Example 8: Preventing Infant Mortality: State-level, State-systems level, Safe sleep, and Access to Health Care and Social Supports Logic Models

Preventing Infant Mortality: State-level, State-systems level, Safe sleep, and Access to Health Care and Social Supports Logic Models

Contributed by: Kansas Blue Ribbon Panel on Infant Mortality


In 2008, alarmed by the disproportionally high mortality rate among children in their first year of life that Kansas had experienced in recent years, the Governor’s Child Health Advisory Committee formed a special “blue-ribbon” panel of child care providers, public health advocates and medical professionals to examine the issue.

Through their work, the Panel has determined several areas on which to focus to decrease the infant mortality rate and created detailed logic models for each of those areas, which can be accessed by clicking the link above. The overall logic model concentrates on improving practices and conditions at the state level to assure healthy babies for all Kansans through collaborative action for enhanced services, community support, and policy advocacy.  The logic model encompasses the Context / Conditions of the situation, Risk / Protective Factors involved, Recommended Intervention Components and Activities, and Outcomes.  Additionally, there are three sub-logic models, which focus on: strengthening state systems, increasing safe sleep practices, and enhancing access to health care and social supports.

They have also included a glossary and acronyms list, and a list of additional resources.

Click here to view the logic models developed by the Kansas Blue Ribbon Panel on Infant Mortality.