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Question: what types of questions should be asked when calling a foundation for grants?

Hello Celinda, thank you for coming to us with this question. It will all come down to your needs, what you hope to achieve, and the foundation’s objective and target. The foundations usually have a set of guidelines and criteria for their grants, some focused while other broader, that you can find on their websites and applications. Therefore, it is extremely important to do your research about the foundation before contacting them; about their objective, target group, type of funding, past projects, and criteria/guidelines for their grants. You may, then, contact the foundation with any unanswered question or concern, if the information was not available on their page.
We provide more information about grant writing, grant resources, searching for and contacting foundations, as well as examples and other resources and tools. The links bellow can assist you highlighting some points on the topic:
Chapter 42: Section 4. Applying for a Grant: The General Approach : /en/table-of-contents/finances/grants-and-financial-res...
Toolkit 14. Writing a Grant Application for Funding: /en/writing-grant-application
Good luck with your grand, let us know how it goes. 

Question Date: Wed, 01/20/2016