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Question: how do I find what kind of activities there are for teens to keep them busy on weekends or summer vacation.

Good morning LouAnn, and thanks for contacting CTB.

The first place to start is by contacting youth-serving and recreation organizations in your area to find out: (1) What activities are already available, and (2) What additional activities need to be developed.  As you look at the latter question, it will be very important to survey neighborhood teens and find out what activities they really want and will help with.  Depending on where you live, the local United Way may be able to help locate activities.  Many United Way organizations maintain "211" telephone and websites that list youth-serving and recreational resources.

Within CTB, please click on our Learn a Skill graphic near the top of the page and then on Table of Contents.  Chapters 3, 4, and 5 will be relevant.  Chapter 22 on Youth Mentoring also may be relevant.  Please look over the entire Table of Contents to determine whether other chapters may be relevant.

Thanks for asking, and best wishes.

Question Date: Fri, 09/26/2014