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Question: I am interested in starting an organization in my town to provide community members, especially families, outreach opportunities, as well as cultural education seminars/workshops for children roughly 4-10yrs old.

I covet any suggestions, feedback, direction that could come my way regarding this endeavor. I am headed to look through your toolkits now and over the weekend will be working on firming up the mission/vision of the organization and hopefully drawing a crystal clear line showing how cultural awareness/understanding goes hand in hand with community service. Something like if people know more about each other, they feel more connected and are more willing to give...

I live in a VERY affluent community, very white, very much lacking diversity and community service and I would like to see these two things grow and thrive here and need as much help as I can get building a case, finding funding, connecting community service and cultural education, etc....

So I am off to read everything I can now on your website and if it works for someone to call me I would be ever so grateful.

Thank you!!

Hi Jocelyn.  Thanks for contacting CTB.

Unfortunately, CTB offers online resources only, so I can't call you.  It sounds like you are off to a good start in terms of building a case and process one step at a time.  I will check off some sections below that might be of assistance.  Your description of your community suggests that you might start talking to other neighbors soon, to locate some allies willing to join in your effort.  When you develop a written preliminary plan/strategy, be sure to label it "Draft," because other allies will have ideas and suggest changes that will strengthen both the plan and their willingness to be involved as they are heard and incorporated in the ultimate strategy.  You will need involved allies.

I hope this is helpful and best wishes for success in your initiative.

Question Date: Fri, 09/26/2014