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Question: I wanna open a group for young girls who live in difficult situation and having bad relationship. how can i start it. i want it to be known world wide.

From your question it sounds like you are seeing first hand the challenges that young girls are encountering, and you see the need for a group that would be helpful to young girls. Your question is about how to start such a group. Many of the resources in the Community Toolbox are designed to help people think through the issues you have raised: how to identify a problem, how to decide what might help with the problem, how to get started coming up with a solution, how to find funding for that solution/intervention, and how to know if the intervention is having the hoped-for impact.

Some of the parts of the toolkit that might be especially of interest to you in terms of problem solving are:

*Assessing Community Needs and Resources (#2): you might find, for example, that someone in your community has already started a group and might be very interested in working together.

*Analyzing Problems and Goals (#3): here you will find great resources for analyzing the situation and thinking through various ideas for what might be helpful as a group/program.

*Developing a framework or model for change (#4)

*Developing an intervention (#7)

*Evaluating the Initiative (#12)

*Writing a grant proposal for funding (#14): I've found that people often have great ideas for programs that they start but then they wear themselves out and can no longer be helpful to others because trying to keep the program going does them in. Good programs need funding (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot) or in kind support and if the funding isn't available, the program may have a short life. Just when youth get used to the program being there as an important source of support, it disappears which furthers the sense youth have that nothing can be counted on. So, it is important to have a plan to take care of yourself and the program so that it can continue to meet the needs it was set out to serve.

I hope that your work on this important problem goes well and you find that you are able to make a difference in the lives of young girls.



Question Date: Fri, 11/20/2015