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Question: Hello, I am searching for a training around community organizing. Our organization uses your Community Toolbox and we are currently looking at ways to expand our offerings around community organizing.

It is great to hear that your organization uses the Community Toolbox and that you have found the toolbox helpful. As you look to expand your offerings on community organizing, you will likely find that the internet is becoming a great resource in bringing together community organizing training materials. In addition to the materials at the Community Toolbox, you will find other resources that may be helpful depending on who you hope will participate in the training, how much experience they have had with community organizing, whether the training will be "live" or will use the web/internet, and what topics will be the focus of the organizing. Below are a few suggestions that might be helpful.

1. The website of the Center for Community Change ( includes a paper "Community Organizing: People Power from the Grassroots" by David Beckwith with Christina Lopez. The paper does a great job of summarizing key issues under the headings "Four Strategies," "What is Community Organizing?", "The Principles of Community Organizing", "The Ten Rules of Community Organizing", and "Developing an Action Strategy."

2. Community Organing Toolkit (found at describes the game (available in Spanish and English) as a "set of resources that supports face-to-face training for residents and leaders. Lots of interesting info here.

3. This website includes eight workshop curricula (they look interesting!) designed to introduce youth to community organizing.

Question Date: Wed, 11/18/2015