4. الخطوط العريضة المزوّدة بروابط إلى الأدوات

A Framework for Promoting Child Well-Being.

Community Health Partnership Program Logic Model (Insurance and Service)

Overview of Logic Model and Strategies for the Kansas City-Chronic Disease Coalition to Reduce Health Disparities

Calhoun County Health Improvement Program Logic Model

Preventing Infant Mortality: State-level, State-systems level, Safe sleep, and Access to Health Care and Social Supports Logic Models

Latino Health for All Logic Model/Framework

A Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in Education in Kenya

A Strategic Framework for Improving Racial/Ethnic Minority Health and Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities

Logic Model for a Youth Mental Health Intervention in a Palestinian Refugee Camp

Logic Model for the Theory of Change: People, Parks and Power National Funding Initiative.