are planning a half-day training for nonprofits in collaboration and would like to offer a substantial section on building trust. Could you recommend a speaker or trainer who is particularly adept in this aspect of collaboration? Prefer based in US - west coast. Thank you.
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships اثنين, 07/28/2014
How do I site your info? اثنين, 07/28/2014
Hello! I have a "lengthy issue" for which I am seeking your advice...... but first of all, I wish to thank you for the work you do. My name is Jacqueline A. Juhl, RDH, MSDH Candidate (double emphasis: Dental Hygiene Education and Dental Public Health). As a graduate student, I learned of your website and have continued to access it for work in my rural community to help form an oral health coalition. I currently teach at downtown Seattle dental hygiene baccalaureate program (quite the commute!) and teach a three part Community Oral Health Series, among other classes. I have encouraged my students to access your site in their course research and have provided them with links to specifics from your site in my PPTs. Thank you all so much for the great work you do!
My issue/question is this: I see such a gap in equity to access to oral health care in our present health care delivery system. Also, as we continue to establish credible oral-system disease interactions, the void in inter-professional oral health knowledge and education has promulgated a lack of oral care for hospitalized patients in our country, a void not seen in the UK and other countries globally. It is now established that the lack of oral care for hospitalized patients negatively impacts health outcomes, can precipitate additional cardio-vascular events, and costs patients thousands of dollars in additional hospitalization days. Together with a small group of "Alternative Practice" dental hygienists in Washington State and with my experience in hospital dentistry, and based on current research of disease processes, I hope to contribute to improving health care outcomes for all, including hospitalized patients. In my future doctoral work, and through other efforts, I hope convince hospital CEOs, Boards, and the public of the need to staff hospitals and emergency departments with advance practice dental hygiene professionals and dental hygienists as they do any other "therapist" as is currently done elsewhere globally. Oral disease prevention through education and skills training for both other healthcare disciplines and patients is essential. Can you advise me how best to convince hospital CEOs and Boards to recognize the evidence and open their minds and doors to this change in our current care delivery system? My alternative practice colleagues and I had begun some grassroots work with individual hospital CEOs and I have begun to broach the subject with my local rural hospital CEO who was a great help during my thesis research on Non-Traumatic Dental Complaint patient Emergency Department utilization. Your work on focus groups and advocacy has inspired me to even come to you with this issue. I hope you can advise me how best I can be a more effect advocate to gather momentum for this greatly needed workforce change which would significantly improve health outcomes and prevent future suffering. Thank you, once again. I hope to hear from you soon.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Advocating for Change
سبت, 07/26/2014
Hi, I am a student at a community college in Southern California and our sociology club will be hosting a conference and out them is Leadership...the leader in you or the power in you. We are searching for a keynote speaker to speak about, basically everything on the previous page: How To Become A Community Leader! Could you maybe point us in the right direction? Thanks for any help or advice you could give.
أربعاء, 07/23/2014
I work as a community development practitioner in zambia. Many times in my work times in my work, i come across several situations that carry interesting stories away from the main stream media show us. Are there realistic researchers or people that are interested in coming to capture these stories and document them? kindly provide links
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort أربعاء, 07/23/2014
Hello Advisor,

