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Is it possible to get an electronic copy or hard copy of the entire book on "step by step guidance in community building skills" as contained in the community toolbox
خميس, 03/13/2014
Looking at setting up a social skills workshop for child and youth workers and educational assistant's not sure what to charge for this type of workshop. Needs some fee guidelines.
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
خميس, 03/13/2014
Looking to establish and network to incorporate my youth program
as well as expand horizons. Where do I begin?
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships خميس, 03/13/2014
What grants are available that focus on retention and graduation of first-generation college students?
Writing a Grant Application for Funding أربعاء, 03/12/2014
i have to prepare a press kit. i have to include a log sheet . i dont quiet understand what a log sheet is . please explain
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
ثلاثاء, 03/11/2014
I am looking for is a possible template how do decisions get made in a collaborative setting. So if two people are trying to decide about an issue an both voices have equal "power" but their ideas are not in alignment would you know of a process you can use to work through that.

I am envisioning that it could be a set of questions like:
What is best for the organization? Is it covered in the budget? Does it match the the organization's mandate? Is it ethical?
But not sure - was wondering if you have something on this
Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships اثنين, 03/10/2014
How to write a letter of invitation to agency and individual honorees? Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships أحد, 03/09/2014
why can a cummunity be unable to perceive problems or not consider them priority issues that needed to be addressed?
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Influencing Policy Development
أحد, 03/09/2014
When collecting signatures for a petition, it is unclear to me where I am aloud to collect the signatures. For example, do I need to ask permission to collect in a plaza parking lot? Is it ok for someone to chase me off of convocation center grounds? What about a state park?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Advocating for Change
جمعة, 03/07/2014
I have been researching and formulating MCOTS Modular Community Owned Transit Systems for a good while. In community Toolbox it is like having someone with a masters in community organizing. Would it be possible to work with an Advisor that can help me become We?

to get the pilot phase of capital investments done and paid off in 4-8 months with each community of 5,000 having $25,000,000 equity and [most/all] workers in the community can save $10,000 a year in commuting and not be landlocked to employment opportunities. these MCOTS cover a 60 mile radius.
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
جمعة, 03/07/2014
My name is Dean Goddard from BC and have been investing in a property for sustainable long term care and am now ready to move to the next phase.

We grow food of outstanding quality with no pesticides, fungicides, or fertilizers. We have purchased a 23 acre ranch in Barriere, just North of Kamloops which has exceptional water and air quality. Last year we grew over 30 crops and realized about 4 tons of food, as a test and preparation of the fields. This year we would like to begin sharing the message to Canadian communities so we can begin developing the core group of individuals to start-up and operate. We have acquired the lands and invested over $200,000 to prepare the property for this intent. Now we need to complete the addition to the main home and start with a core group of individuals.

It is hoped this gives some idea of the multiple benefits of rural community care. It improves local farm land while also helping in a meaningful way to care for the aging population. We are however in need of determining the most effective retired individuals to form the core group. This requires great thought and effort to ensure the core group has similar emotional intelligence thinking, yet also has the complementary skills needed to start up and operate the facility. Loneliness and poverty are becoming epidemics while many others are yearning for a simple, active, and healthy way of life.

We are hoping to attract 100 seniors for this special event , and be able to have 5 seniors committed to our growth and expansion. This group would then be responsible for the 1-5 year plans while slowly expanding the senior and worker base. The first year will consist of 5 senior members and 3 co-workers (1 cook). The second year is planned for 9 seniors and 4 co-workers. Year 3 is to rezone and build additional dwellings surrounding the main facility which will house those needing 24 hour care and include the main dining room, theater room, and library.

We are starting our vegetable production with a June planting so we would like to have the special event on the Ranch for July 1st.

If you have any suggestions they are appreciated.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
جمعة, 03/07/2014
Hi, I would like to cite Section 8. Identifying and Analyzing Stakeholders and Their Interests, but can't find all of the relevant information for citation. Can you provide citation information, so I can use your information in my assignment?
جمعة, 03/07/2014
I am writing a speech on culture and how it contributes to our social identity. I came across this site and found useful information. I, however, would like help in citing this resource. Is there a particular name or organization I should use in citing your cite?
خميس, 03/06/2014
I am writing a speech on culture and how it contributes to our social identity. I came across this site and found useful information. I, however, would like help in citing this resource. Is there a particular name or organization I should use in citing your cite?
Enhancing Cultural Competence خميس, 03/06/2014
What does it mean geographic and social boundaries in which a community exists? أربعاء, 03/05/2014
I am disable I get around in a power wheelchair.
Whenever I go get my food at a place the only wheelchair access they have is inside the store when I go in the store it is so crowded in there I can hardly move around in there and then the area is so small the tables that they have put in there for people to dine-in are wide due to the place being so small can anything be done about this?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Advocating for Change
ثلاثاء, 03/04/2014
Is it best when beginning the strategic planning process to have an outside facilitator or have the division head lead the process?
Developing Strategic and Action Plans ثلاثاء, 03/04/2014
Hi, i would like to know if you have any sample exercises to teach and engage the class in a lecture about empowerment evaluation? meaning if there is an exercise they can do in order to get a sense of what is empowerment evaluation..
Evaluating the Initiative سبت, 03/01/2014
I am working on women empowerment project through livelihood and education. can you provide useful faculty, students or program that would be useful to meet and learn.
جمعة, 02/28/2014
I would like to know more about online courses available? free online courses preferable, and do you provide certificate after completion of these free online courses.
جمعة, 02/28/2014
How do I get the residents to come to our resident meeting that's downstains in the building?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
خميس, 02/27/2014
Do you have any ideas on volunteerism at Senior Centers? If so, what type of volunteer service would you suggest?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
ثلاثاء, 02/25/2014
I am looking to come up with an action plan to focus on reducing the rates of diabtetes in racial and ethnic minorities in my county and I am not sure where to start. Please advise.

Thank you
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
  • Developing an Intervention
خميس, 02/20/2014
Hello CTB,

I am an research intern for a developing community health coalition. There seems to be a wealth of information on human resources and organizational structure. However, there seems to be a lack of information regarding the physical resources that a community coalition needs to house these human resources. If your organization could refer me to research regarding the concrete physical resources (I.E. space to have meetings in, space to store disaster relief or prevention materials, other material resources), or a sort of model supply logistics chain for health coalition building, it would be instrumental to our planning.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
أربعاء, 02/19/2014
May an elected director of a corporation use his title when sending written communication when such action is contrary to official policy of the elected board? Does such use of his/her title imply board approval?

Thank you.
Analyzing Problems and Goals ثلاثاء, 02/18/2014
Hello my name is Vanessa and I'm working on an Activism Project in my Community Psychology class. I'm passionate about homelessness in Chicago and what to help improve the situation whether it be affordable housing, more shelters, etc. I'm not sure where to begin, however. Any guidance would be appreciated.
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Advocating for Change
اثنين, 02/17/2014
Hello. Who do I speak to about a school principal not providing chairs for the elderly to sit in a gymnasium? We are playing basketball at a public school and there are no bleachers or seats in the gym and the principal is denying any chairs to come into the gym. She is also not providing chairs at the gym. Please advise. Thanks.
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Advocating for Change
جمعة, 02/14/2014
