Clifford R. O'Donnell (Ph.D., University of Kentucky), Professor of Psychology, serves as Director of the Community and Cultural Concentration at the University of Hawai‘i's Department of Psychology. He is a Fellow in the Society of Community Research and Action (APA Division 27), former Chair of the Council of Program Directors in Community Research and Action, and a member of the Scientific Board of The Melissa Institute for the Prevention and Treatment of Violence. His interests are in juvenile delinquency, social networks, cultural compatibility, and programs for at-risk youths. Recent publications are on the topics of delinquency prevention, school violence, youth mentoring, cultural community psychology, and employment opportunities in community psychology. His most recent books are Culture, Peers, and Delinquency (2003) and Culture and Context in Human Behavior Change: Theory, Research, and Applications (2005) with Lois Yamauchi. He received recognition from the Melissa Institute for his “Dedication and Support” in the prevention of violence (1998) and an award from the Council of Program Directors in Community Research and Action for his “Outstanding Contributions to Training and Education in Community Research and Action” (2001). He served as President of the Society of Community Research and Action (APA Division 27) for 2004-2005.