I am a graduate student in California and I am writing a thesis that focuses on planning a cultural competency workshop (4-5 hours) for community health workers. I could use guidance on how and where to start. I have been looking for information on how to plan a cultural competency workshop but the information is either dated or difficult to find. Thank you for your time and assistance!
Enhancing Cultural Competence أربعاء, 07/23/2014
How do I get started in Grant Writing? Can you offer any advice or resources for a Georgia resident.
  • Implementing a Social Marketing Effort
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
ثلاثاء, 07/22/2014
How do I start a harm reduction center/syringe exchange program in my city?
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Evaluating the Initiative
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
خميس, 07/17/2014
I need your help desperately. I am the secretary of my neighborhood association and my leadership has abandoned me to carry it by myself. I am the last remaining board member of the largest neighborhood association in my city. The association has imploded as a result of a councilman who has manipulated board members which led to the founder of the association want to dissolve the association. City by laws do not permit politicians to use neighborhood associations for political purposes, the problem is the councilman does not care about the city charter and is only interested in advancing himself. Tomorrow I will be having an exploratory community meeting where I will create a forum like environment that will allow the people of the community to provide input about their needs and the shape of the association. My other problem is nobody wants to volunteer to be a part of the board. This too I will be addressing at the meeting tomorrow. I need your guidance on how to address all the matters shared, my goal tomorrow is to engage the community in meaningful dialogue that recognizes the importance of their participation while sending a clear message that we will remain independent of political influence. I have told the councilman that we will not be having any speakers, he informed me then he will be there absolutely be there like it or not. I look forward to your advice and guidance.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Advocating for Change
أربعاء, 07/16/2014
Developing Strategic and Action Plans ثلاثاء, 07/15/2014
Can I have smart tools or the sample of writing output, purpose, goal level statements and indicators? I am development manager.
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Evaluating the Initiative
ثلاثاء, 07/15/2014
what is the price for the toolkits أحد, 07/13/2014
hi i am looking to find 10 reasons why it is important in the mentoring role not to be judgemental and to accept differences.
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
أحد, 07/13/2014
Who would like to be involved as a Board Member or Core Team member for a research project that involves a new community health and wellness paradigm system?

The PCORI, Patient Centered Outcomes Research Initiative, grant requires 501(c)3 status to apply. July 24-25 is a free PCORI grant workshop in Washington, DC so I am looking for qualified stakeholders that want to joint venture or Board members that have a passion and high level diverse talents to fine-tune and finish blooming the Wellness Wellness system.

As a Level 2 Humor Academy student through The Association of Applied and Therapeutic Humor, I must declare my research project by January 2015.

I have been a sole proprietor and visionary of the Wellness Weavers local to global community health and wellness system concept with a website to try to help others to understand.

I would like to combine the AATH research project and a PCORI grant to activate and research the Wellness Weavers community health and wellness paradigm.

My father passed away after expressing years of emotional support for my mission and concept and left me money to buy a campus of historic buildings to use for the pilot project.

To stretch the money God has blessed me with a series of volunteers that have been homeless and desired to end their cycle of poverty and substance abuse. It has been a symbiotic relationship program that is ready for the next level...more structure, real business people, and those that can engage all the stakeholders to come out of their silos and work efficiently together.

Most communities and families are affected by those issues in some way.

The Wellness Weavers paradigm is based on the principles of Eco-healthy quality early childhood learning and therapeutic humor to integrate health and wellness into a Community Service-Learning system that is reciprocal with other communities in the network.

The health forms and databases for the skills and resources and projects of volunteers and members were created 5 years ago during my Core Public Health course.

I am an "immigrant" of four years to Waterville and to date have not been able to engage local public health, educational, or religious systems to come see the facilities or to dialogue with me about the concept.

It is definitely time to find the Board and Core Team that see the wisdom and potential of the Wellness Weavers paradigm and investment.
They will have strengths in my weaknesses and we will share our passion for peaceful, creative stewardship of our health, our families, our communities, and resources.

If you are inspired to join me in this project or know someone who would be, please contact me to dialogue the best next action steps.
  • Building Leadership
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
أربعاء, 07/09/2014
Dear Sirs,
I need help to write grant proposal. I have a project in mind which I really want to acheive.
Would you please help me or introduce to someone who can help me to do so.

Kind regards,

Writing a Grant Application for Funding أربعاء, 07/09/2014
Good afternoon,
I am writing on behalf of FuseSocial which is a non-profit organization (we say social profit  ) in Wood Buffalo Region that exists to strengthen the capacity of local social profits.
We have found your online tool an amazing resource – so much to take advantage of. Thank you for kindly sharing it.
There is another challenging area that we have encountered with social profits and would like to ask for your advice. Due to non-profit activity specifics, as you certainly know, Human resource management can be very challenging as:
- The level of burnout is high
- Environment can be quite frustrating and challenging
- Clear benchmarks are difficult to achieve.
Keeping this in mind we wanted to ask if you had anything on “Work and life balance”, “Personal leadership and importance of self-care” (that is so often overlooked by non-profit workers), Benchmarking and results measurement in non-profits.

