Hello! Thank you for submitting your question!
This sounds like a great project and you have a good plan for making sure everyone stays on the same page as you move forward. One thought is to use a modified theory of change or logic model to graphically represent vision, mission, values and other aspects of your shared efforts. What you’re describing might fit into a theory of change model in that you appear to be trying to illustrate how you believe you’ll achieve your goals – and not just on a programmatic level as would be the case with a traditional logic model.
Check out the section on theory of change/logic models on the Community Tool Box at /en/table-of-contents/overview/models-for-community-health-and-development/logic-model-development/main
Or, another good resource is the University of Wisconsin – Extension Program Development and Evaluation’s webpage on logic models. It includes several templates that may be helpful. Here’s the link: https://fyi.uwex.edu/programdevelopment/logic-models/
I’m not sure that creating a theory of change or logic model is exactly what you had in mind. But it seems like it might be a starting point for something you could modify to fit your needs.
Best wishes in your efforts!