Would be happy to receive and informational tips.
Thank you,

Evaluating the Initiative اثنين, 07/07/2014
Please assist me with building a Porfolio of Evidence on the following Subject: Conduct learning experience design for Two learning facilitation sessions in which you use different learning facilitation methods each time. Provide me with documentation that will assist to compile my POE.
Evaluating the Initiative خميس, 07/03/2014

I am a volunteer organiser of a community garden in London, England and I wonder if you can advise me as to quality of survey done by MEMO, the not-for-profit management organisation of the housing estate on which I lam a leaseholder and resident. Recently the management organisation decided to lock the gates to our community garden based on complaints about 'antisocial behaviour' from a handful of local residents. The antisocial behaviour amounted to nothing more than a few visitors to the garden forgetting to take their litter away with them.

MEMO justified their decision by saying it surveyed the 150 residents overlooking the garden as to whether they wanted it to be gated and locked. They did not consult the gardening group themselves as they knew we all opposed to the idea.

The letter was put through the doors of every resident overlooking the garden but without explanation as to why. it read as follows:

Do you want the gates to the community garden to be locked? (tick as appropriate)

Yes lock them

No, leave them unlocked

6 out of 150 forms were returned and all from people who wanted the garden locked. on this basis they made the decision to lock the garden. This seems to me to be wrong as those he did not return the form would have had no idea why they were even being asked.

All the gardeners will be given keys but we are still unhappy with this outcome because it goes against the whole ethos of a community garden and will prevent spontaneous visits by, residents, members of the public and school children.

I wondered if there is any best practice model of consultation that you could show me that I could then present to MEMO in the hope that they would re-do the survey. I would be grateful for any advice you could give me in this matter.

Kind regards, Valerie
Assessing Community Needs and Resources ثلاثاء, 07/01/2014
Hi, my name is Lisa and I am a communications/PR major at Cal State Fullerton. I am interning for the CSUF School of Nursing and they want me to find a good internal strategic communication plan for their department. It can be through a school or business and while looking at your website I found you gave a lot of great information and suggestions. I was hoping you could either knew of one, or could help me find one.
Thank you in advance for your time,
Lisa Maltbie

  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
ثلاثاء, 07/01/2014
My name is Mahawa Komala I am from Liberia (West Africa) I want to establish in my community, but i have no knowledge no how to start the process. Please I need an adviser to educate me on how to being the process.

Note: I am just a high school graduate impending college but I have interested in developing my community and education youth on some major issues regarding our communities and health.

خميس, 06/26/2014
I need to create a volunteer orientation program that is interactive and can be accessed online. Are there free software programs or websites that you know of that would allow me to design such a thing?
أربعاء, 06/25/2014
Does Community Tool Box offer planning and assessment for substance abuse program development? What are the steps involved?
أربعاء, 06/25/2014
In forming a youth organization, do we need to be recognized by the state? will we need paper works? How are we going to open a bank account and will that account be subject to taxes?
أحد, 06/22/2014
How can I set up a foundation for a brother that lost is life in a car crash in Nigeria. He was alive after the accident however he was stuck in the car for several hours without any emergency services or police. After he was brought out a few hours later he was then placed on the road side were he bleed to death.
أربعاء, 06/18/2014
If I were to reference this source, what would it be referenced as in APA? Thanks!
اثنين, 06/16/2014
I work for a community benefit district and we are looking to hold a community meeting regarding renewing our taxing district. Can you give me any resources or good places to start in terms of planning a community meeting that successfully engages property owners in the neighborhood?
خميس, 06/12/2014
Can an organization that has an advocacy role on ...ie issues, rights and challenges for seniors......................apply for grants and take money from federal or provincial agencies that have grants for seniors...........................
Advocating for Change اثنين, 06/09/2014
